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My friend already had saw my face and of course I can't turn back around and tell Lauren to run, we're carrying approximately four bags of groceries and expect us to run? No thanks.

I sigh and wait until Sandra's already reached our place.

"Hey Sandra what's up nice to see you here" I greeted awkwardly and she had this suspicious smile which is creepy by the way plastered on her lips.

"At first I thought it wasn't you cause there's another girl then you turn and it's really you and with a girl" her eyes gaze upon Lauren beside me whose just standing there not saying anything.

"Who are you?" Sandra suddenly asking Lauren very straight to the point, she didn't even say hi then who are you no she was like as in straight who are you.

"I'm called Lauren" she said in a very nice way.

Sandra smirk then playfully look at me before darting back to lauren.

"Nice to meet you Lauren I'm sandra I'm y/n's friend and... you are y/n's what?" She arched up an eyebrow while waiting for Lauren's answer who seems to not know what to say.

Meanwhile my palms starts to get sweaty and nervousness shoot upon me. What if she told her I'm her lover again fuck that'd be a whole lot of mess.

I open up my mouth and try to answer "she's my fr-"

"Oh no y/n dear friend I'm not asking you cause you often lie to me so nah I'm asking this lady here" Sandra said cutting me off then looking back at Lauren.

Oh please don't get me into a mess Lauren.

"I'm y/n's..." She trailer off but paused and look at me. I want to mouth her the word friend but sandra would surely notice it she's like a detective she notice every single small things. She knows when I'm lying. And she knows how to solve a case...well somehow.

"What Lauren? You're y/n's what?" She asked again.

"I'm y/n's girlfriend".

Seemingly not very surprise sandra turn to me with a wide smile its like it's the answer she's looking for, I could tell she was satisfied by it.

I literally facepalm myself and groaned. This time she really had already put label on us ugh.

"My my my y/n what a surprise well not really but still a surprise" she teased with eyebrows wiggling at me.

"You don't understand Sandra" I sigh but she shook her head "oh no my friend you don't have to explain yourself I totally understand I mean come on you could've just at least told me and Robin we'll be happy for you" she place her hands on my shoulders and gently squeeze it.

Suddenly Lauren's action got me worried, she remove Sandra's hand and gesture her to move away before saying

"Rule number one personal space, rule number two no touching" she said with index finger pointing out to my friend.

Sandra laugh and look at Lauren in amusement "Okay okay what a possessive girl you got here y/n" .

"Lauren it's alright she's a friend rules don't apply to her" I told her and her face instantly soothes then turn to me "am I not your friend?".

If I told her she's my friend she'll surely ask why I still gotta apply the rules for her so I'm not sure if I have to answer that question.

"Uh are y'all fighting right now?" Sandra suddenly ask confused.

Yep she totally has no idea what's happening right now. Well since she's already aware of Lauren's existence maybe she could finally help me.

"Hey Sandra we need to get going now but tomorrow go to my house I have to tell you something okay see you!" I didn't wait for her reply anymore and just pull Lauren with me as we walk away.

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