47: trouble in paradise

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Sasha's P.O.V:

I was sitting toward the back of my Spanish class while some random kid performed their assessment monologue, staring rather boredly at his mumbling figure.

I was pretty certain this guy was part of the idiotic "troublemaker" gang, or whatever it was that they identified as. Needless to say, he was beyond stupid when it came to spanish. He literally had no idea what he was saying or doing, and it was giving me a headache.

"Sasha," Rebecca hissed from two seats to my right. I jolted a little, surprised that someone was talking to me in the otherwise silent classroom.

Rebecca pointed to her phone, which she had hidden beneath her desk. I realized that she wanted me to pull out my own and check it for a message from her. I rested my new iPhone 11 Pro (courtesy of the Wayne family's large abundance of money) in my lap and read the text I'd received.

R: hamish invited me to conners party this sat!!

I stared at my phone in momentary shock.

Me: conners having a party??

Rebecca replied almost instantly:

R: yeh he didnt tell u?

Now I was feeling slightly pissed. Conner was by far my oldest friend in this world, and he'd decided to throw a party without inviting me? I felt my heart sink a little at that.

Me: no i'll ask him abt it

R: good bc i need a dress and ur coming shopping w me for it

An involuntary groan escaped my lips at her text. Rebecca smiled excitedly to my right and threw up jazz hands, though she was forced to pull them away when Mrs. Hernandez sent her a sour look.

Me: when?

Rebecca texted back with:

R: after school or something

R: its friday after all

I supposed that made enough sense. Bruce wouldn't mind, now that we'd moved past that whole I'm trying to keep you safe by locking you up phase. I was essentially free to do whatever I wanted.

At that moment the class erupted in clapping and I looked up from my phone to see that the kid had somehow finished. He looked relieved, as did everyone else, but we all knew it was for different reasons.

"Señor Wayne is up next," Mrs. Hernandez announced immediately. Pretty much all eyes turned to Damian, who was sitting way at the back of the room, playing around with a tiny pocket knife under his desk. Typical.

He rolled his eyes and stood up, making his way to the front of the room. He didn't carry any palm cards or notes. I wasn't surprised, it was obvious to anyone that he was about to fucking ace this assignment without them.

Last I remembered, Damian knew a good couple of languages. Spanish was among one of the easier ones and he had no trouble speaking it fluently. When he reached the front of the class, he folded his arms over his chest and glared at everyone until Mrs. Hernandez told him to begin.

I had never really heard Damian speak in any other languages before, so hearing the Spanish flow out of him like he was a native pretty much shocked me. Not only was he good, but the way he spoke it sounded so... beautiful.

Like in a romantic way.

I could sense all the female students in the classroom going crazy from his presentation. Their hormones were in overdrive, and they were practically swooning, some exchanging giddy looks and others giggling and gawking.

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