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I stopped by a medicine store to buy bunch of gauzes and bandages and every first aid I needed before i drive home fast and as soon as we've get home I drag Lauren into my room while holding the first aid I have.

"Come on we need to wash that first" I told her and pull her with me into the bathroom I let the water softly run through Lauren's wound it wasn't that long but I know it was deep since the blood won't just stop from flowing.

I just can't believe how I almost died back there and it was somehow the exact same thing I've been dreaming but it couldn't be possibly that accurate the scenes were connected but happened in exact different times...am I seeing things? Do I have a power now?.

Fuck I don't know but Lauren sure did save my life back there I don't know how I don't know why I don't wanna ask yet and I just to fix her right now she's badly wounded and it's all my fault.

I should've known that she didn't cross then I don't have to get to the other side.
She wouldn't get hurt if it wasn't for me.

I closed the faucet and gently damp a towel on her wound.

"Does it hurt?" I ask and she slowly nod "it's just a bit".

I sigh and guide her outside the bathroom.

"Sit" I told her and she take a sit down on the bed.

I put on wound cleanser on the cotton and gently damp it on her cleaning her wound so it won't get infected...I do it in the most careful way so she won't get hurt or too much pain.

Everytime she would suddenly flinch or tense up I stop and look at her in worry but she would give me a reassuring smile to continue. I could tell she also want it to be finished soon.

"Don't worry love it's almost done" I told her before putting the last bandage to secure her wound.

She also got a little bruise on her forehead so I also put a small band-aid there.

"Is it any less painful?" I asked and she nod "yeah thank you y/n".

I'm surprise she got most of the damage and not me, guess she really did protect me back there. I owe her a life of mine.

"Take some rest Lauren" I fix the pillow putting them on her side and taking the blanket out of her place for a while.

"Lay down" I instruct her and she did, I opened the AC on a low and give her her blanket back.

"Y/n cuddle me" she suddenly murmurs. And weakly pulling me into the bed with her other arm.

I sigh and close the door first before I hop in the bed laying down beside her. We lay down facing each other and stare like we usually do.

"I'm sorry if I had to put you in such a risky life Lauren" I apologize but she instead smile and purse her lips "I told you I'll protect you".

"Why? Why would you save me?".

"I love you".

Then she slowly lean in just enough for our face to get closer, our lips were inches away from touching I could feel her breath ghosting against my lips.

We stare at each other's eyes for some moment before she finally move another closer to peck my lips.

Again I didn't stop her and I don't think I would want to.

"You kissed me again" I breath out.

"I love you" she repeat.

Maybe she really does know what that words mean.

Maybe I can repay it back.

It took me some hint of second thought but I had to do it, when I have enough courage I pull her face and kiss her this time.

Taking her lips in between mine.

It was a quick peck just like what she gave me after that I pull away.

"You kiss me too" she seemed surprise somehow.

I smile "I love you too".

I know it might be dumb and stupid for me to fall in love for someone i don't even know where came from I don't have idea what's her real identity and all but I guess when you're in love it's just how it is.

"I want to kiss you again" she confessed while looking down at my lips.

Honestly I want to do the same I didn't expect that I'd kiss her but after I did I suddenly can't get enough.

So we didn't let another word escape our mouth anymore and lean in once again to share another kiss, it's somewhat a newfound happiness that I'm feeling and it's a really good thing.

My heartbeat is fast and my stomach is flipping against the feeling.

Our kiss deepen and she had her hands gently caressing my waist, a sudden shot of hotness came to my body and I couldn't help but to kiss her even rougher. I slip my tongue inside her mouth which made her moan.

Her lips were indeed really sweet.


It's like the tension was controlling my whole body and craves for more, so i deepen our mouth together and savor every kiss we're sharing.

"Y/n! Honey we're home!"

Our lips automatically parted as soon as mom had yelled in the house.

"Shit they're here" I nervously utter out.

I look at Lauren whose bitting on her lip hard. .

I smile and give her another satisfying kiss before getting off the bed.

"Stay here I'll be back!".

My adrenaline has been rushing so fast and it's like I'm happy even if I almost died today.

Is this really what it feels to be in love.

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