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Somehow the dream of mine I had this morning has still been stuck in my head it was odd of course usually when someone had a dream it's mostly forgettable. But what I had I barely couldn't think about it.

"Lauren are you ready?" I asked over the door she must've been finished showering by now and of course I lend her my clothes again.

Hm I don't want her to run out my clothes maybe I should buy her her own. Yeah I still have some money left to get her some clothes.

"Lauren what are you taking so lo-" the door suddenly opened and our eyes instantly locked. My eyes automatically traveled from bottom till up her head.

Shit she looks so good on my clothes.

"Hi y/n" she mumble and I realize that I was staring too much.



I scratch my head and looks away "are you uhm ready?".

She nod "yeah".

"Alright let's go" I headed out first and she closed the door of my room behind me.

We proceeded outside and I took out the key to lock the doors.

"Where are we going y/n?" She asked.

I turn to her and smile "we're going to feed your dinosaur" I chuckle and open the  passenger's door for her, while I get on the driver's seat.

I insert the keys and start the engine.

The ride went pretty silent and I notice that Lauren is just looking outside the window, only the radio and its music was heard inside the car so I decided to speak up and ask her.

"Seen anything familiar with you?" I asked and she turn to me unaware.

Lauren shook her head "no everything is new to me".

I sigh that's what I thought.

"Well in your place do you have family? I mean do you have contact of them? Maybe we can call them" maybe she's just lost or something. But if she's lost I have one question why she choose to show up in my house?.

Why mine? There's thousand millions billions houses why mine.

"I don't know I barely remember all I know is that I'm not from here" she hold her temple and gently massage it before resting her head on the window.

Alright I should stop asking I don't want her to get headache or anything I know how it hurts.

"But Lauren if you remember anything you should tell me okay it would really help me to help you" I told her and she slowly nod.

I could see how hard she's trying so it's not that bad after all. If I'm her only choice then I'm fine with it.


We stopped in front of the mall and I parked in a free space before pulling over. I remove the keys and place it on my pocket.

Lauren manage to open her door and get out first.

I closed and lock both doors of the car before walking towards her.

"Stick with me okay so you won't get lost it must be crowded inside" I told her and she nod understandingly and so we start walking.

A little out of this World || Lauren/YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin