Camp Continued

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"Who are you?" The boy asked terrified.

"Carnage." Izuku replied. "Now be quite so I can focus on not letting you get killed" With that Izuku turned back to the Nomu who had recovered.

The Nomu charged Izuku wwith reckless abandon. It threw a jab at Izuku with an arm Izuku realized had a drill instead of a hand. He let the arm stab into his chest and spin uselessly in his liquid body for a few seconds. Then Izuku forced his body to solidify around the drill stopping it dead in its tracks. The arm kept trying to spin the drill but since it couldn't move the arm started to twist, and everyone was treated to the symphony of bones breaking and rubbing against each other. Finally ththe arm tore free from the Nomu at the elbow, and Izuku happily noticed that it didn't regenerate but continued to bleed everywhere. Then the creature tried to reach around Izuku and strick the unconscious Momo with his chainsaw hand. Izuku stopped the strike before it could even get close and punched the flat side of the saw bending it horribly so it wouldn't work anymore. The Nomu tried to back away now and Izuku turned his left hand into a claw, and started to spin it so his hand resembled a blender's blade. As the Nomu tried to retreat another step Izuku lunged forward plunging the blender into its chest, and pureed its organs. Izuku caught the creature's lifeless body before it hit the ground and as he does with everything he kills he devoured its head to gain some strength. Izuku then turned back to the boy and Momo (who was starting to wake up) as he wiped the blood off his mouth.

Momo realized who see was looking at, and this was the villian who took here friends. "Where are Jiro and Mei you monster?"

Without saying anything Jiro and Mei walked out of the bushes they'd been hiding in and stood behind Izuku.


Jiro walked up behind Izuku's right side. 'Maybe with Momo here we could get away. No he'd catch us I need to be absolutely sure I could get away.'

As Jiro had her internal crisis Momo spoke up. "Why'd you save us? Jiro why did you betray us?" The hurt was clear in her voice.

"I saved you because I'm not a bad guy. I believe that our current society is too far gone to be fixed and needs to be removed. I think it's stupid that people are arrested for being who they are and helping others just because they don't have a hero license. People shouldn't be punished for being strong but they should help those who are weaker than they are. I believe that with great power comes great responsibility, and those who are in power are abusing their power." Izuku said passionately.

Mei was reaching under her mask and wiping away tears as Izuku finished his speech. "That was beautiful, truly a master piece even if it wasn't as great of a master piece as my babies."

Jiro was also stunned by the merc's ideals. "Carnage that was amazing." 'Maybe working for him won't be so bad. I'll have to wait and see.'

Izuku was a little flustered by the praise he'd just received, and both the hero course students were flabbergasted. "We should head back I'm willing to bet that the league already found their mark." Izuku said as he turned to look at the two girls behind him, he also noticed a torrent of blue flames heading towards them. Izuku hopped into the oncoming flames path without hesitation, and he was rewarded with the knowledge that flames hurt just as bad as sound. Izuku was forced to grit his teeth as his right side was put through unbelievable agony. As soon as the flames died out Izuku took stock of the damages, and he wasn't pleased his right side seemed to have mostly died but was regenerating smoothly. Seems he'd just gotten over his weakness to sound only to discover a new one. When he'd finished healing the man responsible walked out into the clearing.

Izuku recognized the man the second he saw him. He was at Shigaraki's bar. It was the man covered in stitches and burn scars. "Your name was Dabi right" Izuku asked gritting through the left over pain.

"Yeah." Dabi answered as he reignited his left arm. "You know your not as loyal as Shigaraki said you were." He pointed with his left hand at Izuku taking aim again.

Izuku saw what Dabi was doing and grabbed the nearest thing to him which happened to be a dead tree branch, and threw it at Dabi. Dabi acted like any one else and reaimed at the on coming branch. His flames incinerated the dead wood in an instant, but at the same time Izuku acted. He charged Dabi's blindspot and transformed his hand into a thin flat blade like that of a guillotine. As he approached Dabi he thrust the blade like appendage towards his exposed neck and liberated his head from his body. Izuku then treated the villian like the Nomu before him.

Izuku then turned back to Mei and Jiro.

"Are you two ok? No burns are anything right?"

He was petrified that he hadn't acted fast enough.

Jiro reacted first. "No we're fine. Thank you." As she was speaking both Jiro and Mei ran over and hugged him leaving him stunned.

"Y-you saved them. Why." Momo asked stunned.

"Everyone who joins my group starts to be like family to me." Izuku said simply. "Come on we need to get out of here and regroup with Blackwalk (Soei)." Izuku said before turning to leave both girls hot on his heels. No one new exactly how much pain Izuku had gone through and how much he was still in for saving them as they left the two hero students behind.

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