Before the Bloodbath

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Izuku had followed Toga seven blocks from the park he had landed in to an old and run down apartment building. Then she turned to look at him before speaking. "So I ran away from home but, I had a little room set up here until I could find something permanent. Or until they realized I couldn't pay rent." She seemed embarrassed about this.

"That's fine it's better than anything I have currently." Izuku responded and Toga perked up at this. "Let's head inside and come up with a plan on what to do next."

"Sounds great" when she spoke she sounded like she was on cloud nine. Then she unlocked the door to her room. It was a run down one bedroom apartment. It had a joined kitchen and living room and on bathroom connected to the bedroom. The only furniture was a couch, a queen-size bed and, a table with one chair. "Sorry it's not much."

Izuku leaned towards her and spoke softly to calm her down. "Don't worry. This is just fine." She started to shiver with excitement as he spoke so close to her.

"Hey what's your name? I told you mine but you never told me your's."

"My birth name is Izuku Midoriya. But when we start working that's not the name I want to go by. So don't call me that in public."

"Ok Izu." Izuku was taken back by the nickname. "Hey," Toga started to lean close to Izuku, "is that what you always look like or can you change your look?"

"I don't know. I was quirkless before I jumped so this is new to me." He had been watching Toga's face to see how she would react to his condition before. Her face looked surprised but other than that she didn't seem to care and she didn't look down on him. He felt his body start to condense as he tried to revert to his old looks. He felt his body get smaller and he looked down at his hands. 'They seem the same as before' he thought to himself. He looked up at at Toga's face it betrayed no emotion and without a word she turned around and went into her bed room and shut the door.

'Oh crap did she think I look stupid like this. Does she feel disappointed or hate me now.' Izuku quickly looked into the mirror that hung in the kitchen. He looked like his old self with a few changes. His once green hair was now crimson and his emerald eyes now shone ruby red.

Then he heard what sounded like Toga hitting her pillow and bed with her fists. This doubled his worry until he heard her scream out. "HOLY SHIT HE'S SO CUTE." Izuku who had never been complimented before could only blush which seemed to match his now red features.

When Toga finally left her room Izuku was still struggling to get over his embarrassment. Toga then looked him in the eyes before speaking. "So Izu can you tell me about yourself I barely know you and I'd like to."

"Sure Toga." Izuku said and Toga seemed to swoon when he spoke. He didn't realize that like this his voice sounded like honey and had a song like quality to it. (A/N: This is supposed to mean his voice is sweet and song like. It's supposed to be attractive.) He then proceeded to give her his life story. She didn't laugh or say anything but, she hugged him and gave him her life story as well. He too just listened and when she had finished he hugged her. They stayed like that for a good while before they let go.

Izuku pulled out of the hug first with some protests from Toga. "Ok Toga we have to find a way to make money. Because I don't feel like living on the street."

"Me neither. But what do you have in mind."

"We could sell ourselves." Izuku says quickly not even stopping to think of the other meaning his words had.

"I'll be your first customer." Toga cried in an instant.

"I MENT LIKE MERCENARY WORK!!!" Izuku yelled back blush covering his face so he was just as red as his new hair.

"Oh." Toga sighed disappointed. But then clung to Izuku. A sadistic smile crossed her face as she looked at the blushing teen she is hugging. "That's fine it'll make it more enjoyable when you @#$ me."

Izuku only heard some of what she said and desperately tried to sensor it in his mind. His brain overloaded and he passed out in Toga's arms.

When Izuku came to he was on the couch and Toga was watching him worried. He decided to just ignore what she had said before and get to work. "Toga we need to plan a big reveal of ourselves. It'll get our names out there and then other's will hire us to help them out."

"What are we going to do when money isn't an issue anymore?"

"We're going to change the world." Izuku said that with a dark and sadistic smile as he plotted with Toga on their big arrival to the world.

Soon they'd be on ever news station after their work was discovered.

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