Introducing The Family

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"Hi Ka-chan." Izuku watched as the Bakugo family stared at him in shock.

Katsuki was the first to react. "Why the FUCK are you here DEKU, and why do you look dumber than usual?"

Izuku scoffed at his remarks. "I can't come to the hospital to check on an old Friend." Izuku spit the word with as much venom as he could muster and Katsuki flinched at his voice. "I look like this because my quirk finally showed up." Other than Toga and Eri everyone else looked at him in shock.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Katsuki was enraged by the fact that his dream was just snatched away from him, and now Izuku's was coming true. It was like some kind of sick joke.

Izuku smirked as he morphed his hand into a scythe. 'I have to focus more than I thought I'd have to. I need to make sure that my arm stays skin colored or I'll give myself away'. Everyone else ingnored his internal struggle and stared at the skin colored scythe that was now his hand.

Mitsuki was the first to speak. "Izuku that's great." She hugged him. "Thank you for coming to comfort us." Then she pushed him back to arms length and inspected his new look. Then she glanced over to Toga and Eri giving them a confused look. "Izuku who are these two?"

Izuku smiled at his auntie Mitsuki who had been nothing but kind to him and he loved her like family for it. He proudly pointed to Toga before he spoke. "This is Toga and she's my girlfriend." Mitsuki looked at him slightly startled, and Katsuki looked like he'd swallowed a lemon. Izuku tried not to laugh at Katsuki's face when Eri came to hug him so he'd introduce her too. "And this sweet little ray of sunshine is Eri. Toga and I adopted her from a bad home." Eri beamed as he spoke.

Mitsuki looked like she was struggling to find words, much to Izuku's amusement. "That's great Izuku, I really don't know what to say." Luckily for her Katsuki did.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU DEKU. DID YOU JUST COME HERE TO RUB IN HOW GOOD YOUR LIFE GOT WHEN I HIT ROCK BOTTOM." Katsuki was fuming the little shit who used to be no more than a pebble in his path was now better off than he was. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE YOU PIECE OF SHIT."

Izuku looked at his former bully without pity, he did however feel bad that Mitsuki was struggling with this since she'd always been so kind to him, Mr. Bakugo however he didn't really know so he didn't care as much about him. Izuku sighed as he picked Eri up so she could hold on to him around his neck. "Katsuki I wish you wouldn't use that kind of language around my daughter." Katsuki flinched when Izuku addressed him without the childhood nickname.

Katsuki got really quiet before speaking again. "You hate me don't you?"

Izuku chuckled at his statement. "Can you blame me? You've told me to kill myself, and you bullied me since we were four." The adults who'd been silent through the whole ordeal up to this point finally spoke out.

"WHAT'S HE TALKING ABOUT." Mitsuki was screaming.

"Oh. Baby are you ok???" Inko was crying, and Mr Bakugo stayed silent.

Izuku's calm voice was powerful so even though he wasn't talking that loud everyone heard him. "I'm fine mom. But I'm not surprised you ended up like this Katsuki." Then before Mitsuki or her son could speak Izuku raised his hand for quiet. "To answer your question auntie, Katsuki made a habit of using his quirk on those weaker than him." As he spoke Izuku raised his shirt so the adults could see the scars he'd been hiding for so long. All three adults stared in horror as they looked at Izuku's chest and back which where basically a giant burn scar. Bakugo started to get sick as he stared at the damage he did, not because he felt bad but because he knew what it would do to his reputation. "I'm not the only one you did this two so it makes sense someone would want to take away the quirk you used to hurt them."

Mitsuki rounded on her son with tears in her eyes. "You did this to people, and now your paying the price." She grabbed Izuku and Eri startling both of them, as she pulled them into a hug. "Izuku I'm so sorry for this."

Izuku smiled and with his free hand rubbed the top of Mitsuki's head. "It's ok auntie, you couldn't have know and it's not your fault." Izuku then looked over at his mother kindly. "Mom it's not your fault either. I hid it from you so you couldn't have known."

Inko rushed over and hugged her son and granddaughter tightly. "Still I'm sorry you had to go through that." She had tears in her eyes as she spoke.

"It's fine mom. I didn't come hear to relive the past, I came here so I could comfort auntie Mitsuki." The adults were shocked by this statement but in light of what they'd just heard it made sense. Then Izuku hugged Mitsuki closer. "Thank you for always being so kind to me."

"Don't mention it Izuku." Mitsuki had tears in her eyes but she smiled at the kind young man she'd watched grow up.

Katsuki had had enough of these people ignoring him and he was sick of all this heart warming shit. "Deku you useless bastard..."

He'd wanted to say more to just rant but Izuku wouldn't give him the chance. "You have no right to call me that anymore Katsuki. I have a quirk now." Izuku had put emphasis on his last statement. Then he turned and put his arm around Toga, and pulled her close to him so he could kiss her forehead. "Let's go love." He said fondly. "If you guys need anything just call." He told his mother and Mitsuki as they left the room.

As the family walked out of the hospital a name plate on one room caught Izuku's eye. He glaced over and read ALL MIGHT. As they walked past Izuku couldn't hold back his grin.

Seeing RedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora