The Battle at The USJ (Part One)

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The five days before the job at the USJ seemed to fly by. Izuku had his team take more jobs on the first three days so they could sharpen their skills, the four day was for rest, and the fifth day was it. They waited at the bar they'd met the League at with dozens of other villians. Kurogiri began to separate groups of people from their main group, then he'd open a portal and send them God knows where. Then he walked over to Izuku's group and split the three of them off (Eri's not with them because of the danger). Then he sent about twenty other thugs over to join them, Izuku made a mental note to see if any of them were worth recruiting. A black misty portal opened before them and they were instructed to walk through and wait for students to be sent their way. When they walked through the portal they found themselves standing on what seemed to be an indoor mountain. Izuku climbed up on to the peak of the mountain to see what was going on outside of their area.

He watched as two teachers and twenty students walked into the building. Izuku did a double take as he'd memorized the students in class 1-A to make the job easier. He glanced through the students until he saw the extra one. He guessed the pink haired girl must be a support student since she wasn't in the class's files. Then most of the USJ's lights went out, and a black portal opened by the fountain between the disaster zones. The rest of the League that hadn't been warped to the different zones walked out of the portal. There was one new face in the crowd, and it stood next to Shigaraki and Kurogiri. It looked like a giant birdman, but the top part of it's head was removed, leaving his brain exposed. This made Izuku start to drool. The man was extremely muscular and his skin is pitch black. Izuku jumped from his perch to report his findings to his team. As they spoke a portal opened over the group on the mountain side and four students fell in front of them.

Izuku recognized three of the students instantly. Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Momo Yaoyorozu, and the fourth student was the one he didn't know, and who he assumed was from the support class. Izuku reached out and grabbed Toga and Soei's arms to stop them from jumping into the newly forming fight.

"Let's sit back and watch for a little bit. See if anyone here is worth recruiting or if any of these students are worth capturing." Toga and Soei nodded at Izuku's words as they all stepped back to watch. One other person seemed to have the same idea as them.

The man had bright green reptilian eyes. There was a claw scare on his neck and he was missing an ear. His hands were claw like and his teeth looked like fangs. He was about 5 feet 11 inches tall and his hair was brown and cut short. 'I'll have to talk to him later he might make a good recruit' Izuku noted. Then he turned back to the fight at hand.

Izuku watched preparing to take mental notes over every detail before them. Momo created a sword and a staff from the palms of her hands. 'She slows down when making something. She probably needs to focus on creating the object' Izuku noted. She tossed the sword to Jiro and they started to beat back any thugs who got too close to the pinkete. Who speaking of was taking apart her support gear and turning it into weapons to shoot the thugs rushing their group. 'She works well under pressure and is smart enough to turn rescue gear into weapons, might be worth "recruiting" ' Izuku thought. Denki was jumping from person he'd electrified himself so whenever a villian touched him they were shocked into unconsciousness. 'His quirk lacks control and finesse. He won't be useful'. The fight continued until Momo created a giant blanket over herself and the other two girls, then shouted for Denki to let loose.

Izuku reacted quickly he flattened out his liquid like body. Then he fired a web to the other man staying out of the fight and pulled him to their group. Finally without a moment to spare he formed a dome out of his body around the three shocked people. The electricity slammed into his body and passed harmlessly through him into the ground. Izuku sighed as he let his body go back to normal leaving his three shocked comrades staring at him.

Soei was the first to react. "Carnage how'd you do that."

"I was thrown into a electrical transformer about three weeks ago, and as it turns out I'm immune to electrical attacks. Then I just let it run through my body into the ground." Izuku replied resting his eyes back on to the students. 'Looks like Denki short circuited, must be a side effect of his quirk. That makes him even more useless' Izuku thought.

The three girls threw off the insulator blanket and saw the four of them still standing. "Shoot. Looks like we still have four more villians to test my babies on." The pinkette said enthusiastically.

Izuku laughed to himself as he made up his mind. "Babe see that pink haired girl?" Toga nodded. "She could be useful capture her by any means, and you two keep her covered." All three grunted in acknowledgement.

The three girls looked shocked and backed up. Then Momo spoke "What makes you think we'll let you have the chance to try it?"

Izuku laughed. "You won't be able to stop them since I'll be your opponent."

"W-who are you?" Jiro the girl who looked like a punk rocker asked in a wavering voice.

"I'm Carnage." All three girls were shocked at his statement since they'd heard of him when they'd asked their teacher how he'd broken his arm, and he'd said a monster named Carnage broke it.

Jiro acted quickly and plugged her earphone jacks into her boots. Then as Izuku took a step forward she blasted him with high frequency sound waves. Izuku was brought to his knees by the surprising amount of pain he was in. When the sound stopped no one had moved and all eyes were fixed on Izuku as he slowly stood.

"That actually hurt... I haven't felt pain since my quirk activated. Sorry but I'm going to have to take you with me as well for... studying." He gave them a sadistic and toothy grin as he started to walk to Jiro.

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