02: life of an assassin

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My name is Sasha Rose Wilson and I am an assassin. I am fourteen years old and my father is one of Gotham's deadliest villains: Deathstroke.

I grew up in a facility known as Midnight; a place where children are taken to and trained to be modern assassins.

Kids like me are made to be soldiers. We are raised here, forced to stay here, until we are old enough to go on missions.

Sometimes we are hired by other companies. The League of Shadows often keep in contact with Midnight, using their assassins as members of their army.

This business makes a lot of money for what they do. They have produced some of the greatest assassins out there - and some of the worst villains.

My father, Slade Wilson, has been training me here for a long time. I was four when I first held a gun. I distinctly remember him teaching me how to use it, how to load in the ammunition, how to shoot by squeezing the trigger.

I have been taught many combat styles over my years here. They like to push us and perfect us at Midnight, making us repeat moves over and over. Constantly forcing us to fight each other until one is either knocked out or physically broken.

Nothing is ever good enough for them. Everything can be improved in some way.

My father is not usually around much, but when he is here he trains me harder then Midnight ever does. He takes me into the city sometimes, to "show me how it's done." He teaches me about stealth and parkour, about how to travel through the streets and move from building to building quickly and with ease.

Midnight is all I've ever known, but if I'm going to be honest with myself...

...I really, truly hate it here.

The Midnight facility is located in the woods, on the outskirts of Gotham. It is secluded and mostly unknown to people. Police departments haven't been able to track it down, nor have the FBI and other government agencies.

I've seen Gotham City and it's citizens. I've seen the happy families that walk through the streets smiling and laughing at each other. I've seen couples going for romantic strolls in the park, sharing kisses and expressing love.

I want that. I want to live a life like that.

But I am an assassin forced to work for this company. I don't get to live a normal life. Killing people is my job.

Even if I really wish it wasn't.


Midnight Headquarters, Gotham


9:24 pm

Conner kicked me in the stomach and I fell to the floor. He had always been better than me, stronger then me. He was 14 but ripped as hell. If this were any other fight it would be deemed unfair due to physical advantages.

But of course, this was an assassin training facility, and Midnight believed the only way to improve was to take down someone bigger and better then you.

And so they would make me fight Connor, one of the top students in my age category. He was strong and fast and powerful. I was smaller and weaker compared to him.

I rolled over and picked myself up off the ground, clutching my belly. He had a very powerful kick, that was for sure. Steadying myself, I prepared for another attack.

The brunet boy held his fists up and we circled each other, waiting for one of us to move first. I took the opportunity to deliver a right hook to his face, which he blocked, distracting him from a sharp kick to the leg.

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