the one with the start of tour

Start from the beginning

"Wouldn't have mattered. Everyone knows we're together, so we could have switched around and I think Baekhyun realized that and decided to not overstep."

"Good point." Jongin mumbled, "Key messaged me - gave me a lecture for not letting him know that we were back together as soon as it happened."

Taemin let out a laugh, shaking his head. "I swear he just can't let things happen on their own."

"He comes in handy - kept telling me not to give up on you and to just give you time. Otherwise I probably would have given up a long time ago, Taemin."

Taemin nodded, "Sorry."

"Don't apologize. There's nothing to apologize for in my mind - I was just saying Kibum was always on my ass to not give up on us."

"Same here. He really gave me a hard time about how I was treating you; which I deserved for sure."

The night went by quickly, both of them too jet lagged to spend much time awake at that point. Their alarms were set for earlier in the morning than everyone else had been talking about getting up - simply to spend more time together.

Jongin woke up alone in the bed and heard the shower running in the other room. He sat up on the edge of the bed, still trying to wake up the rest of the way.

They had soundcheck later in the day and then a concert that night, so time where they could just be themselves would be scarce for the day - which played a role into their decision to wake up even earlier than necessary.

As soon as he heard the shower shut off, he moved from the bed and went to the small fridge that was in their room - pulling out their drinks and snacks that his manager had brought them the night before.

Taemin walked out of the bathroom, and Jongin glanced over. "Good morning." Jongin said, smiling at Taemin as he made his way to the suitcase and grabbed out a change of clothes.

"Morning. Give me a minute to get changed and then I'll be back in here." Taemin said, nodding slightly as he walked back into the bathroom with his clothes.

"Could have waited for me to get up before taking a shower you know."

"Thought you wouldn't be interested in the idea of sharing a shower - thought we were taking it slow."

Jongin let out a laugh, walking over to the open bathroom door. "Taem, didn't we both agree the last time we were together that we suck at being patient?"

Taemin smiled at him, shrugging. "True." He said, pulling on his shirt. "So what's for breakfast?"

"Apparently the finest snacks my manager could find here at the hotel. Unless you want to order room service?"

Taemin was quiet for a minute before answering. "Let's skip the room service, it'll be like old days when we were trainees. Plus I'm sure we'll stop for food with the other guys before we get to the venue."

Jongin nodded, "Sounds good to me."

Back when they were trainees, Jongin and Taemin spent a lot of long nights together at the training center - working late into the night. And half the time they would just go to the closest vending machine and buy what all they could to serve as their dinner while they worked.

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