13: summer

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School the next day was tiring.

I couldn't believe the boys had to go to movie premiers, showcases, parties, and galas every week and still manage to pull through school the next morning. It seemed so exhausting to me.

Although, I guessed that Midnight made us do some crazy things at night, too. It was hard completing training courses by 2 am, then being expected to be up and running laps at 4:30 each morning. I was used to it there, but after the peacefulness of my new life, I wasn't accustomed to late nights like that anymore.

The school day dragged on as it normally did. I found my classes quite easy, especially math now that Damian was helping me understand the difficult parts. He was a surprisingly good tutor, who would've thought.

I hung out with Rebecca at lunch and taught her some self defense moves. My excuse for knowing them was that I practiced karate, which wasn't a total lie. She thought it was so cool that I could fight properly. If only she knew the whole truth behind it, I'm sure she wouldn't have been nearly as impressed.

Damian got in trouble again for breaking a kid's nose. The boy had tried to start something with him, and it hadn't ended well. Damian has serious anger issues, so it was mostly the kids fault for triggering him. Especially with his violent history and all.

God knows where he learnt to throw a left hook like that, though.

I had gym class in the last period of the day. I always enjoyed that class because I got to be active. School was a big change from Midnight, having to sit at a desk for most of the day rather then going over intense combat techniques and running dangerous training courses. Gym class was the only time where I could move my body and have fun.

At least, that's what I'd thought.

We were outside on the oval playing Soccer. Coach Donovan had told us we would be joining with the boys next lesson to work on foot skills. That got me excited, because it meant I could go up against Damian.

Coach wasn't very good at Soccer, if I was being honest. He didn't understand the rules properly, which wasn't very comforting considering he was meant to have a degree in physical education. I had only just heard of the game but I already knew how it worked better than he did.

All he did was yell at everyone to get into weird positions. He stopped the game every two minutes to tell someone they were doing it wrong, when most of the time they were playing perfectly fine. It was confusing as hell.

At one point, Rebecca booted the ball so hard it soared from one half to the other and reached another member of our team, who then scored it into the goal. We all screamed and cheered. It was an amazing shot.

But of course Coach Donovan thought it was a foul. "What the hell was that?" He snapped at Rebecca. She stopped celebrating and gave him a confused look. "I kicked the ball, then Jessie scored."

He looked beyond angry. "No you didn't, you fouled. You think you can just hit it to the other side of the field? You think you know how this game works?"

Rebecca didn't know what to say. "Uh, yes? I play for club."

That made him even madder. "Don't talk back to me, stupid girl. You don't play for shit."

The class went silent. He had sworn at a student, which I was pretty sure wasn't allowed. But coach was on a roll now. He was furious for some messed up reason.

"You girls think you know everything. I'm the teacher and i'm the soccer player here, what the hell do you know about sport? Get back inside and paint your nails, bitch."

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