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"woah woah woah hit rewind baby what do you mean she's not from this planet!?" Sandra asked suppressing her laugh I knew it she wouldn't believe but we've already gone too far in this interview at Lauren so I just gotta convince them till they buy it.

"That's the truth she just pop up in my room that night before the meteor shower" I said trying to make everything seems to be believable I know it wouldn't be hard cause it's completely crazy but I don't have any choice left they're the only ones i can count to and I need to help Lauren. I promise to help her.

"Y/n are you sure you're not hallucinating?" Sandra starts checking my head and I roll my eyes before pushing her away "I'm not crazy Sandra I'm telling you she's not from this planet well at least that's what she keeps telling me".

Currently Robin is accompanying Lauren on the living room and they just decide to watch while me and Sandra talk one on one, I promise that I'll explain Robin everything tho but after I explain it to Sandra it'll be a whole lot of headache if they start shooting me questions back and forth. So I decide to start off with Sandra.

"Okay y/n let's start this all over again...what her name?"


"Lauren yeah I know that" she interrupts "what's her age?".

I shrug "I don't know she don't tell me anything about herself".

"Any family she got? Relatives?".

I shook my head again "I don't know either I told you it seems like she forgot about her identity".

Sandra groaned "then how are we supposed to get her back home?"

"Send a spaceship? Call the Federal agency of area 51?".

Honestly I don't know myself, I've been planning to do the same thing but we all know that alien's aren't real. Well there wasn't any proofs that they're real at the first place so my moves are pretty uncertain.

Soon enough Robin and Lauren suddenly came in the room.

"Hi guys what's up how's it going?" Rob asked as he plopped himself onto the couch while Lauren sat down beside me "hi y/n" she smile sweetly.

Ugh her smile.

"Hi Lauren".

"Damn you both are always that formal?" Robin asked, "I mean aren't couples supposed to be clingy like hi babe and hugging and kissing and eating each other's fa-"

"Rob cut it out!" Sandra snap at him and he instantly shut his mouth.

"So y/n what are we planning to do? How are we going to help your alien girlfriend here?" Sandra asked.

Robin got fussed and sit up straight "alien!? What? Who?".

Oh great I gotta do the explaining from the start all over again.

"Whose alien? Y/n? You're an alien?" I scrunch my nose and shook my head "what no not me".

Then I slowly point to Lauren.

Robin's jaw drop as he eyed Lauren I thought he'll freak out or something but instead he look at her with mostly unbearably amusing smile "oh my God I knew it aliens are real but wait why do you look like normal?" Well that's been easier for him to believe than Sandra did. But it's a good thing cause i don't have to explain too much.

"Why? What you thought alien looks like?" Lauren suddenly asked.

"Well you know they're that small creatures with huge eyes, antenna's attached on her head and weird tones"

Lauren chuckle "weird tones?"

"Yeah Lauren like 'take me to your leader' and 'we have come in peace'" Robin imitate it like a real professional making Lauren laugh.

"You're funny" she smile at Robin and they exchange looks for some reason.

Heyyy! I can be fun too.

"And not to mention that aliens well they're mostly green and you you're so white and gorgeous" Robin continue to somewhat gives Lauren compliments.

"Anyways the point is we're trying to get Lauren back to her home" I interrupted while rolling my eyes.

"Where's your home?" He asked.

"Its called Genesis" Lauren answer the same thing she told me earlier. I wonder where that Genesis is.

"I'll take you home but I don't have spaceship maybe my car will do?" He wink at Lauren and that's just it!. I grab Lauren's hand and pull her to sit closer beside me.

"Stay there" I lowly mumble almost only her could hear.

"Wohoo alright we got some jealous girlfriend over here" Robin chuckle then went back to the couch.

Well I don't know either why I did that but I wasn't jealous it's just better if Lauren was beside me so she'll hear me pretty clear when I tell something that's all.

"Lauren do you have any relatives here?" Sandra asked and Lauren shrug her shoulders "I can't remember".

"Alright but do you know where that Genesis is? What is that? It that a new planet? A new dimension?".

"I think she came from a black hole then boom just appeared on y/n's house out of million of houses she chose y/n because they're actually meant to be together and that's how the forbidden relationship of alien and human was made" Robin explained as if he's making a theory out of his weird ass imagination.

"Okay that's super random thanks for your idea Rob" Sandra trailed out then laugh.

"What it could've been possible?".

"I'm not sure where is it but I know there's many there like me but they have no face they're wearing white and they're really scary sometimes" Lauren said.

"Oh my God that sounds so scary they're some kind of aliens who'll rule the earth take over its power or something?"

We all look at Robin whose currently predicting his own theories.

"Stop being weird for now would ya?".

He chuckled then gesture to zip his mouth.

"Y/n? Can I talk to you?" Sandra suddenly asked and I nod and wait for her to say something but she hesitantly look at Lauren then back at me.


As soon as I realize what she meant I stand up from my sit.

"Y/n where are you going" Lauren asked whilst not letting go of my hand.

Ugh I hate leaving her here with Robin but I have no choice.

"I'll be back we'll just talk stay here" she nod and slowly slip her hand away from mine.

I walk to the kitchen to talk with Sandra.

"What's up?" I asked "look I don't think she's an alien y/n" she goes straight to the point.

I sigh "That's what I thought too Sandra but even if she's not an alien or what I really want to help to get home" .

She nod understandingly "yeah I know that we'll don't worry I'll help you I have things to figure out but I need time and you need to keep her for a while till we figure it out".

I smile at least knowing that she'll help me is enough "thank you Sandra".

"Oh and y/n".

I hummed in response.

"Try not to be harsh with her I mean I know things are confusing you both but It's better if you try to get along with her".

Well I'm trying tho.

"Yeah I'm trying but how come you suddenly say that?".

Her face went quick serious and she took a peek in the living room before turning back to me.

"I think she's been through something really difficult".

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