The Merc's last Hoorah

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Author's Note:

Seal Kid asked me what my upload schedule looks like now, which is an excellent question. I plan to finish up Seeing Red and begin to work on Voice of Power, with Dekupool as a side project. So for every two to three chapters of Voice of Power I'll update Dekupool once, I'm working on it this way because it was brought to my attention and I agree that there are a few chapters of Dekupool that need a rewrite.

Also for my Watt Pad readers go check out Diamond X Aizen he's a new author who I've had the pleasure to work with beta-ing his stories. So check out his story My hero Acidemia AU and tell him Dante said hi.

Chapter Forty-two

Jack smirked as he crushed his phone and tossed it into the nearest waist bin, as he stalked towards his prey. The hero in question was doing his best in the situation, he was trying to be seen in the media comforting civilians. Jack could tell it was fake though just from how he moved from news crew to news crew trying to keep himself in frame. 'I wonder if his flesh will taste as bad as his character,' he wondered absentmindedly as he moved closer to his prey. As discreetly as possible Jagged Jaw slipped on a set of brass knuckles with curved hooks at the end, that let him rip the flesh off of whoever's on the receiving end of his punches. Keeping the weapon as concealed as possible he closed the gap between himself and the hero. "You Death Arms right?"

The hero in question smiled at being recognized and turned around only to have Jagged Jaw's fist ram itself into his cheek as he was turning. The merc twisted and pulled the weapon tearing a good sized chunk of flesh with it. Death Arms training began to kick in and the hero tried to role to create distance but in the crowded area all he accomplished was tying himself up in a pile of civilians. Jagged Jaw looked at his bloodied knuckle duster with a sadistic smile, "the boss was right this is the perfect tool for me." He brought the lump of flesh stuck to his fist to his mouth where he pulled it off and began to chew as Death Arms finally untangled himself from the panicked bystanders. The people began to flee in a blind panic and Death Arms lowered himself into a combat stance but Jagged Jaw had already gotten what he needed to activate his quirk, and his muscles began to expand. "Well then hero shall we get started?"

Death Arms grimaced and readied himself for a fight, "Let's do this, I'm Death Arms." After an uncomfortable pause with his blood running down the side of his face Death Arms broke the silence. "And you are?"

"There's no reason to tell my lunch my name." Jagged Jaw responded when he'd finished sizing up his foe, "but for the benefit of the people around us my name's Jagged Jaw. You should know this isn't personal my boss just needed to make a statement."

Trying to get as much information and to stall till he could get back up Death Arms took the one option available to him. "So who is your boss, and why does he need to make a statement?"

"Carnage is my boss and you don't need to know why he needs to make this statement, you'll be dead before it happens." With that he lunged forward fist flying towards Death Arms torso. The hero tried to dodge the attack only for the claws on Jagged Jaws to extend and throw his sense of distance off. the claws racked across the hero's chest leaving three bloody gashes. "I'll have to remember to thank Mechanic for this," Jagged Jaw mused to himself.

Death Arms covered his chest with his right arm and prepared himself for the next round. "Do you think you'll get away with this? Both you and Carnage will be put into prison after this."

Jagged Jaw looked to the hero no longer interested, "You should be more concerned with yourself, these claws were designed to release a powerful and fast acting neuro toxin when the blades extend. If I had to guess you won't be here much longer."

Death Arms looked down at his chest only to discover the area around the cuts were rapidly turning black as the toxins rapidly traveled through his blood. "You bastard, you don't fight with any honor." The hero coughed into his fist leaving globs of his blood.

"Ha honor, the story is decided by the victors honor is much the same. The good thing is that the human body has many harmful bacteria inside of it, and because my quirk requires me to consume human flesh it allows me to ingest any poison currently known to man without any backlash. So lend me your strength I'll need it to fight your comrades." Death Arms could do nothing as his strength which was his pride began to fail him, and Jagged Jaw began to move towards him with a predatory smile. The hero's eyes closed one last time and the last thing he saw was a mouth opening to take a bite out of his flesh.


Izuku and Jiro were making their way through the crowd when suddenly the situation changed. People began screaming and stepping on each other in hopes that they could escape just a little faster. The heroes however where making their way towards the disturbance hoping to be the one to get the glory of stopping it The UA Teachers and students however were trying their best to direct the mass exodus. Izuku smiled to himself as he handed Jiro a screaming demon mask, "I was right Banshee the UA students and staff are cut from a different cloth than the average hero."

Jiro smiled back, "I know that's why I asked you to let them off easy."

Before she'd placed her mask over her face Izuku leaned over and kissed her cheek turning her face bright red. "I would have let them off even if they weren't good people just because you asked."

Jiro placed the mask over her still red face, "s-shut up. W-we have a job to do."

"Right, be careful." After he got a nod in reply Izuku dashed off to find as many hero's he thought he would need to eliminate as he could.

Jiro turned towards the area where the UA students and staff were, "right I need to make sure you guys don't get in the way." She moved towards her objective while preparing her weapons, with a bitter smile of someone who know what they had to do was necessary but still didn't want to do it under her mask.


Izuku's body fully morphed into that of Carnage and in the instant of his change the crowd parted like the Red Sea. The screams of the citizens let the heroes know that now they had more than one monster ready to capture their attention. From his eye of calm in the storm of chaos around him Izuku could clearly see the Prime Minister, one clawed finger raised and pointed to the man, who was shaking like a leaf. "Don't go anywhere, you and I need to talk." Just as Izuku predicted the man took off after his confrontation, unable to hold it in Izuku began to laugh regardless of the heroes making their way towards him. "HAHAHAHAHA, let's get started I have a meeting I just set up with an important man." Unable to hold his gaze the heroes tried their best to prepare for battle.


I know what your thinking "Why did you stop here" and the answer is because Seeing Red is reaching it's end and I want these three important fights to be all in one big chapter and the plan is for that to be the entire next chapter.

Thank you all for sticking with me for this long personally I have mixed feelings about ending Seeing Red just because it has become a part of me now.

Dante out.

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