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Author's Note:

Hello everyone I wanted to thank you on behalf of my friend, for all of your kind words. for those of you on Fan Fic she saw your messages personally and they really brightened her day, and for those of you on Wattpad I sent her screen shots of them. Thank you all she's doing better and is going to continue to write after a short break for now.

I feel like just leaving my note on that happy thought and just jumping into the story so here we go.

Chapter Thirty-seven

Izuku walked past the guest rooms, and came to a stop in front of a purple door that had become Jiro's room. He hesitated for a moment before pressing a button beside the door. The hallway was completely quiet for a few seconds before the door opened allowing Izuku to look into the room. The walls were covered in purple, soundproof panels that had instruments hanging off of them. Per Jiro's request her room had been soundproofed so she could practice during the night without waking Eri. Coming back to his senses Izuku focused on the punk rock girl standing in the door. "We need to talk," his voice came across far more serious than he meant for it to, and a look of worry crossed Jiro's face.

"Sure come in," She stepped a side letting him into the room. As she shut the door he walked over and sat on her purple bed, then he noticed much to his amusement that her pillows were shaped like musical instruments. Jiro came over and sat down next to him and nervously fiddled with her jacks. "So what's up is something wrong."

Finally realizing why she looked so nervous Izuku back peddled fast. "No, No everything's, I just promised you some answers and I had a few questions for you."

Relief flooded her face as what she thought was coming turned out to be nothing. "I-I thought that you were rethinking things because yesterday happened so fast."

"No I was following through with my promise to tell you everything," Izuku pulled the punk rocker into a quick hug, before holding her at arms length. "But first you need to tell me everything."

"Like what?"

"Like why you were so willing to give up on your bright future to help me?" Izuku's intense stare made Jiro look away quickly in embarrassment. "You have to be 100% honest with me."

"I didn't want too up until you saved me in the forest, at least I didn't want to be a part of all of this," She vaguely gestured around them. "I was willing to be around you after a while, when I saw how kind you seemed to be, but I was terrified how could the kind boy I saw be capable of the atrocities that had your name smeared near them?" She took a breath calming herself before carrying on, "When we were in the forest I was still looking for any opportunity to run, but then you stepped in-between me and Mei, and that fire villain. No one's ever done that for me before, I've always been a bit of a tom-boy," she gestured to her clothes, and her self. "No one not even my parents have really ever treated me like a girl, but you did. Without asking me to change anything you gave me the same curtsies you gave Toga or Mei, and I wasn't treated like you thought of me as one of the boys like my old friends at UA did. Aside from the perverts," She muttered the last bit darkly. "I've never had someone protect me before, I never in all my life had a knight in shining armor, or in this case shiny red skin, but it made me feel special. I decided then that if you were willing to risk your own safety for me you couldn't be as bad as everyone said, and it was about then I developed feelings for you." She smiled at him sweetly nuzzling her head into his shoulder as they sat side by side on her bed. "Now I don't care what I turned my back on because I'm happy with you. But I have to ask did you feel the same about me?"

Izuku let out a sigh, "I'd be lying if I said I'd only ever saw you in a professional light, but I had Toga so I left things alone. I refuse to be the person to cheat on his partner or now partners, like my father did. I want to be faithful, and I want to be there for my kids."

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