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I went downstairs and prepare some food before my friends got here. Lauren is currently watching Netflix in the living room. She wanted to help me but I told her I can handle it, I don't want another mess in my house and it might end up with me snapping at her again so nah. See? I have a heart tho after all I'm just concern to her.

"Y/n?" I look over my shoulder to see Lauren peeking over the wall.

"Hey what's up? Are you hungry?" I asked and she shook her head, she slowly approach the counter and take a sit on the chair.

"I thought you're watching did you get bored?" I grab a glass of water and take a drink while she softly yawn and then shook her head again "no I just miss you".

I literally spit half of the water that's in my mouth why does she kept saying those kind of statement's.

"Are you okay?" She hurriedly approach me and pat my back as I cough tremendously. As soon as I've finally caught my breath again I gave her a thumbs up.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks" I breath out hardly.

"Did I startle you or something?" Lauren asked and just as I gaze up she's looking at me again with that strange twinkle in her green eyes. Ugh. Sometimes her eyes they're just so hypnotizing.

"No Lauren you didn't don't worry".

She smile "that's good".

She walk back to the chair and take a seat before resting her chin on her hands.

"Is there something wrong?" I finally ask as I notice she seems like she want to tell me something. Lauren adjusted on her place before hesitantly looking away.

I furrow my eyebrows and walk to her she seemed fussed or something but she won't speak up.

"Hey Lauren what's wrong?" I asked again, she look up at me then take a minute to stare before opening her mouth to speak.

"I was looking through the mirror then I saw this" she suddenly point to her forehead.

I arched an eyebrow "you're forehead? It's normal lauren I mean everyone have forehead"

She giggle whilst shaking her head "not that, y/n this" she tucked out few strands covering her forehead and my heart suddenly sink in to see a long scar on her head.

"Oh my God where'd you get that?" I asked and instantly take a hold at it I slowly tilt her head to get a better look and it seems like it was from a deep cut, but it was all healed now.

I rub my thumb gently across the scar "does it hurt?" I asked and she shook her head "no but it felt somehow familiar".

"Do you remember where'd you get that when you get that? How you get that?" She shrug which just as I expected she doesn't remember anything.

"If you help me get back to my planet then I might've start remembering things" she said with a hopeful look.

I sigh "don't worry Lauren I'm gonna do my best to help you".

She smile and suddenly hover me into a hug but it was quick contact cause as soon as she notice I wasn't hugging her back she pull away "I'm sorry I broke the rule again don't be mad" Lauren took a couple of steps backing away.

I don't think rules are needed anymore I mean we've she aren't following it tho so what's the use.

"Alright it's fine no more rules well except for the no touching my stuffs and you're not going anywhere unless I'm with you then forget the other rules" I told her and she took a step closer to me.

"I can be close to you then?" She mumble questioning.

"Sure but not that close" I mean I still need my personal space.

"I can hug you?"

"I can touch you?"

She seriously had this huge smile playing in her lips right now and I don't even know if she's really aware of what she's saying.

"Uh yeah sure" I awkwardly approve and she excitedly squeal.

"Y/n?" She called out.

"Yeah?" I sigh turning back to her again.

How can I ever finish cooking if she's distracting me.

"Can I kiss you too?"

My eyes shoot wide


"Can i-" she was about to repeat it when the doorbell rings which made her look away.

"I'll get it" she volunteered and walk away to open the door.

I turn back to what I'm doing completely flustered...what the hell? Did she just ask if she can kiss me?.

"Holy shit" I utter out to myself, I pace my forehead then my cheeks and realize how hot I suddenly felt.

My heartbeat is running like the speed of light.

"Hey y/n!" I turn back around to see my friends Robin and sandra already in the room and Lauren was behind them.


Whipped. Put your ass together y/n.

"Are you alright?" Sandra asked confused.

"Yeah why?"

"You look like a tomato".


"Y/n! Look they gave me this" Lauren butted in and walk to me while holding a box of donuts.

"That's great did you thank them?" She nod.

"Alright you can eat it".

She smile then walk to back to the chair and settle the box of donuts onto the table.

"Alright bitches hold up" Robin suddenly speak out "so I'm still fussed about this shit how come you suddenly have a girlfriend can we just process this for a moment?".

Sandra chuckle before pulling out a chair and sitting in too making herself comfortable.

"He was so surprised when I told him we're going to visit you and your girlfriend at first he didn't Believe me cause he thought you're cursed to be single forever" she said whilst chuckling.

I roll my eyes then open the fridge to get some pitcher of juice.

"What are we gonna talk about again y/n?" Sandra and rob asked at the same time.

I turn to Lauren whose currently enjoying her donut.


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