19: mistakes

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I noticed a lot of people were making out now, and doing some other suggestive movements with people of the opposite sex. They were pressed against kitchen countertops and in the corners of rooms. I laughed, feeling the need to kiss someone myself. After all, was it even a highschool party if you didn't hook up with a random?

I found brunet-boy from earlier in the tub. He was smoking a joint in one of the downstairs rooms with a couple other guys and girls. "Come dance with me!" I cheered loudly, and he drunkenly agreed.

"Low" by Flo Rida began pulsing through the speakers. Everyone seemed to know the words to it, and I was eager to learn. Brunet boy, who I later learned was named Drake, danced with me the most. We did some interesting moves together, but I was way too out of it to notice how provocative they were.

Then I did something that sober-Sasha would never even think of in her life. I pulled his head toward mine and kissed him. It was short, and more of an in-the-moment thing, but nevertheless I enjoyed it.

Damn, drunk-Sasha was freakier than I thought.

He clearly enjoyed it too, because he pulled me closer and we continued dancing. We ended up in a position where he was behind me and I had my back to him, with his hands tracing my body. It was a good feeling, in all honesty. I was having the time of my life.

On one side of the room, I Rebecca cheered loudly from across the room, and I saw her getting picked up by a guy she was dancing with. He threw her over his shoulder and she screamed happily, holding up her cup and taking another big swig.

On the other side of the house I saw Summer yelling "Chug! Chug! Chug!" as a boy I recognized to be popular emptied a bottle of beer into his mouth.

But then I spotted Damian. A really pretty girl had her arms around his neck and was pressed up against him. He looked kind of uninterested, but I couldn't be sure. However I saw his eyes scanning the room, looking for someone.

"Sasha, its your turn!" Summer called out, snapping me from my thoughts. I laughed and ran over to her, dragging Drake behind me. The kid who'd been chugging passed me a bottle of something. I began to feel a little nervous, wondering if I would embarrass myself If I couldn't finish it.

"Chug!" Everyone chanted, and I felt the pressure even more. Here goes nothing.

I lifted the bottle to my lips and tasted the bitter liquid. Thank God I was drunk enough not to mind the taste. However the amount of liquid I needed to consume was a lot.

Midnight had forced me through hundreds of excruciating exercises, I could finish off one simple bottle of alcohol, right?

My gaze drifted to Damian as I drank. He was glaring at me, a look that reminded me of a disappointed parent. This made me want to finish the bottle even more. Screw him for judging me! I was allowed to enjoy myself for once.

And so, without breaking eye-contact with him, I successfully drank the rest of the liquid until the bottle was empty. Then I smashed it back down on the countertop and let out a loud cheer. "I thought this was meant to be a challenge!" I yelled, and the teens around me cheered back.

"Hell yeah!" Summer shouted. Drake picked me up from behind and place me on his shoulders, holding me up like a champion. This caused the cheers to grow even louder. I felt so appreciated in that moment. Why had I been so worried that everyone would hate me? They loved me!

I turned my head to look at Damian, who pulled the girl's arms off his neck and stormed off. He looked mad, but I didn't care. What was he so concerned about, anyway? I was perfectly under control.

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