03: gotham city

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"What the hell? Let me go!" I snapped, attempting to yank my arms free from their strong grip. It didn't work, of course, and the soldiers continued to pull my down the hall like I weighed nothing.

What was happening? Where were these guys taking me?

Although I was confused, in my gut I had a slight inkling of what was going on. Suddenly I began to feel very nervous.

Was I in trouble?

I stopped struggling so much and let the men take me. We headed down halls and corridors until arriving at a concrete wall. Placed next to the wall was a keypad, which on of the soldiers walked up to and entered in a passcode of some sort.

Then his hand was scanned before the sound of unlocking came from behind the wall. it turned out to be a large door that led to what looked like a bunker. We entered and the door closed behind us.

They lead me through dimly-lit corridors. I took in as much of my surroundings as possible, if I had a chance to escape and run back then I did not want to get lost. The soldiers led me to another door, this one wooden and less stronghold-looking.

The soldier to my left opened it and they pushed me through. "Hey, watch it!" I growled, annoyed with the amount of force they were using on me. It wasn't like I was fighting back or anything.

I examined the room we had now entered and immediately I knew why I was here. The area was rather large, and did not look like a bunker at all. The walls were white and lined with weapons of all types. There were machine guns, pistols, rocket-launchers, swords, daggers and more.

A punching bag hung from the low ceiling, and there was a nice couch in the corner. There was a huge TV screen perched on one wall. A desk and chair sat in the far corner.

"Wait, so where's my-" I began, but was cut off with the loud bang of a door slamming shut. I whipped around and the soldiers were gone.

"...Father..." I finished.

This was obviously his new office or something, a detail he hadn't yet informed me about. But then again, he never seemed to inform me about anything these days. He would usually pop in every few weeks to either give me some private training or just check in. He hardly talked to me about anything in his life.

Turning back to observe the room, I let my gaze glide over the large gun collection on the wall. I walked along until I reached the martial-arts weaponry. A beautiful katana sat on a high shelf. The blade was engraved with words that were too small to read from where I was, and the handle was matte-black in color.

"Sasha," a deep voice spoke. I instantly turned around and placed my arms behind my back; a natural reflex I had developed when hearing my father's voice.

"Father," I greeted, and gave a small nod. The nervous feeling returned to my body and I wondered what I had done wrong. Why else would he need to see me?

Deathstroke stood before me in his usual uniform; a combination of black, orange and grey armor, two swords on his back and a utility belt full of gadgets.

However he was not wearing his helmet. An eyepatch rested on the area where his right eye should've been. Brown scruffy hair sat on his head, hints of grey peeking through. My father's cold gaze rested on me and I couldn't help but look away.

Suddenly, he chucked something at me, causing my reflexes to grab it before it hit my face. "Get dressed. We're going out," Slade said. He turned around and left, leaving me extremely confused.

He wasn't mad at me?

I looked down at the clothing in my hands. They were black assassin's gear, similar to the ones I already had but much more advanced. The material felt stronger and better quality. I changed into the outfit and left the room. My father was waiting.

We made our way into the city in silence. Slade rode his motorcycle and I followed behind on mine. I didn't know what he wanted to show me tonight, or if this was some kind of training exercise. He was very unpredictable.

When we neared Gotham I was met with the smell of smoke, street food and drugs. Billboard lights glowed in the dark sky as we headed through the downtown areas. They were pretty filthy, with dirt and grime on the side of roads and peeling paint on buildings.

But then we neared the inner city, or the "rich parts." We took the back alleyways in order to maintain stealth. I had heard a lot about the Batman and his battles with my father.

Slade pulled over and so did I. Getting off our bikes, he lead me to the side of an apartment building and looked up. "Training exercise: get to the top without using the stairs," he told me, a hint of a grin in his voice.

I let out a small groan. I knew it. Tonight was just another night of training.

Like I wasn't tired enough.

I stepped back and glanced up at the brick wall. I reached for my grapple gun, which was stored in the belt on my side. Raising it, I aimed for the ledge of the building about 40 feet up.

I fired, the hook flew through the air and latched on to exactly were I intended. I tugged my arm back and the wire lurched forward, pulling me up. In two swift steps up the side of the small complex, I was up and over the ledge.

I somersaulted and landed in a crouch, feeling quite satisfied with my attempt. I stood up and walked to the edge of the building. I peered down at my father who lifted his hands together and gave two claps.

I couldn't help but smile. Yes! I had pleased him, and that's all that mattered.

Taking a few steps back, I waited for him to join me up on this rooftop. I glanced to my left and at the glowing city before me. It was quite a beautiful view looking over Gotham, it didn't seem so ugly at night when the streets where lit up and the people looked alive.

There was more color. Gotham was usually dull and grey with smoke filling the air and sky. But at night you couldn't see any of that, only the beautiful lights that replaced it.

There was a noise behind me, the sound of running footsteps. I whipped around and ran to the ledge on the other side of the roof.

A cry rung out. I crouched down and peeked over, there was an alleyway below. A woman ran by, followed by a group of about two or three men. I watched them grab her as she tried to fight back.

A pang of guilt hit me in the chest. I should help her.

What was I thinking? Of course I shouldn't, I was an assassin. My father would kill me if he caught me playing hero. And why should I help a complete stranger who I'd never seen before in my life? It wasn't my problem...

Suddenly I heard a whoosh.

Then a bang. And then punching, followed by yelling and cursing. A dark figure was beating the men up.

"Sasha," my father's voice called harshly. I jumped, scared by the sudden noise. Scrambling to my feet I headed toward him and away from the ledge.

He demanded, "What's happening down there?"

I didn't think I should answer, considering his hate for the Bat. "Uh..."

"Tell me," he ordered. I swallowed.

"Um, I think Batman is down there," I answered quietly. He shoved me aside and walked toward the edge. He knelt down and peered over while I stood behind.

After a few seconds Slade stood up and turned to me. "We're leaving. I have a job, anyway, a mission I need to complete. You can wait outside."

I nodded. He had another contract to complete, and I would have to wait for him to finish. It wouldn't take long, of course. It never did. My father was good at his job, he was the best in the business.

As we made our way back to our motorcycles, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching us. As I glanced over my shoulder, I swear I saw a hint of red flicker past.

...and queue robin!!! damn this book is getting me excited and im the one writing it lmao. next chapter is going to be damian's pov!

lots of love, xo

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