45: game night

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"Okay now that just isn't fair," Dick groaned, tossing his handful of cards onto the coffee table with a scowl.

Damian had won. Again. Somehow, he was the best player out of all the bat-boys at Uno. And it was both surprising and frustrating at the same time.

Damian shrugged apathetically at his fourth win of the night. We were only about an hour into "family game night", and still had an assortment of other board games to play. Bruce hadn't yet joined us yet due to a business call of some sort, though I was pretty certain he was trying to find a lead on some new drug-trading gang that had recently surfaced.

Okay, so maybe I'd eavesdropped on my way to the bathroom. So what? I was a curious person.

Alfred entered the living room with an assortment of snacks and food, which seemed to ease some of the tension between the boys. They were all growing sick of Damian winning so much. So was I, to be fair.

"I bet you're cheating," I said, shoving some chips into my mouth as Tim reshuffled the deck.

Damian leaned back into the sofa and smirked at me, those emerald eyes of his glistening. "Please enlighten me on how I could possibly be doing that."

Feeling challenged now, I sat up straighter and swallowed my food. "Well, you could, uh, be looking at everyone's cards," I suggested rather unconvincingly, earning an eye roll from his direction.

I crossed my arms at that. I'll prove you wrong, asshole, I muttered internally, my brain whirring with other ways he could be cheating the game.

Then an idea came to me, and I threw a pointed finger into his face. "You shuffled all the good cards into the deck at the exact position where it would be handed to you. Boom, case solved. You're welcome, guys."

Then I smiled and threw my hands into the air as if confetti was being thrown down on me.

"Yeah!" Dick agreed, high-fiving me and sending a glare Damian's way. "You little cheater, you."

Damian looked like he had just heard the dumbest thing in the entire world. He blinked twice, his face twisted into disbelief.

"But how could I do that if I haven't shuffled the cards once this entire evening?"

I was about to come up with an awesome retaliation, but then Bruce walked in, startling us all.

"Sorry about the delay, I'm here now. What are we playing?" He questioned, lowering himself into the huge armchair across from the sofa.

Tim spoke up immediately and explained what was happening, handing Bruce a set of cards. It was interesting to see how he was so eager to talk to Bruce, to be the one to tell him about the game and give him the first cards. It was like he was trying desperately to please him, for some reason.

I'd noticed that a lot when it came to Tim. Although he talked a big game and never seemed to shut up about how being a vigilante sucked and had made him super dysfunctional, the amount of respect and admiration he had for Bruce was evident and incredible. It was quite contradicting, considering he seemed to "hate" his life so much.

Alfred joined in on the next round, as well as Bruce. Jason yelled out something about waiting for him to get there before everyone started because he wanted to kick our asses. Then his face paled at the sight of Bruce sitting there, staring at the young man barging into the room who happened to be holding a bottle of beer.

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