Losing game (。•́︿•̀。)

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Namjoon's POV

"I Missed You Too " I said smiling....

I slowly walked towards her bed...... She still kept smiling at me......

"Joona  you are here " halmoni said looking at me ,who was seating near y/n  holding her hands......

I just nodded at that....

Both eomma and halmoni where asking questions to y/n ..about her health.....

I just kept quiet looking down not knowing what to do.....

After few minutes doctor said that only one person can stay with y/n...

And of course I was the one who was staying ....

When everyone was out I closed the door and turned around.. I slowly walked around the room and took my blazer off my Shoulder  to put it on chair...

While doing that I can feel y/n's eyes on me... And I tried my best to avoid it....

I pour one glass of water and handed it to her while saying
"Have it "

She took a sip while still looking at me ..after a minute I took glass back and kept it on side table...

And then I took the seat beside her bed.  ..

"What happened  ?" she questioned

"Nothing " I simply said

"Are you fine  ?" she again question

I faked laughed at that and said
"of course I'm fine... And I'm the one who should ask you that "

"If you're fine than look at me and talk... Don't freaking avoid my eyes "she said still giving me a look...

And from her voice I can say she was getting frustrated and angry....

I sighted and said
"Nothing is wrong... Just rest.. I will get something for you to drink "

I quickly got up to walk out side the room

"What happened to your hand ?" she questioned suddenly..

Oh I forgot about that..  Shit I quickly pulled my hand inside my pants pocket and said while  my back still facing her
"It's nothing "

"Nothing, Nothing " she lashed out and continued
"If it's nothing then freaking look at Me "

I stood there silently ...I could fill new tears lining up in corner of my eyes...

How could I meet her eyes?  How?
My guilt is killing me.....
I couldn't be there for her.... And it happens all the freaking time...
How could I forgive myself..?

"Please look at me, please I don't have another heart to lose "she cried...

I quickly turned around and ran to hug her ...half sliding on her bed..

I kept my head into the gap of her neck... And said
"I'm so sorry y/n-ah, I'm sorry "

She slowly patted my head lovingly and said
"Mmm...but you don't have to be sorry... Well yeah except for not coming for our date "

I just clench at that and
"pabo "

At which she just laughed and broke the hug and made  me look at her ....

She hold my face in her hand and said
"Don't blame yourself, for everything that happens with me... It was not because of you you understand that Right "

"I -i, but I was not there to help you if I wa-s on time then I could have helped you... I promise all the time to sa-ve you..to protect you ... But I ju-st fail all the freaking time..... An-d I was so rounded up in my own feeling yesterday that did not even asked you how you where... I'm sorry "I said looking at her

oh shut up MR CEO😈(Kim Namjoon X Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя