Chapter 16

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Jungkook couldn't stand maths. That one class he has to share with Jimin. "God! You just can't get away from me can you?" Jimin smirks when he sees how irritated the light brunette is. "Fuck off midget!" He grumbles, avoiding eye contact from the older who takes a seat beside him.

"Look, I don't like you anymore than you like me but I need this grade so unfortunately we have to work together, okay?" Jimin states which causes Jungkook to scoff, "I should just let you fail."

"Asshole," the pink headed junior was having none of Jungkook's sly comments today. He was too excited about lunchtime to give a damn about the idiot beside him.

The taller catches onto the older's odd behaviour, watching his lips that were curved into a deep smile while his eyes were like crescent moons. "What's got you all happy? You finally get laid?" The younger questions to which Jimin chokes slightly on his saliva. "What? No!" He squeaks, a tad embarrassed at Jungkook's accusation.

The younger chuckles, obviously finding Jimin to be amusing...annoying but amusing.

"And anyway, I hardly think it's any of your business. You wouldn't even care anyway." Jimin mutters, folding his arms across his chest while he faces away, acting like a child. Jungkook lets out a breathy chuckle through his nose, observing the other from the side. "Try me."

Jimin thought about it for a moment before caving in. Honestly, he was too ecstatic to even care if he's telling his number one most hated person in school. "Okay, well I had to walk to school today since my car broke down and I met Taehyung on the way." He rushes through his words, almost making it impossible for Jungkook to understand. "Anyway, today I'm gonna sit with him for lunch and I can't wait! He's really cute and I think I wanna be friends with him. No wait! Scratch that, best friends with him!"

All Jungkook could do was stare.

Stare and blink.

An unsettling feeling begins to grow in his stomach but he shoves it away, thinking it's probably indigestion. Lately he's been noticing an odd change in his body whenever the red head is mentioned or in contact with him. At first, Jungkook thought he might be going crazy but the more he thinks about it, the stronger the feelings are getting. 'What the heck is wrong with me?' He wonders, realising that he's yet to give the gawking boy beside him a reply.

Jimin is practically fidgeting in his seat, waiting for Jungkook's response as to whether Taehyung will like him enough to be friends or not. "You're right," Jungkook mumbles and Jimin leans back in his chair with a confused look. "What? What do you mean?"

Jungkook does nothing but shows him a rather weak smirk, "I don't care."


Despite it being a Friday, Taehyung was still cautious when it came to lunchtime and such. He would watch out for a certain ravenette that might bully him at any minute if he isn't careful.

"Taehyung!" He freezes up at the sound but relaxes when the voice comes into view. "Oh, hello Hoseok hyung." he smiles, hiding the fact he was just panicking moments ago. "Sorry Tae, I can't come sit with you today. I have a make-up test I need to do." The younger's lips cave a little, a tad upset that Hoseok wouldn't be joining him.

"Oh okay." He says, even if he preferred that Hoseok joins him. But he knows that these tests are important for everyone in Hoseok's grade so he holds his tongue.

"Will you be okay?" The platinum blonde questions, searching the other's face for any signs. "Yup! It's okay, I have a friend who will be sitting with me anyway. I wish you could've met him today." Taehyung pouts, wishing for the older to meet his friend.

Hoseok smiles even when he feels a tinge of envy dancing in his stomach. He wanted to share his time with Taehyung and didn't particularly enjoy the idea of the younger hanging around with others unless they are solely just friends. "Maybe next time?" He suggests. "Anyway, I've gotta go. See ya." Hoseok kisses Taehyung on the cheek once again, catching the younger by surprise.

He gawks at the empty space Hoseok once stood, confused as to why he keeps doing that. 'Shouldn't friends not do that? Kissing on the cheeks are for people in relationships and families right?'

"Who was that? Your boyfriend?" A voice behind teases. Taehyung furrows his brows, spinning on his heels to find Jungkook leaning his back against some lockers. His gaze was fixated only on Taehyung which causes the slightly smaller male to feel a little uncomfortable due to the intensity.

"Oh, that was Hoseok hyung, he's my friend." Taehyung states happily. The look alone makes Jungkook's stomach twist. "Hmm," he hums, pretending like the conversation doesn't bother him. 'Why am I so effected by him? Why do I care who's around him so much?' Jungkook wonders to himself, beginning to walk off when Taehyung joins his side.

"Are you off to lunch? Do you want to join me?" Taehyung asks politely, oddly enjoying Jungkook's company despite him being friends with his bully. The brunette thought about it for a moment, his mind recalls back to his previous conversation with Jimin earlier. 'If I go then Jimin wouldn't be able to be alone with him.'

Jungkook smirks, enjoying the idea of annoying the other. He glances at Taehyung with a rather weird looking smile. Jungkook wasn't one for pulling the happy look often so a smile was definitely something he hasn't mastered much. "Sure, I'll join you." He grins, throwing his arm over the younger's shoulders. "Great!" Taehyung cheerfully gleams, oblivious to the plan Jungkook has set up in his mind.

The pair make their way towards the cafeteria doors, pushing them open to reveal a large room full of students. Taehyung instantly spots Jimin and smiles. "Jimin!" He calls out, making his way over to him. Jungkook follows behind Taehyung with a smirk.

All Jimin can think is, 'you've got to be fucking kidding me!!'


Author's Note

So we've come to the conclusion that;

Jungkook will be 5 ft 11
Taehyung will be 5 ft 9
Jimin will be 5 ft 8
Namjoon will be 5 ft 11
Hoseok will be 5 ft 10
Jin will be 5 ft 10
Yoongi will be 5 ft 9

Main characters ages from oldest to youngest.

Jin: age 20
Namjoon: age 18
Hoseok: age 18
Jimin: age 17
Yoongi: age 17
Jungkook: age 17
Taehyung: age 17

Yes I'm aware some characters haven't been introduced yet and I will go through this book again and fix it. I'll also redo the character introduction and put this information there too so I don't confuse readers. 😊💖

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