34: final battle

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Damian's P.O.V:

I turned and saw my monster of a mother strutting across the gruesome wreckage of at least 50 dead assassins. She kicked a limb out of the way and somehow made it look graceful.

With a smile that could combat the Joker's, mother said, "Now where do you think you're going, Damian?"

There was a number of assassins escorting her as she moved toward me. I knew Sasha wasn't budging, she looked seconds away from passing out. Her skin was hot and sweaty and her body was shaking violently. I had a feeling there were some stages of blood poisoning occurring from one of her stab wounds.

It looked bad.

Knowing I wouldn't be going anywhere with her like this, I slowly rose to my feet. Jason's pistol lay a couple feet away on the floor. If mother made a move, I knew I would snatch it up instantly and fire.

But Talia wasn't looking excessively violent tonight. She placed a hand on one of the younger assassin's shoulders, one she'd been keeping awfully closer than the rest.

It was strange of her to do that. Something was wrong.

Mother's eyes scanned the bodies surrounding her. "You know, Damian, you really do never cease to amaze me. I wasn't sure if you still had it in you after all that time away from the light. But now I see that the real Damian Al Ghul is still in there after all."

Although I tried to be in control of my emotions, I couldn't stop my jaw from tightening.

"It's Wayne, actually," I corrected.

"Damian Wayne."

Mothers smile dimmed slightly. "Call yourself what you like, it doesn't take away from the fact that you, my boy, are just as cold hearted as I remember."

There was something in the way she said that that struck a nerve in me. I didn't know why, I was used to people calling me all sorts of cruel words. It had never bothered me before, yet all of a sudden I was feeling extremely irritated at what Talia had said.

You are just as cold-hearted as I remember.

Am I...?

I heard a hiss coming from the Batwing. The glass encasing the cockpit opened up to reveal my father, clad in his Batman suit, standing tall on the ledge of the jet.

"Stand down, Talia. This has gone on long enough."

Talia placed a hand on her hip, eyes drifting to my father. "Actually, we've only just begun,
Bruce. Damian has so much potential to be explored, and i won't allow you to waste it on rescuing simpletons from those pathetic criminal freaks running around Gotham in colourful costumes."

Bruce's glare only deepened. "We had an agreement."

Talia shook her head. "We had. Unfortunately that agreement has expired now that the League is very much rebuilt and ready for my son to inherit."

"This is insane, mother," I spat, unable to control my anger anymore. "Do you realize just how much damage you're causing? All these assassins dead, wasted just from keeping me here. You think I won't give up trying to escape? You'll lose every last one of your soldiers. You said it yourself, Talia: the real damian is still in me, the one who was just as cold hearted as before."

Talia nodded her head slightly. "That's all very true, Damian. But you know i'd do anything, no matter how many lives spent, to give you the life I know you deserve."

She gestured to the assassin beside her. "Take my friend here, agent #317. I'm quite certain you boys have met before. You don't, by any chance, happen to know a Flynn Owens?"

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