New Members and Gear

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Izuku watched as the to girls started to get lost in thought. They were thinking about his offer to join their group, but it was probably a lot to take in at the moment. Izuku watched as Mei was the first to make up her mind, and steel her resolve.

She reached out and shook his out stretched hand. "I'll do it." She said, seeming genuinely happy about the offer. Jiro didn't take long to gather her thoughts after that. She responded in pretty much the same way, though she seem a lot more cautious than Mei. Izuku made a mental note to keep an eye on her.

"Well okay then." Izuku sang out cheerfully. "Since you'll be staying with us it'd be best if I show you around." Izuku started to walk out of the room, but as he opened the door he was hit by what felt like a missile. He slid back at least three feet before he could bring his backward momentum to a halt. He glanced down to see what had hit him, and the first things he noticed was the white hair amd small horn on her head. Then it hit him who this was, Eri had just ran into him like a ballistic missile. He chuckled to himself as his daughter looked up at him and smiled. "Hey Kiddo where's the fire?"

Eri giggled at him. "Mama said you were going to take us shopping today." She replied giddily.

"Hmm maybe." Izuku said teasingly. "Why don't you go make sure everyone's ready to go." Eri nodded, but as she did so Izuku noticed the two girls behind her staring at him dumbfounded. Eri then ran to go get the other's ready and Izuku turned to the girls. "What's wrong? Are you two okay?"

Jiro was the one to collect herself this time. "Y-your a father?!!"

Izuku sniggered. "Yeah, but not in the way your thinking. Her mother and I adopted her after we saved her from the Yakuza. You might remember the scene from when I got revenge on them."

"Yeah. You hung one of them up like a pinata." Jiro responded. She was starting to feel uneasy about being so close to the man behind such horrors.

"Yup. I did that after I found out they were torturing such a sweet kid." Izuku said sadly remembering the shape Eri was in when they found her. "Alright enough of that. Lets go to the living room to see everyone." Without giving them time to respond Izuku walked off.


They walked into the living room the girls were blown away by how big it was. It still had both the air hockey table and the pool table on one side. Now they had a giant twelve person dinning table in the middle of the room, and on the other side was a ten person couch facing an enormous custom wall TV. The TV was about four feet tall and five feet across, with speakers set up all over. In front of the TV were four gaming consoles and a bookcase full of games. Children's toys littered the floor.

Standing by the front door were the rest of Izuku's group. Eri seemed to be whining at Jack (Jagged Jaw). Izuku and the two girls moved closer so they could here what was being said.

"Come on please come with us." Eri pouted.

"Sorry kid. I just don't like being in crowds and you'll be going to get new costume stuff, and I already have my costume." Jack said calmly.

Eri looked like she was going to keep arguing but Toga cut her off. "Eri you can't just try to force someone to do what you want. If Jack doesn't want to come then he doesn't have to." Jack gave Toga a look of thanks.

"Ok Mama." Eri said and she looked at the floor.

"Hey don't feel bad sweetie." Izuku said jumping into the conversation. "Hey Jack if your not coming with I'd like you to watch these two."

"Sure thing boss. See you guys when you get back." With that the group walked out the door to head over to the mall.


As soon as they arrived at the mall Soei split off from them. He was heading of to a store that sold old ninja weapons and armor. He was looking for weapons to make molds of and armor to base his new costume off of. A little bit latter Toga jumped into a Halloween surplus store to get some ideas for her costume. Izuku took Eri to a children's clothing store to get some new outfits.

They ended up getting a white and a pink dress for her, along with quite a few t-shirts and pairs of jeans. The last thing they bought was a hooded black cloak so she could were her mask with it, and come with them on the less dangerous missions. Then they started to head back to get Toga. On the way Izuku spotted a little Ice cream shop and decided to stop and grab something. They strolled up to the shop Toga left them at, and Izuku was carrying two ice cream cones, one for him and one for Toga. Eri was wearing most of her ice cream since she wasn't the cleanest eater.

Then Toga walked out of the shop with a bag draped over her shoulder, and a giant grin on her face. Her eyes landed on Izuku and she ran over snatching the untouched cone from his hand. "I believe this is for me." She said knowingly as Izuku nodded.

Eri saw the bag Toga was carrying and tried to jump to see what was in it. "Whatcha get Mommy?" She asked joyfully.

"It's not something for you." Toga replied as she pulled back a little bit of the bag so only Izuku could read it. The words SEXY VAMPIRE were written on the package.

'Shit I don't know if my heart can take this' Izuku thought. "Well let's go see if we can find Soei" Izuku said as he felt his face go as red as his eyes, much to Toga's amusement.

They found Soei carrying about five bags of stuff, some of which had swords and other weapons sticking out. He saw them coming and waved to them. They ended their little outing by warping back home one by one.


Later that night Izuku had gotten the two new girls settled into their new room's before returning to his and Toga's. As his stepped into their room he noticed Toga staring off into space with a really happy expression on her face. "Toga you ok?"

Toga turned and faced him. "Izu close your eyes I have a surprise for you." She said seriously.

"Ok?" Izuku did as he was told.

"Okay now open." Izuku opened his eyes and saw Toga holding what appeared to be a thermometer, but then he noticed a plus sign where the numbers were supposed to be. Then his heart stopped beating.

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