good bye.......

875 37 21

A/n : OK this is the last part of the flash back and the truth is revealed....
(and maybe the reason will be not good enough.... And first time I did jimin pov.. Hope it is good)

Jimin POV...

"To make You suffer " I said the last part near her ear and all she did was cry..
Letting her tears flow...

Next thing she did was pushed me away ready to get out of the room...

I quickly grabbed her arm

"where the hell do you think you are going? "

"let go off ME jimin, why are you doing this to me, what do you want? "
She asked me while trying to free her arm from my grip

"stop freaking asking same questions for which I answered you already " I shouted leaving her arm

"okay, I got it you want me to suffer and look I'm suffering right now, but why?  What I did that made you want me to suffer so much, that you made me so helpless "she shouted

"That's the problem y/n ,you rich people don't care what you do, you are just selfish, never thinking about consequences"

"why do you always bring me being rich up, what it is to do with you, does my feelings doesn't matter? "

"It has everything to do with it, because you get everything you want all you have to do is point and it will be yours ,just like how you wanted to leave Seoul and come  here in Busan and you got it only if..... Only if you would have not came here then........ "I tried to force Myself to stop the tears  which was at the corner of the my eyes

"Then what  ?" she questioned wiping her tears  away..

"Then he would have been still with me right now " I shouted and now I could not stop my tears so I just let them flow...

Only if y/n ,had not came to Busan in space academy.. He could have been still with me, my only friend and family

"what are you talking about jimin, what have I done  ?"

"what have you done  ?" I repeated that question while laughing bitterly

That's the main problem this girl took everything from me, the only reason because whom I was alive and she even don't know what she took from me....  ..

"you took away someone who was most important to me, my only family "I made eye contact with her while saying
"you are a murderer "
She just stood there shocked as if snake bite her...

"w-what, jimin sto-p talking
nonsense "

"I wish I was, but that's the truth "

"jimin, I won't even think of hurting someone and killing ...i won't I would not " she started babbling things out as if she can't understand what I was saying..

"so, you are saying I'm lying about something this big "

"I'm not saying that jimin, but why will I kill someone, I don't get it ".

"but you did " I shouted at her

" but I never met your family "

"I freaking don't have a family and that's all because of you, all I had him and you took him away from me "

"you are wrong, I'm not a murderer " she said seating on the floor and crying loudly...........

I just slight down to the wall my back pressed against it... I set on the floor looking at her crying miserably.. Repeating the same words
"I'm not a murderer "

oh shut up MR CEO😈(Kim Namjoon X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now