Chapter 27

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Taehyung had been wrong.

So carelessly wrong.

He had forgotten that detention was Namjoon's number one setting. He was always caught on school property doing something wrong. Bullying kids, skipping class, smoking while on premises.

Yes, Namjoon was definitely someone you don't mess with and Taehyung had spent enough of his time being the other's punching bag to know this fact.

So what's the first thing he does upon grasping his current situation? He cowers. Cowers like a frightened child while he slips into the closest chair nearest the door and furthest from his harasser.

Though, despite this, he knew that Namjoon had already noticed him. If not, would spot him soon. Its not everyday you see someone with bright red hair. He cursed himself for ever even dyeing his hair to begin with, he should be attempting to fit in with the crowd not make himself more apparent for the bullies to detect.

Detention was summed up as sit quietly, don't speak, write your apology letter for what you did wrong and wait to be dismissed.

It wasn't the most exciting, but no detention ever was.

Mr. Oh was sat at the teacher's desk obviously reading a dirty magazine which was stashed behind an old History book. He was always known to be a dirty sleaze, looking up girls' skirts, reading dirty magazines on school premises, lingering his hands on your shoulders a little too long for comfort. It was no wonder why the school hadn't fired him yet.

Taehyung gazed down at the blank piece of paper that had been laid out nicely on the desk along with a pencil and rubber. He had to write a note of apology to Miss Cha for disturbing her class despite it not being his fault entirely.

For a moment, Taehyung couldn't quite remember why he was in trouble in the first place but then came to realise his mistake. He had been daydreaming about two of his friends but not in a friendly manner. At first he thought he was being weird for feeling these strange emotions for them.

'I couldn't possibly be thinking like this?! Both Jimin and Jungkook! Its not possible!'

A stir in his stomach and a flutter in his chest made him all the more queasy. But it wasn't a sickening feeling, far from it. The sensation made him anxious but it was a thrilling type of nervousness. One he couldn't quite figure out yet didn't want to stop.

Being so caught up in his thoughts, Taehyung only returned to reality when something light tapped at the back of his head. His coordination whisk like lightening as he peers down at the crumbled up piece of paper that now lay by his shoes.

It didn't take a genius to know exactly where it came from.

Taehyung gulps as his eyes slowly trail up from the paper to the dispatcher who threw the symbol of terror that would soon bestow Taehyung's fate the second they were excused.

Pondering this only made things all the more difficult for Taehyung to digest. He couldn't take another beating from Namjoon, he didn't want to spend even more of his time locked in his room to hide the shameful truth from his family. He didn't want to distance himself from his poor brother who innocently stood by thinking that his older brother was like a superhero.

Namjoon shot Taehyung the deadliest glare he could muster, sending a threatening shiver down Taehyung's back. He had to plan a way for him to get out of this detention before the other to avoid the punches.

'Think you idiot! Think!' He was now in a panic stage, his hands shaking aggressively to the point he couldn't pick up his pencil nor write.

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