41: carnival

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Damian's P.O.V:

Sasha was staring in awe at the carnival rides and food stalls around her, her beautiful blue eyes wide and her pink lips parted into a huge smile.

"Oh my god, it's a fucking nacho stand," she gasped, extending one finger to the little food truck parked up ahead.

I couldnt stop myself from smiling at the way she looked at it in pure delight. It was almost weird seeing her behaving so childishly, what with her heavy past. Even if she was always joking around and trying to lighten the mood, she was never really this immature.

Well, maybe that was a lie.

"Can we get some? Please? I'll pay you back I promise," she begged, gripping my shoulders aggressively.

I glared back at her. "First of all, I'm the son of a billionaire, not you. Therefore I'm paying and that's final."

Her smile grew even wider at that as she jumped up and down.

"Second of all, stop shaking me before I hurt you," I added. She rolled her eyes at my words but still smiled nonetheless, pulling her hands away from me.

We neared the nacho stand and eventually reached the front of the line. Sasha stared at the menu planted onto the side of the little van, her eyes skimming the options.

"Can I please get the extra spicy extra cheesy chilli beef nachos?" She beamed at the old hispanic man standing behind the sill.

He grinned back at her and said, "That will be $14."

I handed him the cash immediately and then guided Sasha over to a nearby bench so we could sit.

"This place is so cool. Everyone is so nice and civilised and happy. It's weird for Gotham," she told me, glancing eagerly around the pier at the hundreds of civilians surrounding us.

Then she turned back to me, cheeks turning slightly pink. "Thanks for taking me here, you know. I thought you didn't like carnivals."

I offered her a small shrug, trying my best to appear nonchalant. I wasn't a fan of bright and colorful things like this, but I knew that was just because that was how I'd been raised. "I could learn to like them," I replied.

For you, a small voice in the back of my mind added.

She playfully nudged my shoulder at that. "Look at you being all open-minded."

I was saved from my embarrassment by the food truck owner calling out Sasha's name. She jumped to her feet instantly and practically sprinted toward him, thanking him for the nachos and wishing him a nice day.

"Want some?" She offered me, scooping up guacamole onto a corn chip and biting down on it.

I smirked at her and shook my head. "I'm alright."

She just laughed at that and continued to stuff the food into her mouth. "Good, cause I didn't really wanna share anyway."

After she'd eaten, Sasha made it her mission to drag me to every possible game stall. She wanted to win as many prizes as possible, giving that she had "awesome ninja abilities" that would grant her an easy win.

Her words, not mine.

One of the stalls consisted of an array of stuffed toy prizes that hung up on display. Sasha let out a shriek as she stared at them, drawing a puzzled and slightly concerned look from me.

"Oh my god, look," she pointed toward the display. My eyes followed her finger to the huge stuffed Robin hanging above the stall. "I want that one."

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