Chapter 33

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"You still here?" Mr Yeun mutters as he hovers by the back door.

Taehyung had been cleaning up, ensuring everything was in its proper place before leaving.

"Sorry, Sir." He shyly apologies, picking up his school bag and heaving it onto his back.

Mr Yeun stared at Taehyung quietly before mumbling, "you better get heading."

Taehyung nods once, bidding the older man goodbye as he walks back to the main area and out the shack's door. The night air was warm; summer wasn't far off now. Taehyung sighs a deep breath, reminiscing earlier when Jimin had asked him to the carnival. An instant burst of excitement flared in Taehyung's stomach, a smile bearing on his lips. He couldn't wait for the next two weeks to pass till the carnival arrived. His feet trudged through the sand and up the small, creaking staircase that climbed to the pier's car park. From there, Taehyung could see a lot better thanks to the street lamps that stood tall and in order like a row of soldiers. He makes his way into the main street before heading west to his small cottage. He had grown accustomed to the walk; it wasn't too different to the walk he took when working in the ice cream van a bit further down the pier. The stores on the main street were already closed and locked up for the evening. There wasn't anyone around either, but that didn't surprise Taehyung. After all, it was a Thursday evening as he plodded down the short path that led to the park where he had first encountered Jungkook. It now felt like nothing but a memory despite only happening a few weeks ago. It made Taehyung smile without even realising. He was so frightened by Jungkook back then, but now, it was different. Taehyung felt his cheeks redden; this was where they almost kissed. He flushed, shaking his head to rid of the memory.

A rustle came from the bushes nearby. Taehyung immediately quickened his pace; he didn't want to waste another second reliving memories when he should be home with his brother and grandma. That and the rustling had startled him. He started power walking since he didn't want to draw attention to himself if he suddenly broke into a run. Yet, at the same time, he didn't want to loiter around to see if it was just his imagination or perhaps a woodland creature that had been hiding in the bushes.

Reaching the end of the park, which led off down another road that took Taehyung closer to his home, he harkened loud footsteps and brawling yells. His heartbeats quicken, a cold sweat on his back. He attempted to break out into a sprint but wasn't fast enough, resulting in someone pouncing on his back, knocking him to the ground with a loud thud.
(1hr Earlier)

"You can't be serious?" Jungkook humourlessly chuckles but could tell by the mischief glints in Namjoon's eyes that he was nowhere near lying.

"What's wrong, Jeon? You scared to hurt your little boyfriend?" He taunts, earning a rise of laughter from the others around him.

Jungkook grimace.

"I'm not doing it." He firmly states, his eyes morphing into slits.

The room fell silent, gazes flickering from Jungkook to Namjoon in anticipation.

Namjoon smirks. "Struck a nerve, have I? Does that mean you're going to forfeit to truth then?"

Jungkook was growing increasingly impatient with Namjoon; the urge to punch him square in the face was intense. Namjoon took Jungkook's silence as a yes.

"I've been waiting for an answer about this for a while now." Namjoon chimes almost gleefully, rubbing his palms together.

"What's your relationship with that freak Taehyung and that guy, Jimin?"

"Namjoon!" Skye barks, intervening in their argument. "That's enough; it's none of your business!"

"Back off slut!"

"Watch it!" Jungkook snarls, getting to his feet and snatching Namjoon by his shirt collar. He gets close and personal to the other, beyond raging now. Namjoon stared into Jungkook, gaze blazing while he inspected the boy with a mixture of curiosity and playful wickedness.

"Or is it you have a thing for little Miss thug here." He jeers, eyes darting towards the darkly dressed girl.

"Shut it, Namjoon!" Skye wasn't going to sit back and let the senior insult her.


Namjoon gawked at Jungkook before at Skye and then murmured the words, "get out." It was low but clear.

With one last glare, Jungkook shoves Namjoon back and stomps his way to the door but not before hissing, "you ever come near Taehyung again, so God helps me, I will kill you!"

"So you do like the wimp?" Namjoon chuckles darkly, only mocking the junior even more. Jungkook had to bite down on his tongue to stop himself from continuing the argument, knowing it wouldn't end well even if he did fight.

'It never ends well.'

Holding his breath, Jungkook tramples out of the house, a scowl on his expression. That was it! He couldn't stand to waste another second near that asshole!

"Jungkook! Wait!" Hollered Skye as she came bounding down the street, trying to catch up with the other. It had turned dark now, the lamplights and moon simulating the only source of glow as Jungkook continued down the street but had reduced his speed for Skye to catch up to his side.

"That asswipe needs a good slap," Skye mutters, joining Jungkook at his side. She wasn't quite sure where they were going but wasn't going to stick around with Namjoon, who didn't want them there. She didn't particularly like Namjoon much; the idiot always had a loud, obnoxious mouth on him and had a strong tendency to bully others. Skye hated bullies.

"Why did you leave too?" Jungkook quietly asks, wondering where they should go to hang out since he wasn't ready to go home. He didn't want to deal with his parents or his nightmares. If he could, he would waste his evening out in the cool night air, far away from his bad memories; ones that should be left under lock and key.

Skye released a feeble chuckle, "you cannot be serious? You don't expect me to stick around and be insulted, do you?"

"Guess so."

"But it must be nice," Skye continues, kicking a stone with her boot.

"What is?"

"Having someone care so much about you. You care a lot for him, don't you? It's nice to know someone is protecting him from Namjoon."

This piqued Jungkook's interest.

"So Namjoon has been bullying Taehyung then?" He could now confirm it. But then, Jungkook guessed he always knew that.

"Bullying would be an understatement; Namjoon practically tortures Taehyung."

"Why doesn't anyone do anything about it?"

Skye seems uncomfortable with the question. "Well, several reasons, but mostly because people are afraid of Namjoon. You've been the first to stand up to him."

Jungkook didn't want to think about it anymore, at least for a short time. The images of Taehyung's bruises, how he would always cower, and how he had helped Namjoon get Taehyung fired was enough to have Jungkook's stomach churn in disgust. He needed to forget about it all. To get lost in oblivion. His eyes looked the girl up and down, his gaze lingering on her bare legs.

"I don't suppose you know somewhere we can go? I'm not ready to go home yet." He coyly suggests, hoping Skye might stay a little longer with him.

Skye thought about it for a minute before nodding swiftly. "I might know somewhere."

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