▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一enemy at first sight...

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Finally I was able to submit my English assignment and I think Miss YI was quite impressed by my work..... He.. He.. He I am soooo... Happy right Now....

I am doing my happy dance 💃 in my mind
Right now...... 😆😆😆

(Magical time skip... After college)

I was on my way to home when I got a message... Form Ae eonni

Beep.... Beep... Beep...

Ae _eonni♥
Where are you?
Plz come home fast...

I'm on my way to home..

                                 But what happened..

Ae _eonni ♥
Hmm... Can't say it on massage Plz..hurry up and come home Fast.....

Sure..... Will be there
In 15min.. Eonni

OK... Waiting...


I was so into the phone and massage that eonni had send me.... That I was not looking were I was walking and like a chick movie I crash into something or should I say someone...... And straight landed on my a**

(well trust me when I say it hurts ...it really hurts like hell)


And when I looked up for the reason of this cause... I saw a building.... Just kidding...
Well a tall guy looking at me angrily....

Well because of our crash.. His coffee was all over his shirt... Poor guy.... So I picked myself up saying....

"sorry "...but that wasn't the reply I was waiting for....

"Your sorry is not going to bring my coffee back or make my shirt clean ..... Now is it ?"

"Look Mister... I'm apologizing ...I'm clear sorry for your coffee and shirt "

"And what will I do of your sorry........
May be make pickle... Huh "

OMG.. What is the problem of this dude...

"look dude what do you want... Han
You want your coffee back right.... I will buy you one.... And for your shirt ...
just give me it and after washing it I will return it to you ....and if that doesn't satisfy you I can even buy new shirt..... So for god sake stop crying... "

"crying ...who the hell is crying ?"

He shouted.. And I simply replied...

"You "

"First of all.. I'm not crying
And Second ...yep you can by the coffee... But this shirt sorry babe you can't afford
it "

bloody hell... OK OK.... Control it control it..
Lee y/n

...just control ...

"First of all don't BABE me..
And second are you showing money power here.. Rich kid... ?"

"Don't Rich kid ME.... And I'm not "

"Yessss.... You totally are "

"Aye.. I just don't want a college girl to be bankrupt "

"oh.. Thanks for thinking about me "

"Your most welcome.... And now get lost.. "

And he said that by doing a hand Movement as if I was a dog....

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