A lot to explain...

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After party

At Lee house

Y/N pov..

After party we all went to our house with Kim family..

No one was talking with both of us

well expect Halmeoni ..she was kinda happy with this... And it was some what reveling that at least someone support us...

No one has created any since at the party...
Ae-eonnie is quite.. And giving me looks that we need to talk alone..
I don't know how to convey her that I really love namjoon....
Means she can catch my lies quicky..

I just hope she can't catch me this time...

And to tell about eomma, appa and Mr and Mrs Kim..
They are quite too... But there silence is what I'm afraid of..
Means they are like a ticking time bomb..
And it's really freaking me out....

After we reach home
Every one settled in hall...

Me and namjoon took seat beside each other..

And guess what we ever the center of attention..

They just kept looking at us..

2 min.. 5min..

Again no questions asked.. Only staring

I just looked at namjoon.. And to my surprise he was already giving me looks..

So I asked him slowly.. As possible

"what are we supposed to do now? "

"I don't know " he responded as if he didn't give any shit.. About this situation...

"can't you just help  ? " I questioned and  why it's always me asking him for help ..

"you told you will handle everything, now handle it ,it was your plan " he
again replied rudely

"I know it was,My plan, but why are
You talking like an idiot right now "
I asked him

"of course, I talk like an idiot, how else could you understand me?  " he replied back

"are you insulting me  ?"

"now I'm I "

I was about to Came back with a good insult..

When someone cleared there throat ..

Getting our attention..

"Did you guy's finish your discussion?" appa asked

"sorry appa "
"sorry uncle " we both said at the same time

"Good, now which one of you is going to explain us, about what happened at the party  ?" Mr Kim said while giving us a look that can kill you..
if possible

And I will be lying if I said it did not scare me..
I started "I... We..... " but I was shuttring

So namjoon continued "we love each other appa, we want to marry each other "

"And you thought it was OK to act on it, directly even without telling anyone of us " Mr Kim shouted at namjoon...

"Sorry appa " namjoon said looking down

"Love that's a strong word  To use " Mr Kim said

"Sorry appa, we did not mean to upset any of you " namjoon said still looking down

"If you guy's had feelings for each other you should have told us first " Eomma said looking at me

"Sorry eomma, we should have " I replied

oh shut up MR CEO😈(Kim Namjoon X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now