Loss of Symbols

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Two days had passed since Izuku had gotten home, and he'd finally healed up enough to do stuff on his own. He wasn't back at 100% just yet but it was close enough. The heros were addressing the kidnapping of one of their students and the murder of another today. Izuku had the TV on the news all day in preparation. He sat next to Toga, who had Eri bouncing happily on her lap. Everyone else was sitting on the couch nearby.

"Mommy what's going on? What are they talking about?" Eri asked as she pulled her stuffed animal close to her own chest, and cuddled closer to Toga.

"They're talking about our last mission snowflake." Izuku said as he poked Eri's nose making her giggle.

He turned back to the TV as a reporter began to rip into Eraserhead. "How could you claim UA can keep their students safe when a group of villians who have attacked you before slipped in under your noses, and attacked you again. Not to mention the fact that Carnage and his band of mercenaries showed up, and killed one of your students. You personally had more than one opportunity to capture him did you not Eraserhead? Why should we believe you are capable of protecting those kids?"

Izuku had to suppress his laughter at the indignant look on the hero's face. "I would like to remind everyone that Carnage is the most dangerous criminal that has made his way into the public eye today. He's gone toe to toe with All Might and sent him to the hospital. He's a monster who'd betray his friends for a few hundred yen. Once he's brought to justice his group will fall with ease, and the rest of the emboldened villians will fall in line." Aizawa stated definitely.

Izuku and his family grinned at the challenge, as the media wrote down everything they heard. Then the next question came in. "How can you be so calm when one of the kids under your watch was murdered, when you could have prevented it?"

Nezu finally felt the need to step in. "My teachers did everything they could to minimize the casualties, but when events like this happen we need to remember that heros are human to and can't save everyone." The little rodent was shaking. One might find the action to be cute, but with the expression on his face even blind men could tell he was pissed.

All the reporters retreated from the small mammal. Even the greenhorn press backed up a few steps. "W-where was All Might during this ordeal? H-how is UA responding to the villian threat?"

Nezu sighed and Aizawa once again took over. "We are searching everywhere we can for young Toderoki, and All Might is out leading the charge."

Suddenly the channel switched from the conference to the main reporters area. "We're interrupting the conference due to an explosion, that turned into a fight between All Might and an unknown villian."

The screen changed again to show All for One holding back All Might's fist. Izuku was on his feet in an instant, startling everyone. Soei get ready to warp me over there ASAP."

"You want me to what??!"

"Your not going anywhere," Toga told Izuku sternly. "Your not fully healed yet."

Izuku smiled softly, trying to reassure his fiance. "I need to make sure of the out come of this battle. Please don't worry about me I'll wait till the end so they'll be too tired to get me. I'll be careful I just need to make sure All Might doesn't win."

Toga looked like she wanted to argue some more but Jack stepped in. "Don't worry Blondie he's got this. Besides he has a reason to come home, he needs to see you again doesn't he?"

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