First Bond

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"Blackwalk I need you to hurry up," Izuku practically shouted into his phone as he dodged a fire ball from Endeavor. He ducked into another alley to see his friend emerge from the shadows. Izuku waved his hand frantically trying to get a hold of Soei so they could leave.

Soei grabbed Izuku's hand with a smirk, that was replaced seconds later with a shocked expression. "I can't warp. What's going on!?"

Izuku winced and dragged Soei as he started to run. "It's Eraserhead. I don't know how he got here, but we need to get to a hidden area to get away."

They took off down the street ducking under Endeavor's hell flames. Izuku shot a web onto the roof of a nearby building, and yanked Soei up with him by the collar of his ninja outfit. "Ahhh! Carnage what the hell? A little warning next time would be nice."

Izuku pulled the two of them on to the roof top, and started to laugh. "Sorry about that, heheheh but you should have seen your face." Izuku looked over the edge of the building and saw the hero's who'd been chasing them struggling to find a way up. A ways away Edgeshot was trying to leap from building to building, trying desperately to get to them before they left. "Soei let's go before more of these..."

A loud bang rang out, and Soei pitched backward off the roof. Izuku turned in time to see Soei's shocked face as he went over the railing. Without hesitation Izuku dove over the railing to catch his friend. As they fell he fired a web to Soei's back, and pulled him into him. The second Izuku grabbed on to Soei's shoulder he felt himself being dragged under Soei's skin.

Soon Izuku disappeared from view, and Soei's eyes snapped open with a sharp in take of breath as the gun shot through his chest closed. He quickly realized he was halfway to the ground. He began to flail his arms wildly until a thin red web shot from his wrist and grabbed a nearby building. He was pulled from his fall into a pendulum swing. As he reached the height of his swing the web retracted into his arm, and his other arm moved seemingly of its own accord to fire off another web. 'What the hell is going on?'

The last thing Soei wanted was a voice in his head. "I have no idea, but I need you to relax and let me be in control.

'What the? Who the hell are you?'

"I'm your conscience and your feeling very guilty about eating the last of Izuku's pizza, last week."

'What?!!! What's going on? What are you doing?'

"Dude chill it's me, Izuku. I don't know how but it seems like my quirk fused us together for the time being. Just keep trying to warp us out of here."

'You have a lot of explaining to do when we get home."

"Yeah no shit, but I don't know much more than you."

The two bonded mercs let the web retract back into their wrist, and dived to the ground. They rolled on impact and came up sprinting as fast as they could. They left the stunned heros in the dust as they made their way as far from the battle ground as they could. They ran until they suddenly pitched down into the shadows, with one thought running through their bonded minds. 'Hey it worked.'


The two landed face first on to their living room floor when they exited the portal. They slowly pulled themselves off the floor only to have a knife shoved in their face. "Soei were is Izuku?" Came Toga's voice cold, and slow.

They got to their feet and pushed the knif off to the side. "Hey give us a second. We just got home."

"Anyone else notice that he's talking in plurals?" Jiro asked while looking at everyone else in the room.

"Just give us a minute to catch our breath and we'll explain as best we can." They straightened up to their full height.

Toga had gotten sick of waiting for an answer about where Izuku was and threw her knife next to Soei's head.

On instinct their hand snagged the knife out of the air to everyone's surprise. What really caught their eyes wasn't the catch, but the red blood like substance that was covering their arm. It looked like the goo that makes up Izuku's body when he's in his Carnage form. Toga was livid and now she needed to know what's going on. "Soei explain. Now!"

The red goo kept surging from his arm until a red blob separated itself from him. The blob hit the floor with a loud splat. Jiro backed up while Mei and Toga looked at the red mass curiously. It began to swirl into a miniature tornado that began to take on the shape of a person. When it calmed down Izuku was standing before them in his usual red suit, but he was holding his temples and wincing. "Oh God. I found the backlash of my quirk."

Toga dropped her knife and pulled Izuku into a bone crushing hug. "Thank God your alright. You promised never to scare me like that again."

"I told you I'd be fine, but can we keep the noise down I have a horrid headache."

"NOPE!!" Toga proclaimed loudly which brought Izuku to his knees. "You have some explaining to do."

"Ok ok ok. Just please be a little quieter."

"Fine." Toga said but Mei jumped in. "BUT I MAKE NO PROMISES, SO HURRY."

Never in his life has Izuku covered his ears so fast. "Ok ok ok , just stop." Jiro giggled at the man who seemed so invincible before, that seems like he's now got the world's worst hangover. "Soei got shot and when I went to help him, I kind of fused with him. I don't know how it works but it's really draining." He tried to get back to his feet but passed out cold in Toga's arms, much to her delight.

"Come on let's get my knight in red armor to bed." Toga sighed as she, Jiro, and Mei picked him up and carried him to Toga and his room.


Izuku had been having a wonderful sleep so far. When he blacked out he welcomed sleep with open arms, and a smile on his face. He currently thought that nothing would get him out of his dreams but one sentence from Toga left him more awake then ever before. "Izuku!! Wake up! Somethings wrong with the baby!!"

Izuku's snapped up and looked at Toga concern was the only thing she could see in his eyes. He noticed almost immediately what the problem was. Toga wasn't even through her first trimester (3 months), and instead of having a slight bulge where the baby was starting to form she looked very pregnant. Izuku began to worry as he picked up his fiance, bridal style and headed for the door. "Don't worry baby we're going to a hospital, to get help.

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