31: just like old times

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Dick's POV:

When I arrived at Gotham Academy and found that Damian and Sasha weren't waiting for me outside, I knew something was wrong.

When I noticed the mysterious absence of students and teachers on the school campus, I also knew something was wrong.

And then, when I made my way toward the library and found that the window had been smashed inwards with some sort of miniature explosive, I most definitely knew that something was very, very wrong.

"Bruce..." I spoke into the phone, my worried tone telling him everything he already needed to know. It was fifteen past five, and I was meant to be driving the two young teens home by now.

He paused, and I could practically hear the glare in his eyes. "What happened?"

I didn't know exactly, but I had my suspicions, and I knew that he shared those exact suspicions.

"They're gone," was all I said.

Silence for a minute. I almost thought he'd hung up.

"Talia," Bruce's voice cut through the air like the worlds sharpest blade; a deep and frightening growl.

Not even ten minutes later, we were clambering into the seats of the Batwing, fully dressed and ready to launch some kind of assault on Bruce's ex-girlfriend and her army.

Tim and Jason had hurried over in an instant, knowing that whenever there was an emergency involving Damian and his mother, it was serious.

Dead serious.

We'd been in this situation many times before. Talia had tried to influence her son in the past by showing up out of nowhere and launching a surprise attack on him during the middle of the night. Usually, she'd just come to check up on him, or to try and lure him away from Bruce and the superhero life.

Hell, she'd even tried to get Deathstroke to kill me for "corrupting" Damian. For turning him "good," or whatever the hell her reasons where. But she'd never actually kidnapped him before, or atleast definitely not successfully.

Plus, Sasha was with her. And what on earth could she possibly want with her?

"Deathstroke," Batman informed me, eyes glued to the front window as the jet sped like lightning through the air.

"What do you mean?" Jason questioned from the back. "I thought Talia hated him."

"They're working together," Bruce said. "He's been helping her rebuild the League. Whether she hates him or not is irrelevent. She's using him as an ally, for now, and he wants Sasha back."

I was so confused. "But where are they taking them?"

"Where do you think?" Tim chimed in, being the insanely smart little detective that he was. "Obviously back to the league. they've got it up and running again and they want their psycho assassin kids to join them there."

Jason muttered, "And here I was thinking our family was complicated."

"Yeah, well, speak for yourself. it was date night for me and Kori again. Why is that you guys always end up kidnapped when i'm meant to be with her?"

"Oh, so you think you're the only one with plans tonight? Jason began. "Bro, I was meant to be at fight club an hour ago."

All heads turned his way as Tim and I's voices spoke in unison, "What?"

"Stay focused," Bruce snapped, causing us to stiffen at the harshness in his tone. I knew he was stressed -- I was good at reading him like that. I'd known him the longest out of all my brothers and sisters, which gave me an advantage of sorts. I knew when he was in a good mood or a bad one. The rest just had to hope for the best.

Scared of the Dark || Damian Wayne x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon