you Don't understand....

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That's how Namjoon and Mrs Kim ended up in Kim's Mansion all alone in drawing room...

There was a silence for few minutes.. Neither of them trying break it... Just staring at each other....

Getting frustrated of the silence between them...Namjoon asked his Eomma
"Why are we here?"

"Because we need to talk ?" Mrs Kim replied still looking at him blankly....

"Eomma, what's there to talk about?, I was just protecting y/n ,so I don't think anything is wrong in that " Namjoon said getting frustrated

"Yeah, there is nothing wrong in that, and I'm proud of you for taking  stand for your wife " Mrs Kim replied

"Uh, then again why are we here  ?" namjoon asked Mrs Kim once more...

"Fine Namjoon, then tell me, why the hell you acted the way you did tonight  ?" Mrs Kim questioned him......

"Eomma, I except the way I acted was dramatic , I.... "

" Dramatic is not a right word namjoon ,you were freaking being possessive " Mr Kim shouts at him

"So what if I was ? " namjoon question back

"Namjoon my boy, try to understand they way you are acting is not right, being little possessive for some one you love is nice it's fine ,but you're Possessivenes is like Your obsessed......"
Mrs Kim said looking at namjoon concert

"Eomma, I don't think it's true " Namjoon denied everything Mrs Kim said right now

"Yeah, if it's not true then why did you made y/n change her dress tonight  ?" Mrs questioned him

"Because she was uncomfortable in that " he replied simply

Mrs Kim just sighted at that and said
"Namjoon, just don't hold on y/n so much that she will fill like she is trapped "

Namjoon got up from his chair and shouted
"How can me loving her be trap ?"

Mrs Kim to stood up and said
"Namjoon I understand you OK, I can just see that you want y/n all to yourself, you freaking don't like even when someone looks at her.... Being this possessive will ruin your relationship "

"Eomma, just stop it, you don't freaking understand me " namjoon shouts looking at his Eomma in eyes

"I don't understand you " Mrs Kim questions getting angry at her son's accusation

"Yes, You Eomma, You don't really understand me " namjoon said looking sad

"Namjoon what are you talking about? " Mrs Kim asked him

"Eomma, you know when you came in hotel room to get your cellphone ,and y/n and I was in here, y/n told you ,just looking in my eyes that I was sad, but you just dismissed it by saying I must be just nervous..... you are wrong about that Eomma " namjoon said looking down at floor

Mrs Kim just stood there shocked and said
"What ?  , why would you be sad namjoon -ah, today was your big day, you work so hard for this from the beginning was the day your dreamed for "

Namjoon just sighted and said
"Huh, my dream " not looking Mrs Kim

"If, this is not your dream then what is? " Mrs Kim questioned.. Not knowing how they ended up here discussing this

Namjoon just clench at that and a single tear slide down his eyes
"At last you asked, but don't you think it's to late for asking that Eomma "
He questioned her

Mrs Kim quickly runs near namjoon and cups his face in her hand and wipes his tears an says

"Eomma, my life is music or should I say was music..... Eomma... I wanted to make music, produce music...... Singing is not my thing but rapping was my everything Eomma, no one ever asked me what I wanted to be,what I wanted to do .. Not even you Eomma, not even you, all of you just assumed that I wanted to be like appa... The CEO "
Namjoon said while taking his eomma's hand in his from his face
And again continued

oh shut up MR CEO😈(Kim Namjoon X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now