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As usual I woke up to the same dream that kept repeating again and again and honestly I don't know if this could go any longer I need to see a doctor I think I'm having hallucinations it's been days since Lauren have appear in my room and I start to get this strange same dream.

I wonder if it has something to do with her...or maybe not.

I glance behind me to see Lauren still sleeping peacefully, the time is still early it's only 6:15 and I'm already up the sun has barely shine bright today.

I notice that Lauren's shirt I lend her was quote exposing her skin, it took me a moment to process it before I look away and pull the blanket closer to her to cover her body.

As I do so my eyes was once again stuck to her face. She's too beautiful. How could someone just be this beautiful yet unknown.

My eyes suddenly graze down over her lips and something came back to me last night.

Did we possibly kiss last night?, But how? It can't be she's clearly asleep when I open my eyes.

But nevertheless I really did felt something.

Am I imagining things I could do with her?.

"Ugh y/n pull yourself together" I muttered to myself lowly and quiet, I get off of the bed and make my way downstairs. I don't usually see my parents when I wake up since they leave early so I take the chance to went out to greet them before they leave.

I make turn to the kitchen and my parents are currently having their early breakfast just the usual oatmeal and coffee

"Hey dear you're up early good morning" mom greeted and quickly approach me with a kiss in the head.

I wanted to tell them about the strange dream I've been having but sometimes I'm thinking they're not the right person and it's not the right time, they're barely home and got lots of stuff in their head.

I don't want to add up.

"Good morning".

I grab a toast from the plate and take a bite on it, I'm gonna join them for breakfast since i got the free chance so yeah why not.

"Is Lauren still sleeping?" Mom asked and I nod "Yeah she seems to be tired yesterday".

My dad suddenly eyed me suspiciously "tired? On what reason?" He smirk vividly and I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Did you both do the thing?" He asked playfully and mom elbowed him which made him literally spit half of the oatmeal that's in his mouth.

I made a disgusted look "ew dad double gross".

Double gross first gross for spitting out his food and double gross for thinking that Lauren and I did that thingy.

For God's sake we don't even kiss.

Or did we?.

Fuck I'm so confused.

Somehow when I look at her like longer than five minutes I get this weird feeling in my stomach.

And then when she smile it's like my heart is melting.

When she clings it's supposed to be annoying to me but no it's like I'm used to it and I just let her do anything she wants as long as she's fine and happy cause for somewhat reason that's all what's matter to me while she's here.

Her happiness.

I seriously need a doctor.

Couple of more hours had passed with the overthinking and all

A little out of this World || Lauren/YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang