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Jiro woke up on a cool metal surface, and couldn't remember how she got there. She glanced around and saw Mei strapped to a metal table just like her. Their tables were slanted slightly so they could see most of the room just not what's behind them. "Mei. Mei." Jiro whisper screamed desperately praying not to draw their capturer's attention.

Mei glanced over to Jiro, and Jiro noticed she had tears in her eyes. "Jiro what's going on? Where are we? Are we going to die?" Jiro noticed she was hyperventilating as well as panicking.

She needed to calm her down and fast. "Shhh. We're going to be just fine. I don't know where we are but we'll get through this together." Jiro tried to keep her voice comforting. Mei started to breath more regularly so she hoped it was working.

Then Mei started to look paniced again. "J-Jiro who's that?!!"

Jiro glance to where Mei was looking, and sure enough sitting in the shadows their was someone sitting in a chair almost hidden. Jiro started to internally panic. 'Wait what if their like us, maybe they could help us'. "Hey can you hear me." Jiro was still whisper screaming.

A cool voice that sounded sweet, yet had a deep resonance answered her swiftly, and calmly. "Yes I can hear you." The voice seemed like it belonged to a man, and the man the voice belonged to stood up and moved towards the light. Jiro and Mei both had a sharp intake of breath when they saw the man.

He walked into the light and the girls got a good look at this stranger. His hair was messy and curly. It was also a beautiful deep crimson with black highlights. His eyes were sharp and sparkled like beautiful rubies. He seemed to be about the same age as them. His face was well structured, and he wore a genuinely kind smile. He wasn't tall, but he wasn't short either. His body was well muscled and toned. He wore an extremely nice suit but instead of the usual black color it was a brilliant red. The undershirt and tie he wore with it were also dark reds, and the dress pants were as crimson as his hair. The only thought running through Jiro and Mei's minds was 'Holy shit he's hot'.

Jiro got control of herself first. "Hey can you let us out of here. We were kidnapped and their going to kill us."

"No they won't." His reply was almost emotionless. He looked at them his smile never wavering. "We brought you here to make a deal." The girls hopes of this man rescuing them were dashed in an instant.

"What do you mean make a deal?" Mei asked cautiously.

"Oh right. But first introductions, my name is Izuku Midoriya. It's a pleasure to meet you." He bowed as he spoke.

Jiro spoke up when Mei froze not wanting to anger this guy, even if he was their age there was no telling what he'd do. "I'm Kykoka Jiro and this is Mei Hatsume. It's nice to meet you." Her voice was shaking because she was so scared, which Izuku noticed.

"There's no need to be scared, I'm not going to hurt you." Izuku said as he moved really close to Jiro.

Jiro closed her eyes expecting the worst but was startled as she felt her restraints release her. Then Izuku moved and did the same for Mei. "What are you doing, and what do you want?" Jiro asked startled.

Izuku looked back at her with the kindest expression she'd ever seen. "Well it'd be hard to talk like normal with the two of you tied to those things. Besides I have no intentions of forcing you to do anything but hear me out."

Jiro looked at him suspiciously. "So I take it your in charge then?"

"Yes I am." Izuku sounded proud.

"How do you keep control of that monster Carnage." Jiro asked trying to jab at him.

"Oh that's easy. We're the same person." The girls stared at this strange boy in a disbelieving shock. Then much to their horror his head turned into the monster's they saw at the USJ, and the returned to normal. "Now that offer I was talking about I'd like the two of you to join us."

Both girls nodded at him until the reality of what he'd said set in. "WHAT?!!" They cried in unison.

"Well Mei here earned my intrest and respect when she built and fought with those machines at the USJ. I'd like someone like you to join our team. We'd provide the resources for all of your inventions and the funds necessary. All we ask is that you'd be making them for our group." Izuku finished calmly and glanced at the girl in question. Mei was practically drooling all she wanted to do was invent she didn't care who used them and for what, she just wanted to build them.

Then Izuku turned his attention on to Jiro. "And Jiro you were the first person since my quirk activated to ever cause me pain." Jiro flinched and started to worry he wanted revenge. "That earned my respect, and I'd like for you to help me train from now on." Jiro was watching him suspiciously since his offer seemed too good to be true. "Also if you go on missions with the rest of us you'll get a cut of the rewards. So what do you say."

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