The Day After

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Author's Note:

Hey guys this note won't be too long I just was letting you know some things I hadn't made common knowledge yet. Voice of Power and Dekupool ar going to be Multi book series, so when those book say complete there will be another one coming out eventually. I just wanted to let you know the plan for those because I got asked if they would be long or short series.

Lastly this chapter is a little fluff setting up the end game. So without further ado.

Chapter Thirty-five

Izuku opened his bedroom door and crept out as quietly as he could. 'I'm going to surprise them', the red haired boy thought to himself as he snuck into the kitchen. His plan was to quickly make breakfast and surprise Jiro and Toga, but went he stepped into the kitchen he noticed someone that would make him change his plans. Eri had her step stool out and had stacked a few books underneath it, she was trying to reach the top shelves and grab some of the cooking supplies.

"Eri what are you doing," Izuku wasn't angry but he was definitely worried that his daughter would get hurt.

Eri's attention snapped onto Izuku instantly. "Papa your up?" She sounded disappointed.

"Yeah but you didn't answer me Snowflake," Izuku was trying to sound stern, but was failing since they both knew if Eri smiled at him he'd cave on whatever he told her to do.

"Well you always make breakfast for me and Mama, so I wanted to make some for you." Eri stared at the floor but it was hard for Izuku to tell if it was because she was embarrassed or because she knew she wasn't supposed to be using the kitchen without help yet, was hard for Izuku to tell but he didn't really care.

"Come on Snowflake why don't you help me make breakfast today." Izuku walked over and picked Eri off her step stool and grabbed a few bowls off the shelf she was trying to reach. "So what do you think we should make Snowflake?"

Eri started to grin from ear to ear. "We should make waffles and carmel apples papa." She said as she followed Izuku skipping.

"Hmm. Waffles we can manage but I don't know about the carmel apples." Izuku spoke lightly as he set out the bowls and measuring cups.

Eri puffed out her cheeks in a pout. "Apples," she spoke in a quick and stubborn tone, that made Izuku smirk.

"We'll see what we can do Snowflake," Izuku said as he kissed the top of her head, causing Eri to smile.

Then Izuku heard someone clear their throat behind him, he whirled around to see his mother watching the two of them. "It reminds me of when you were little and wanted to help me," Inko said softly.

Eri looked behind her and smiled. "Grandma you should help us too," she said cheerfully. Izuku smiled and waved his mother over to join them too.

A slight smule adorned Inko's face as she walked over. "I'd love to cook with you two." Then she took the flour out of Izuku's hands, "besides I need to make sure he doesn't burn everything," she told Eri with a smirk.

Izuku smiled unable to even fake a frown, "thanks for helping out mom."

Inko just looked over and nodded with a smile.

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