Tying up Loose Ends First

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Author's Note:

No one's had any questions on Fan fic for me to respond to so let's hope on into the story. (I respond in the Watt Pad comments so I won't add them here it's redundant)

Chapter Forty

Three short days had passed, Shigaraki and Soei were walking up the practically abandoned street too Hosu's city hall. "So where do you think everyone is?" Shigaraki asked as he fiddled with his new four finger gloves. He was finding moving with civilian clothes over his villain outfit to be extremely annoying.

"Probably at the funeral or cowering in their homes," came Soei's curt reply. He too found wearing two outfits to be troublesome, especially when both outfits trapped heat and the sun was beating down on their heads.

Shigaraki switched the bag that had his hands hidden inside in his right hand to his left as he shook the sweat off his palm. "You know I know he has nothing to do with it, but Endeavor is the closest hero to the sun so it'll feel really cathartic to kill him," he whispered to Soei.

Soei turned to face Shigaraki his eyes wide, "punch him in the face once for me."


"Good." The two continued their walk in a comfortable silence, as they moved closer to their targets.


Endeavor was in a bad mood not only had he failed to defeat Carnage after he killed All Might, but he'd been assigned to guard the sniveling weakling next to Hawks so he couldn't even be at the place Carnage was almost guaranteed to be. 'If only I killed Carnage then, then there would be no question that I was the strongest hero and that I deserved to be #1.'

The TV that the Head of Defense and Hawks were watching broke Endeavor out of his musings, it was Japan's Prime minister who was speaking. "We are gathered he today to mourn to loss of All Might our symbol of peace. His loss is one that we all feel, he was an irreplaceable light in the darkness, and no one could talk his place."

Endeavor sneered, "pathetic all you care about was your lost puppet."

The department head whirled around to glare at the new #1 hero, the antenna over his left ear caught the light of Endeavor's flaming beard. His quirk allowed him to tap into and send communications that were encrypted by his thoughts, which made sending out battle plans easier as well as safer. In a fight though he was next to useless and Endeavor knew it as he towered over the man causing him to back down.

The exchange caught Hawks' attention and he decided to intervene, "hey Endeavor try to play nice would ya."

Endeavor didn't say anything but backed off slightly. Hawks nodded in approval making the flame hero snarl in annoyance. "I'm doing a perimeter check," he growled out to his fellow hero, who much to his chagrin nonchalantly waved him off without looking at him. He stomped his way out of the room causing the coward to hide behind one of Hawks' wings. He made it into that hallway before his anger got the better of him and he decided he needed to calm himself down, in a practiced motion he pulled a cigarette from one of his pockets lit it off his beard and extinguished his beard so he could smoke.

He got one long drag before a voice mad him chock on the smoke, "hey your Endeavor right?" He began to cough but turned his head to see who had addressed him when the building was supposed to be abandoned. His eyes widened as he saw Shigaraki in his signature black outfit covered in severed human hands, and behind him was one of Carnages lackies who tried to look like a modern ninja. "This is because it's so fucking hot out," Shigaraki's fist slammed into his face before Endeavor could compose himself. He felt his nose break and blood began to run down his face but when he looked back to the spot where both men had been standing they were gone. Then a hand that wrapped around his neck clued him in on where the two villains had gone. He didn't even have time to relight his beard before his neck disintegrated and his head rolled off his shoulders. Before he began his journey into the after life the last thing he heard was Shigaraki's voice. "Man this is gonna make on hell of a dust bunny for someone to clean up."


Shigaraki looked up from the pile of dust in the middle of the hallway, "so you think they heard that?"

"Only one way to find out." The two began to make their way up the hallway that Endeavor had come from. They made their way over to the still open door, and Soei peeked his head inside. He leaned his head back out and smirked. "We're good to go."

Shigaraki mirrored Soei's smirk as they both began to sink into their shadows. The first thing Shigaraki saw was a pair of red wings who's owner was facing away from them. The department head's eye widened as he realized they were there but before it became a problem Shigaraki slapped his palm onto the top of Hawks' head. "I never attempted to make a Nomu before, hopefully all I need to do is expose your brain." If Hawks had a response to that he was dead before it came out of his mouth, since Shigaraki's hand was now inside his dusty cranial cavity.

Hawks' body hit the floor and the two villain's turned their attention to the man trying to crawl away from them. "Kinda pitiful one of the heads of our nation was reduced to this don't ya think," Soei asked.

"It really is, you want me to dust him too?"

"Nah, Carnage said we should send a message." Soei stalked over to the whimpering man. "Hold still if you struggle this'll hurt more than it has too."

"Please don't do this, I'll give you whatever you want."

"Now we're talking, I want you," Soei moved his arms quickly forward grabbing the back of his head and the side of his chin, then he snapped the man's neck in on swift movement, "to stop whimpering it's pissing me off."

"Holy shit that was sick," Shigaraki fan boyed over the move.

"You have no Idea how much practice went into pulling that off."

"And you ruined it."

"Fuck off, I want to see the new it should be starting soon." Both villains pulled up the chairs that had been knocked over when they killed their occupants not even a minute prior, and began to watch the live footage of the funeral.


So I was up at 12Am to 3:30 am writing this I hope it all makes sense, but school has been a bitch and a half. You all stay healthy during these hectic times.

Thank you all for your support, we're nearing the final stretch, Dante Out.

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