15: exposed

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"Or what? What are you gonna do, blondie?" The brunette kid laughed, the rest of them all sharing the same patronizing expression.

I glanced at Flynn from the corner of my eye. He'd been quiet for a bit, but judging by the knowing look he wore, I suddenly realized why.

As stupid as it seemed, Flynn knew that his friends were underestimating me. He knew that they had no idea I was an assassin. He knew that I was going to hurt them.

Yet he did nothing to stop it.

So when my fist collided with brunette-boy's face at an inhuman speed, Flynn's smirk only grew wider. The boy toppled back against a table, chairs scattering everywhere. The students in the cafeteria gasped and began exclaiming things.

I instantly regretted hitting him as soon as I saw the blood. It was everywhere, and it reminded me of all the carnage that I'd witnessed through Midnight. It made me feel dizzy, and for a moment I thought I might faint.

Summer gawked at me when I turned back to her. "Run," I said, because I knew that shit was about to hit the fan. She picked up her stuff and left quickly.

I wanted to join her, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. Chaos had erupted around me and I was dead in the center of it all. I didn't want anyone else getting hurt -- I really didn't. But unfortunately the group of boys in front of me had different ideas.

I backed away as they inspected brunette-boy's nose, which looked severely broken. He was rolling on the floor in agony. I felt terrible, even if he was a cruel asshole who had just bullied me earlier.

"You're so dead," one of the boys yelled at me, fury dripping from his voice. that was when I decided to run.

Skidding and stumbling around tables, I tried to avoid bumping into students still staring at me in shock. Six scary guys were currently chasing me and these idiots were still standing around, gaping.

I was pretty sure one of the guys was helping brunette-boy, which meant one less person to worry about. So technically there were five boys after me, pushing and shoving their way through the crowd of people.

It's fine. You're fine. You've taken on hundreds of ninjas before. You've killed experienced men much older then these boys. You'll be fine.

I tried telling myself all these things. They didn't make me feel better at all. Knowing Flynn was after me scared me the most because he was better then me, always had been. And he had four other guys backing him up.

And I was alone, yet again.

I shoved a table -- food and plates still on it -- at the boys behind me. They mostly dodged it, but it hit two of them in the gut. They pushed it away before continuing after me.

The cafeteria was loud now. So loud that I was getting a headache, because everyone was shouting things and running all over the place trying to watch the fight, but not trying to get caught in it, either.

"Move, move!" Flynn was snarling from behind, obviously aimed at the students. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...

I had to leave the cafeteria, but there were too many people to get through. The boys were gaining on me fast. I leaped onto a table and nearly lost my balance. Luckily my training kicked in, and I didn't fall.

Flynn jumped up behind me. He was so close and I was terrified. I leaped to a nearby table and started hopping across the whole of the cafeteria, my hair flying everywhere and getting in my eyes.

This distracted me momentarily. Unfortunately it was just enough time for Flynn to lunge at me and pull me to the floor, his arms yanking me down from around my waist.

Scared of the Dark || Damian Wayne x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu