The day I died.

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Hey everyone. I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long for this chapter. It's been kinda crazy lately and I haven't had the time or motivation to write. I hope things get back to normal and I continue to write more. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Much love! 💜💕

"Alissa, sweetheart I need you to push." I heard Maura's voice. Why did she sound so far away? Why couldn't I see? Everything was dark and I could only make out the voices in the room. I could hear Dravin next to me on the right, and Thorne on my left.
"What's going on mom?" Dravin sounded worried. Thorne was whispering in my ear that everything was ok. But I knew something was wrong. I wasn't really in pain as you'd say. I was more cold and numb. And I couldn't feel anything from the waist down. I couldn't tell what was happening nor remember what had happened before I was in this situation. What did happen? And why couldn't I remember? I was completely out of it and I couldn't form the words I wanted to say.
"I.... cold..... can't.....feel.... legs." What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I speak?
"Mom?" Dravin said. I could tell he was scared. I was now terrified that something horrible had happened.
"I know honey. She's loosing too much blood." Maura said. That terrified me. I knew now what was happening. I was in labor and something was very wrong. Are the babies ok? I didn't hear crying yet.
"Honey, if you can hear me, I need you to push. Maura sounded nervous. I tried to push as hard as I could even though I couldn't feel anything.
"That's it sweetie, good job." She said. I guess I was doing it. I pushed and pushed until I heard the faint little cries of my first baby. Music to my ears.
"It's a girl." I heard Maura say. She sounded so happy.
"You did it baby. We have a little girl." Dravin said in my ear. He kissed my forehead. I was still very out of it.
"Athena, please come take the baby." I hear Maura say. What why? Why can't I hold my baby? I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't see my daughter that I started making incoherent whining noises.
"Want...... to baby." I tried to speak.
"I know sweetheart, but the second baby is almost here. You can hold them both after. I promise." Maura tried to calm me down.
"Mom, what's going on with Alissa? She doesn't look so good." I heard Athena say. I started to cry. I couldn't see or feel anything and everyone was saying I looked sick. Loosing too much blood was all I could make out. Athena started to cry. Her high pitched squeak of a cry let me know that she was very worried about me. But I knew my baby girl was safe with her. And that eased my mind.
"Ok honey, baby number 2 is crowning, I need you to push hard." Maura continue to help me delivery my second child. I pushed as hard as I possibly could and it took every ounce of strength I had left. And after that, I heard my baby cry.
"It's a boy!" Maura said through tears. I was relived. I had one of each. A boy and a girl.
"You did so good baby. I'm so proud of you. Hang in there." Dravin kissed my cheek. I then begin to hear Maura sob. That made my heart drop. What was going on?
"I can't, stop it. She cried some more. This time louder. There's too much blood."
"What are we going to do?" I heard Dravin say in a panic.
"Honey, there's nothing we can do. She's bleeding out. The birth was just too much for her fragile body." Maura said sadly.
"What do you mean mom? Are you saying she's going to die?" Dravin sounded distraught.
"I'm so sorry honey. I did everything I possibly could." I know she did everything in her power to try and save my life. But there's just some things that we have no control over. I have excepted my fate. I was going to die and my children would never know who there mother was. No memory of me. Only the stories Dravin and family would tell them. Dravin would be a single father and I know he'd try his hardest to be the best father he could. I'm not worried about them. They have so many people who will love and take care of them. I just pray that Dravin doesn't snap like my uncle did after his wife Dakota had died in childbirth. Things started to quiet down and I could hear Thorne crying next to me. He whispered in my ear.
"It's ok Alissa. Everything is going to be ok." He's sweet for trying to comfort me.
"No, no, no. I can't loose her. I can't loose the love of my life. She means everything to me." Dravin was a literal mess. He's spiraling. I could feel him hug me tightly. Crying in my chest. This made my heart break. I didn't want to leave him, or our babies. But what could be done? I then feel Dravin move his hand around my neck and he bit hard into my flesh. It burned and felt like fire coursing through my body.
"What are you doing?" Thorne yelled at him.
"Trying to save her life." Dravin spat back.
"Sweetheart listen to me, I don't think even vampire venom or vampire blood can save her. Her body was just too fragile, and the babies were just too much for her. She was bleeding out." Maura said with a heavy heart.
"No! I can't loose her. She's my life, my whole reason for existing. If she dies I can't go on. I can't  live without her. I won't." Dravin was spiraling, and I so desperately tried to reach out my hand to comfort him. To tell him I'll be ok. But I couldn't. My body wouldn't allow me to. I thought I was strong enough to do this, but I underestimated my fragile human body. Even though I couldn't move or see, I heard everything.
"My son, I am so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help her. I have tried everything I know how. But she was loosing way more blood than she should have. But you have to be strong. You have to be present for your children. Alissa would want you to be there for them. They need you." Maura cupped Dravin's face and tried to comfort her heartbroken son. Dravin's eyes welled with tears.
"Mom." He struggled to say. He looked at his mother with pain in his eyes.
"I know honey." Her eyes teared as well. Dravin then broke down and cried into Alissa's lifeless body. His screams were bone chilling.
"Thorne, please take your brother downstairs. I have to clean up in here." Maura said as she wiped her tears away.
"Come on brother. Let's go see your children." Thorne said kindly as he tried to move Dravin. He looked at Thorne with his terrified ice blue tear stained eyes. He hesitated for a moment and nodded. He stood up with Alissa in his arms and carefully placed her on the bed. Her eyes closed like she was sleeping peacefully. He kissed her forehead, knelt down beside her and whispered in her ear.
"I am so sorry baby. I'm so sorry this happened. We should have been more prepared. I would give anything to have you back. You will be my forever love. I promise to be a good father. Don't worry about anything. I love you." He tried so hard to get the words out. Thorne silently waited for his grieving brother to follow him. He stretched out his hand and Dravin took it without hesitation. He took him downstairs and entered the living room. The look on Athena and Ambrosia's faces said it all. They had heard the entire conversation through thought. They knew Alissa was dead. Athena and Grayson were holding the babies. Athena stood up holding the baby girl. She carefully placed her in Dravin's arms, and he took his daughter right away. Admiring his little girl. He looked at her and everything changed. The love he felt for her was a kind of love he's never experienced before. A different type of love. He then began to cry and tears fell down his face once again. The thought of his children never knowing their mother was something that kept him up at night. Visions of Alissa dying in childbirth being replayed over and over. His prediction came true, and that was his biggest fear.
"They need names Dravin." Athena said trying her best not to sound pushy for an answer. Tears welled in Dravin's eyes.
"Alissa had names picked out. She was going to surprise me with them." He choked out. Then all of a sudden it was like a switch was being flipped, and Dravin handed the baby back over to his sister.
"I can't do this." He shook his head.
"Dravin it's going to be ok my son." Augustine said placing his hand on his sons shoulder. Dravin stared blankly into space.
"No it won't, I can't do this. I can't be a father. The love of my life just died and you expect me to love those things that killed their mother?" He pointed to the babies. Everyone was in shock at Dravin's sudden outburst.
"Dravin! That's enough!" Maura's voice echoed loudly through out the house. Everyone's eyes darted to the top of the stairs. Maura's hands were full of dirty sheets and Alissa's blood stained clothes. She looked at Dravin and inhaled angrily darting down the stairs in a flash. She grabbed Dravin's jaw tightly with her hand and looked him over. His eyes were ruby red again. He was blood thirsty again. His tank was running on empty. When he's like this he says and does things he doesn't mean and later on regrets. But this time is different. There are two half human babies in the house. It's not safe for them when their father is like this. He could end up hurting them, or worse.
"Thorne, Grayson, take your brother outside now!" Maura raised her voice. The boys clung to Dravin's side in seconds and escorted him out of the house.
"Get off me assholes." He spat at his brothers. Trying desperately to break free from their tight grip.
"Fine." Thorne said aggravated with his brothers distasteful attitude. He and Grayson threw him in the dirt and stood back waiting for more of Dravin's uncalled outburst.
"What the fuck?" Dravin yelled. He stood up and brushed himself off.
"You need to get your shit together. Control yourself." Gray said.
"We need to get some blood in him before he does anything else stupid." Thorne turned and glared at Dravin. through gritted teeth.
"I've done plenty of stupid things my brothers. And by far the stupidest thing I've ever done, would have to be falling in love with a human, and then having little mutant babies with her. I mean how crazy can you get?" Dravin laughed like he was a demented and deranged psych patient. Seeing him like this was always horrible. He was like a completely different person. One everyone hated.
"How dare you speak that way about Alissa! I know you're not yourself when you get like this, so I'll let that slide. But you need to learn how to shut your damn mouth!" Thorne yelled at him. Dravin smirked and stayed silent.
"You go get someone, anyone to control his thirst. I'll stay here and watch him." Thorne said. Gray nodded. I normally wouldn't let Dravin feed on someone, but he needed blood ASAP.
"I'll be back soon." Gray ran off as fast as he could. He was good at finding people who deserved to be fed on. If we let Dravin go out on his own he'd kill anyone in his path. And people would start to ask questions. To see my brother like this pains me. I know he's suffering inside and his body is taking it out the only way it knows how. His eyes, crimson red. The one thing that makes my brother look like a monster.
"It's so pathetic how you guys keep trying to save me from hurting myself or others. Like you actually care what happens to them. But we both know that there's nothing you can do." He smiled like he enjoyed this side of himself. And in a flash he was gone. I couldn't believe it. He was gone. And I didn't know where he was. What scared me the most was the unknown. I didn't know what he'd do. But I knew what he was capable of and it was something that no one should ever have to witness. I thought I was bad. All those years ago when Dravin found me covered in blood and the town wiped out. That's nothing compared to him.
"Where is he?" Gray said in a panicked tone. He had found someone to quench Dravin's thirst. A man who looked about 30. But it was too late.
"He's gone. I didn't think he would go anywhere since he never did before. But I should have known something was off with him. This isn't like before. He's hurting. And he's very vulnerable." This is the worst I've ever seen him in all the years that I've known him. I should have tied him up. This is all my fault.
"We have to go find him. He's very dangerous like this. He'll kill anyone and make it very known what he is." Gray said. He was right.
"Let's go get our brother." I said.
"Ok one sec." Gray then tore into the man's neck and drained him of all his blood. The man screamed out in pain and then hit the ground with a thud.
"Dude." I said while looking at the dead body on the ground.
"I didn't want him to go to waste." Gray said wiping his mouth. I rolled my eyes. I'm really worried about Dravin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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