New Job and Training

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Izuku opened the door to the bar that his friends at the League had taken as their base. Izuku was by himself this time since Jiro and Mei stayed back with Toga, and Jack and Soei were watching Eri. Izuku looked around and saw his friend sitting off on his own.

"Hey Shigaraki how are you? Izuku asked walking over to the teal haired man. He pulled up a bar stool next to Shigaraki and grabbed a beer.

"I'm fine Carnage." He sounded irritated so he was probably lying.

"So Shigaraki what's really bothering you?Izuku looked at his friend in concern.

"The new "additions" to the league are just pissing me off." Shigaraki said tiredly he sounded like a middle aged man after work not a young up and coming Villian.

Izuku looked around and did notice some new faces. The was a man who looked like a marvel character nock off sitting across from a man with stitched and burned skin talking about Stain or something. There was a lizard man in a Stain fanboy outfit sitting off by himself in the corner. 'He's probably sulking since Stain got caught last week' Izuku thought. Then Izuku noticed a giant of a man who was covered in muscle. He was blonde and had a scar over one eye. Behind him was a man in a mask wearing an overcoat. Every movement the man made was exaggerated and overly theatrical. Izuku stopped looking around the bar as he'd seen enough to get why Shigaraki would find this irritating. He took a swig of his beer, before turning back to his stressed friend. "Hey man after this next job when things calm down why don't we hangout with two of my other friends and relax for a bit.

Shogaraki looked over at Carnage and smiled behind his mask. "Thanks man it's great to have a friend that watches out for me."

Izuku smiled but since he was in Carnage mode it came across creepier than he ment it to. "No problem. So what was the job you wanted to talk about? Shigaraki looked like he'd just been slapped. "Shit I almost forgot. We're going to attack UA's summer training camp and we'd like your team to join us."

"Sure we'll take this job, but more than likely we won't all be there. Izuku could already see the confusion on Shigaraki's face. "My fiance and probably someone who's watching her won't be there since we're expecting a baby. Izuku said with all the pride in the world.

Now Shigaraki looked stunned but Kurogiri who was listening in recovered first. "Congratulations Carnage."

Izuku smiled again. "Thanks. I can't wait to see my new baby.

Shigaraki had gotten over his shock and he started to freak out. "When are you going to start training? What kind of villian are you going to teach them to be?"

Izuku who was a little startled by this answered honestly. "I'm hoping that my kids won't have to be villians. I'm hoping we'll change society to be a better place so they won't have to do it."

Shigaraki and Kurogiri seemed stunned. "What are you talking about?" Shigaraki asked.

"Before we have our next kid I'd like to change society for the better. I what to change the world to a place where the strong protect the weak, not for fame or money, but because it's the right thing to do. To a place where the weak understand that with enough work they can be strong to, and they aren't looked down on for having a dream." At the end of his little speech Izuku looked up and realized everyone in the bar was staring at him.

The man who seemed to be overly theatrical made a sniffling sound like he'd been crying. "That was beautiful my friend. Truly a speech for the ages." The man was making theatrical gestures with every word. Izuku was starting to get annoyed by the strange display.

"Your ideals are similar to Stains and are almost as good." The lizard like man said, severely invading Izuku's personal space.

Izuku stood up very quickly and rather awkwardly. He thanked everyone for listening as he hurried away embarrassed.


Izuku opened the door to their hideout/home, and saw quiet a scene before him. Toga had Mei and Jiro hanging on to her as she tried to drag them screaming something about how, "He should be back by now." The second Toga saw him she started to bawl her eyes out. Then Izuku realized much to his amusement his fiance was having her first real mood swing. He hugged the crying girl and took her to their room, where she promptly passed out.

Izuku returned to the living room and saw Eri got her two babysitters to watch Frozen with her. Izuku almost laughed at both men's uncomfortable faces during the childish songs.

Izuku remembered what he was supposed to be doing and made his way through the mess of toys on the floor to Jiro and Mei. "Hey Jiro I was wondering if you'd be able to help me get my training in for the next job?"

Jiro started to blush under Izuku's gaze. "Uh. Sure what did you have in mind?"

"Follow me." Izuku started to walk off and Jiro and Mei followed close behind him.


They made their way to a room in the house that looked like a gym. Then Izuku turned to the girls. "Okay Jiro I want you to hit me with your loudest attacks."

"What? Why would you want that?"

"When your attacks hit me the first time I could feel them slowly getting less effective. I want to try and overcome this weakness. Now give me your best shot."

"Okay, but you asked for it." Mei watched as the two squared off. 'I've got so many Ideas for new babies now' she tought to herself.

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