Chapter 8

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Jungkook couldn't stop his leg from twitching, it constantly bounced up and down as his eyes burn into the cafeteria doors. He made his way to school rather early this morning due to wanting to avoid his parents.

Not very many students were inside the building when he arrived but that didn't matter to him. What did, was a matter of finding that small red head.

Jungkook wasn't entirely sure why but all of last night he couldn't sleep. His mind was spiralling with sickening thoughts of the boy crying. All the tall male could feel was utter guilt, how could he make such an innocent looking person seem so broken?

The brunette shakes his head, getting to his feet as he slings his backpack on. He had two aims in mind;

1. Find that red head.
2. Avoid Namjoon.

The senior was nothing but a bully and even if Jungkook was on the road to being expelled, he couldn't go through with the bullying, not again...not after what happened prior to moving.

It's true that Jungkook did treat the cherry haired junior rather rudely before but not to the point where he was physically abusing or throwing horrific insults at him. Jungkook had enough nightmares from the past, he didn't need to add more flames to the fire.

He gets up from his seat, deciding now would be the best time to go searching for Taehyung since more students were arriving. Waltzing around casually, he struts down each corridor, taking leisured walks till his eyes eventually spot the smaller boy.

A smirk smacks itself onto Jungkook's lips. He wasn't quite sure why but he could feel himself getting more excited the closer he approaches the still unknown boy. Jungkook moves in close to the smaller, about to place his arm around his shoulders when someone beats him to it.

"Oh...hi Hoseok hyung," Taehyung gives the older male a small smile. "I heard," Hoseok slowly states, a tad unsure whether he should bring it up or not. Taehyung frowns, he wasn't quite sure what the blonde haired boy was talking about till realisation hits him. "Oh...that," he murmurs.

He remembered how yesterday, his manager had phone, screaming down the phone that it was all Taehyung's fault. The poor boy could do nothing but apologise till eventually, the manager hangs up, telling the red head to look elsewhere for work because he's fired.

Once off the phone, Taehyung cried for hours but had to keep it on the down low incase his brother or grandma heard. He couldn't let them know, he had to find a job and quick.

"I'm sorry to hear that Tae." Hoseok rubs his thumb over the young boy's exposed arm. Taehyung froze up, 'did he just call me Tae? No one has ever gave me a nickname before.'

The ruby haired male couldn't help but feel weird at the touch Hoseok was giving him. Jungkook couldn't help but snarl at the mere sight. He wasn't at all sure why he felt this way but all he wanted to do in that very second was tear the two apart.

Taehyung was quick to remove Hoseok's hand, giving him a weak smile. "Sorry hyung, I have to get to class." He explains, hoping the older would leave him. "Okay," Hoseok leans in and plants a small kiss on Taehyung's cheek. "See you later Tae." He begins sauntering down the hall, giving the younger boy a short wave.

Taehyung stood there, frozen on the spot. His fingers lightly grazing over the area where Hoseok had just kissed.

Jungkook was practically fuming, he was stunned as to why he felt like this. Instead of checking on Taehyung, finding out if he was okay after yesterday's incident. He alternatively goes against it and decides to tease him.

"Hey kid!" He shouts out. At first, Taehyung doesn't reply, thinking that it was someone else that the taller might've been calling on. Jungkook grew impatient, stomping his way over to the smaller junior and yanking him around to look directly into his eyes.

"W-what? Me?" Taehyung stutters, his orbs the size of golfballs when he realises the older boy was speaking to him. Not only that but he also recognises him, "p-please!" He whimpers once he takes in Jungkook's appearance. "Please d-don't hurt m-me again!"

Jungkook frowns, he didn't expect the flaming  haired boy to beg him. His mouth lay agape as he struggles to form words.

Jimin spots the two from across the corridor, a scowl slipping onto his lips when he sees the new kid with Taehyung. He was frightened for the innocent one who gave off the vibe that he wasn't much of a fighter and judging by the way that Jungkook's arms were flexing with muscles, he knew Taehyung wouldn't survive a fight.

"Hey asshole!" Jimin hollers at Jungkook, making both boys turn their gazes towards the smallest. The pink haired junior was quick to take action as he whips off his pale white converse, tossing it towards the brunette who took the impact directly in the face.

Jungkook lets out a low groan, his hand shooting up to cover where he would probably have a now bruised eye.

Taehyung stood frozen, shocked by the sudden use of violence. Feeling bad about what had just happened to the new boy, he gently removes Jungkook's hand away from his face. The scarlet haired male inspects the brunette's eye slowly, trying what best he could to calm his rapidly beating heart at how close the two were to each other.

Jungkook was too busy sucking on his tongue, biting back a whimper at the pain. 'Come on Jungkook, you've been in plenty of fights before. This should be nothing...but God damn! The small fry's shoe is seriously made of bricks!'

Taehyung's head begins to bob slowly, "you look fine. You might have a bruise later but that's okay. It'll heal." He gives the taller a weak smile which makes Jungkook gulp, turning his gaze away from the cutie.

Jungkook feels his eyes turn into slits however, when his orbs meets Jimin's. Both boys glare at each other, practically taunting one another to see who will break away from the stare off first.

Taehyung awkwardly stood beside them, his eyes switching between both males. "Uhh..." He mumbles, causing all the attention to fall onto him. His cheeks flush, suddenly regretting ever uttering a single word. His gaze fell downwards while he plays with his ring that sat around his ring finger on his right hand.

"Taehyung?" Jimin speaks up, edging closer to the taller boy. "What happened to your cheek?" His hand grazes over the red head's cheek, making Taehyung's eyes bulge twice the size larger. "I-I uh...will you p-please excuse me!" He stutters, taking off like a bullet, away from the pair as they watch him disappear around a corner.

"Taehyung, wait!" Jimin shouts, taking a step forward to follow him but Jungkook grabs ahold his shoulder, bringing him to a complete stop. "Leave him, I think he needs some time to himself."

The pink haired boy shrugs the taller boy's hand off of his shoulder, giving the male a deadly glare that would put anyone six feet under. "I don't know what the hell you were saying to him earlier but stay away from him, you hear me? He's been through enough and I don't want you, Mr Jeon Jungkook messing with him." Jimin hisses through gritted teeth. "I know all about you Jeon, you're nothing but a troublemaker. Taehyung however," he points towards the corner from which Taehyung had just disappeared to, "is too innocent to be caught up with the likes of you."

The brunette was taken back by the smaller's speech. All Jungkook wanted was to see if Taehyung was alright, maybe throw in some innocent teasing before pinkie came along and ruined things.

Instead of being polite or apologising, he smirks, leaning in close to Jimin. "We'll see about that." He whispers rather seductively into his ear before retreating back and walking off.

Jimin stood there, his mouth wide open along with his chocolate orbs the size of golfballs. "Stupid asshole!" He grumbles, stomping off to class.

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