Chapter 9

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Taehyung tied his shoelace, breathing heavily as he sat on his bed. He was getting ready to head out. His tongue snakes out, licking over his lower lip before slithering it back into his mouth. He glanced around his room, searching for a hoodie that he could wear. He was worried that no one would want to employ him after the scenarios that have happened previously. Most of the town knew exactly who he was;

Kim Taehyung.

The cursed boy.

Everywhere he goes, destruction comes with him.

His grandma thought it was due to his parents death that people thought that way about him but the truth was, it was that along with all the vandalisms that happen at each place that he had worked at.

All he wanted was to earn some money to put food on the table but I guess life was against Taehyung with that one.

The red head lets out a deep sigh, getting up from his bed and towards his desk, where he spots a dark blue hoodie just waiting for him to pick up from his chair. He yanks the hoodie over his head, making sure to put the hood up till he was outside so that his family didn't notice the dark bruise on his cheek.

With one last deep breath in, he opens his bedroom door, trampling rather loudly down the stairs 'like a heard of elephants' as his grandma would put it.

"Taehyung?" An older voice calls out. He bites his lip, "yes grandma?" He could hear footsteps coming closer to the stairs. A rush of panic settles in his stomach. "Sorry grandma, I have to go!" He hastily says, running towards the front door and pulling it open. His feet quickly scramble outside into the dull yet warm air. "Wait! Taehyung!" He could faintly hear his grandma calling on him from the now open door but he was already down the street, sprinting for his life.

'That was a close one,' he thought, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. He lets out a puff, calming his raging heartbeats.

Taehyung began wandering around town, stopping off at whatever shops, restaurants, kid's play areas, coffee shops, anywhere he could possibly work at.


They would all say the same, for him to get out, obviously finding out about yet another incident that had happened to a work place after the boy himself had been working there.

Taehyung pouts by the side of the road. His lower lip pouring out from the top as he leans his cheeks gently onto his fists, not wanting to hurt his bruise anymore that it already was. His butt sat against the cold pavement while he ponders over what to do next. He had to get a job today, no matter what.

"Taehyung?" The scarlet headed junior glances up from staring at the road to find a bright pink haired boy moving out of his car.

"Jimin?" Taehyung squeaks, watching as the boy locks his car, coming over to join the younger on the edge of the pavement.

"Hey," he smiles, plopping down beside Taehyung and accidentally brushing his side against his. Taehyung couldn't do anything but blush, 'why is Jimin being so nice to me? Why isn't he acting like everyone else and treating me like dirt?'

"H-hi," he stutters, almost forgetting to reply to Jimin since he was too deep in thought. "So wanna explain how you got that bruise and why you're sitting on the side of the road?" Jimin questions aloud, making Taehyung's frown deepen. The younger purses his lips together in a thin line, his gaze meeting elsewhere from the pastel haired boy. "I fell..." he mutters, almost inaudible for Jimin to hear.

The smaller boy's lips cave downwards, "you fell? So why did you act so suspicious earlier at school when I asked?"

Taehyung was caught red handed. His cheeks were flaring an awful shade of red as he continues to stare away from Jimin. "I-I don't k-know."

Jimin raises a brow, "you don't know?"

The taller boy stayed quiet, hoping Jimin would understand that he didn't want to talk about it. Jimin let out a sigh before getting to his feet, "come on." He says, placing his hand out for Taehyung to take. The younger stared at the friendly gesture, confused as to what Jimin was suggesting. The pink haired junior notices this and lets out a small chuckle. "Here." He grabs Taehyung's larger hand in his, giving it a tight squeeze which makes the taller boy let out a soft gasp. He helps Taehyung up and begins walking, still holding onto the younger's hand.

"W-what? Where are w-we going?" He cursed himself for being so awkward and stumbling over his words every time he spoke to another. Jimin couldn't help but find the younger adorable. His personality was interesting yet cute, making Jimin want to be around him more.

"It's a secret," he winks before continuing his walk towards his car. His hand was still around Taehyung's as the red head waddles behind the smaller.



















Jungkook was bored as usual. Sadly, his parents were home today, working in their joint office downstairs in the basement. The boy was in two minds whether he should start stomping around the living room to cause a quake downstairs or simply take a nap since the boredom was getting to him.

He throws his head back while groaning loudly, "soooo boring~" his voice rang out throughout the house. "Well then go do something," Jungkook's mother says from behind.

The brunette turns his head clockwise to stare at his mother who had just exit the small archway that led of into the kitchen. She now took a stand behind the couch where Jungkook was seated, mopping the day away.

"It's so nice outside, haven't you made any friends yet? Shouldn't you go out and hang around with them?" His mother insisted. Clearly in Jungkook's eyes, he could tell she just wanted rid of him.

"No." He simply mutters, laying back on the couch more as the ravenette woman watched her son with disappointment. "Stop being lazy and go outside! I'm sure you can find others your age around here from your school." She suggests, smacking the boy with the stack of papers she had in her grasp.

Again, Jungkook groans loudly, "I don't wanna!" He whines like a 3 year old. "Tough." His mother fights back, nudging the boy with her foot.

Soon enough, Jungkook grows tired of his mother's constant nagging and finally gets up from his laid down position on the couch. "Alright! I'm going!"!He hisses while his mother smirks, "have fun." She says as she walks out with her papers and mug in both hands.

"Stupid bitch," Jungkook grumbles under his breath before making his way towards the front door.

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