06: a new home

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I sat in the backseat of a very posh mercedes. It was black, sleek and shiny, a kind of luxury I had never enjoyed before.

The seats were soft and felt expensive. I slid over to the window seat and Bruce Wayne got into the passenger side. An old man wearing a tuxedo sat behind the wheel.

"Good afternoon, Master Bruce and Miss Sasha," the man said, looking at me through the rear-view mirror. "I'm Alfred Pennyworth, Master Bruce's butler. Please call me Alfred."

I nodded but did not reply. I was feeling quite nervous for some reason. I had never met these men before and it felt strange being in this expensive car.

"Alfred, Sasha will be staying with us until another home can be arranged," Bruce told his butler.

Alfred started the car and began to drive. "I look forward to getting to know you, Miss Sasha," he smiled.

I felt a little more relaxed after that, and leaned my head on the window. It was raining outside, so i watched the droplets slide down the glass and gather at the sill.

Outside on the street stood civilians with raincoats and umbrellas. A couple sat at a coffee shop and enjoyed a meal together, while a dog ran across the pavement, pulling a little girl behind him with his leash.

After a while, we'd moved away from the busy streets of Gotham and edged closer to the quiet suburbs.

"We're here," Bruce announced, and I sat up quickly. I had been so distracted by the scenery that I didn't even realize how long we'd driven for.

Alfred opened the car door for me and I stepped out. What I was met with was beyond anything I'd ever seen.

A huge mansion, even bigger than Midnight, sat before me. We had driven through large, black gates into a courtyard with a fountain in the middle and neatly-trimmed hedges along the side. Alfred led us to the large front door and we headed inside.

It was even better on the inside then on the out...

The foyer was beautiful, with two grand staircases leading up to an open balcony above. The floors and walls were a stunning white marble material. There seemed to be hundreds of hallways and rooms connected to this area, and I wondered how long it would take me to visit all of them.

"Boys!" Bruce yelled up the stairs, the noise echoed through the huge foyer.

It was so amazing here. I had a feeling I would enjoy my time at this place.

Wait, boys?

The serenity of the room was interrupted when the sound of several footsteps cascaded down the stairs. I looked up and my eyes widened as four boys of different ages headed towards Bruce. They stared at me and suddenly I felt nervous again.

"Boys, this is Sasha, the girl I was telling you about? Sasha will be staying here with us for the time being," he said and gave me a sideways smile.

The tallest one, a guy with dark brown hair and an attractive smile stepped toward me.

"Hi, I'm Richard. You can call me Dick, though," he told me and shook my hand eagerly. It felt weird shaking someone's hand, I had never done that before.

"Hey," I mumbled back.

Why was I so shy all of a sudden? Everything was so overwhelming.

"I'm Jason," the second guy said.

He looked about 18, and he had dark hair with a strand of white at the front. It was an odd style, but he was also very attractive and he could pull it off.

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