Date part.. 2

680 36 14

y/n's pov ..

I'm so excited's our first actual date.....

I'm so happy....

Today I will confess my feelings to him...
And I will let him know that his feelings are not one sided.... Not unrequited...

I love him..

Oh god... Saying it a loud make some things flatter in me.....

I have already hurt him so much.... I don't want him to wait any longer.....And I want him to be mine forever.. 

I quickly got up from bed and run to the cupboard...

How should I dress  ?

Formal, fancy, casual  ....How?

What if I over dress myself  ?
Or what if I under dress myself  ?

Aish.. Should I ask mom to help me dress up  ?

Na that's fine..
Control your self y/n ..?
Namjoon will send the address and then you will get to know , How you should dress up  ....

I said to myself...

Yeah, that's good...

That's when I got a message

I happily bounced to get my cell phone.. Knowing for sure it was from namjoon...

I opened the message and yes it was from him...

Tall freak..

Address.. ***************
Even if it's fancy restaurant ,don't stress and
Dress comfy ...

I just smiled while reading the messages.. He just knows me so Well....

I went back to my cupboard and .....
I selected knee length fancy one piece And a pair of high heel to go with.....well they are the only heel that I got ...uff

Yeah, I know this is exact opposite of comfy for me ... But at least I can do this much for our date.......

The dress is not revealing yet fancy.....

I layed the dress on bed, I looked up at the clock.. Yeah have more time to pass......

There was knock on the door and when I turned around there was halmoni standing

She Smiled at me which I returned
"Can I come in  ?" she questioned

"You don't need to ask sexy " I said while walking to her and I  pulled her inside ..

At which she just laughs sweetly....

We both took seat on the bed...and I did notice she was holding two box and one of them was familiar.....

"So, this is what you selected for your date ? "
halmoni asked looking at the dress

I was shocked at the sudden question. does she know ?

halmoni laughed at my shocked expression and said
"Yeah, yeah I know, joon called me few minutes ago and said about that... "

"oh, I see " I nodded smiling and again continued
"yes, I'm gonna wear this.. Is this fine
enough  "

"Yeah  it's good,but some one wants you to wear this " halmoni said while handing me one of the box

"huh " I said while Opening the box
And there was a cute hoodie in it with a letter...

I opened the letter

Oi my little buffalo, wear his for today, and make sure you wear shoe with it I don't want you to break your buffalo like leg by wearing heels ...........

Meet you soon....

"How can he be this fast.. Mean it's not even full 30 minutes, before we decided to go on a date and he has already planned everything "
I questioned amazed...

Halmoni smiled and said
"Yeah, that's my joonie always well organized "

I smiled at that

halmoni again continued
"And this box I think belongs to you, the hotel staff dropped by today when you were sleeping, they said they found it on the ground back of the hotel "

"Yeah, thank you halmoni,and I will make sure to give good review about the hotel  for bringing it back because I thought I lost it.... "

Halmoni nodded with a smile..

magical time skip.......

I reached the Venue and the  hotel staff allocated me the Table that was booked by namjoon... When I looked around there was no one in the room... Mmm interesting.....

I had called namjoon but he did not picked up his cell.. Maybe he is driving....

I looked down at the gift that I wanted to give namjoon other night...
I can give it to him now... I'm happy.. I Kept it in my bag and know all I have to do is wait for him...


Namjoon Pov...

I opened my office door tiredly...
Thank god the meeting was successful....

I took my seat while loosing my tie knot was frustrating...

How can Elena lose the file  ?...

After few minutes...
I got up and took the mobile from the table ready to go home...

That's when I saw 24 missed  calls from y/n

That's when realization hit me... I started all sweating.....
I forgot about the date...

How can I forget that.. ?
  All I wanna do right now was hit myself  ?
I'm so freaking stupid

It showed 12 am in the watch and I hopelessly wished it was showing wrong timing....
I promised y/n to meet her before 4 hours...
I  Roughly pulled my hair in angry ...

I tried calling y/n but she didn't picked her call....

I started walking fast towards the exit and out of the office...
I quickly got in the car..
I once again tried calling y/n ..but again the call was not answered....

Feeling guilty I hit my hand on staring wheel roughly..... And started the car in hotels direction........

The moment I reached hotel I run out of the car...

But the hotel had closed sing on it..
What hell I banged the door but no one opend it...

So I again tried calling y/n,but again it was unanswered....

So I tried calling eomma.. To ask her about
y/n ..but that call was also unanswered...
What's happening  ?

Where are you  y/n ?



...(Hi.... Yeah, it's a short useless chapter..but anyways
what do you think happened to y/n ?

why do you think namjoon forgot about the date  ?....)

oh shut up MR CEO😈(Kim Namjoon X Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin