39: criminal minds

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Chaos surrounded me as I skidded to a halt at the scene of the crime. Flames were eating away at the city hall, enveloping the stone pillars at the front. The Joker himself was standing before the blaze, perched on top of his purple sports car, head tilted back as a maniacal laugh escaped his lips.

A huge army of his goons stood around him, each carrying dangerous looking weapons such as nail-studded baseball bats, bazookas and machine guns. They were stepping dauntingly toward the police officers who'd arrived at the crime scene, their clown masks, purple clothes and dyed hair adding to the melodrama of it all.

To the left I saw Harley Quinn standing over the lifeless body of a camera man, who had probably been accompanying the reporter who was running past me screaming hysterically. Harley had clearly just beaten the shit out of him, now holding her bloodied baseball bat over her shoulder as she bent down to pick the camera up.

"It's your time to shine, puddin!" she pointed the lens Joker's way, laughing excitedly as he stepped down from the hood of the car and made his way toward the camera.

"Hello, good people of Gotham!" he spoke dramatically, clutching both sides of the camera and leaning in with a wicked smile. "It's your favorite clown prince of crime, reporting to you live from city hall!

Ugh. I'd never liked Joker, or Harley for that matter. In fact, I despised majority of the so-called "villains" who strutted about acting like everything was a performance. Riddler, Lex, two-face, and even penguin were among the few.

At least Slade — no matter how much I despised him — wasn't as superficial as those idiots. At least he had the decency to skip through the performance aspect of his criminal life and just cut to the point. Sure, even if that point was killing people, or world domination. At least he didn't go about making a huge deal about it, broadcasting it to the whole city, seeking the attention of Batman and his crew.

I glanced up at the buildings surrounding us and saw the huge news screens lit up with jokers face. People were screaming from all around me. It was pure chaos, thousands of people just running all over the place, Joker's henchmen chasing after them with weapons.

"Oh Batman? Batman? Where art thou Batman?" Joker began to sing, his eyes zeroing in on the camera. "I see your little bird has shown up. Aren't you gonna join him?"

Joker's eyes flickered to the rooftop of City Hall, and I followed his gaze to where Damian stood, looking very dark and brooding as his cape billowed behind him in the wind.

"Give it up already, Joker. This is getting old," Damian spat back, twirling his katana in his hand as it glinted with the light of the fire.

But Joker just erupted with cackles again, staggering all over the place like he was drunk off of laughter. "You think that this was the only bomb I set up, boy wonder?" He cackled, gesturing to the blazing city hall that Damian was standing on top of.

He turned back to the camera and smiled wildly. "There are five others located in various parts of Gotham. They're rigged to blow in exactly..." he glanced down at his watch, "...14 and a half minutes."

Then, he took one last look at Damian, spreading his arms wide and saying, "Who's gonna stop all five of them? Just you?"

Five bombs? With hidden locations? How was Damian, or even Bruce, supposed to find them in only 14 minutes?

Joker snatched the camera out of Harley's hands and pointed it at Robin. "I think you might be a little preoccupied, bird brat," he chuckled, and I could see on the huge screens above me that Robin was the centre of attention.

Scared of the Dark || Damian Wayne x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora