Before the change

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A month has passed already, I couldn't believe it. We told our parents about Dravin and I dating and they're happy I found someone who treats me like a queen. We made sure to wait a month. Everything would have been crazy. They hated Jake even though they didn't know he ever hit me, I told them I hurt my eye during P.E and they believed me because I was always hurting myself from being the clumsy person I am. Ambrosia of course wasn't happy at all, she distanced herself even more than before. Gray and Thorne were happy about me and Dravin being together and of course Athena nearly cracked my ribs from hugging me when we told her. Eyota and Athena have become my two closest friends, and Eyota asked me if I'd be there to help her with her transition. I told her I would be there no matter what. Dravin and I have been spending a lot of time together, I'm sure you can guess what we've been doing. Most days we spend riding horses and going on walks through the woods, and then there's days where we spend all day in bed. Watching movies, and some other things. This so isn't like me to do this but here I am talking about it. It's hard to say no to Dravin. I'm so happy I moved to Romania, my life feels like I have purpose again and I found the love of my life.
"Alissa? are you in here?" Says Dravin.
"Yeah, I'm in the bathroom, be right there" Dravin was on my bed when I came out, arms behind his head and his feet crossed.
"I just got done talking to Alec." I said. I had been talking to him every day and he would always say "I miss you" that made my heart break, of course I missed him, he was like my brother, I didn't mention that he could possible have a doppelgänger, and every time he asked to visit I have to come up with an excuse so that he wouldn't find out about Thorne. I'll have to go back home one of these days and introduce Alec to Dravin.
"That's nice, how is he?" Dravin says.
"He's good, he got a new car, it's a basic 1969 Chevy Camaro convertible in baby blue." Dravin's eyes widened.
"That car is gorgeous, but I love my car better." He smirked. Dravin had gotten a new car in the past month and it was like his baby, it's a 1963 Mercury comet convertible.

I have to admit it was a beautiful car, it was oil slick black and had red leather interior, again with the red and black concepts that basically went with the entire house

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I have to admit it was a beautiful car, it was oil slick black and had red leather interior, again with the red and black concepts that basically went with the entire house.
"Speaking of my new car, lets take a ride later." He said eager.
"Where are we going?" I raised a brow.
"Were going to go see Elu, you've met Eyota and I want you to meet him before we help them with their change. Elu is Gray's best friend, they're like two peas in a pod."
"That sounds nice, I'd like to meet him. I'm sure he would find it odd if I was there when they change since he probably doesn't know, I know about you guys." That would be super awkward.
"I'm sure Eyota told him about you and that you know"
"Still, it'll be nice to formally introduce myself before I see him as a huge wolf." I said laughing a little.
"Let me grab my jacket and we can go in a few."
"I prefer you without one but whatever." He said. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I rolled my eyes. I headed to my closet and grabbed the first thing I saw.
"Ok let's go".

We got into the car and drove to Elu and Eyota's house

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We got into the car and drove to Elu and Eyota's house. Their house was located directly in the woods, It was red with a mossy roof and white door. There was an old rusty truck parked in front of the house. We pulled into the yard since there was no drive way. Eyota ran out of the house to welcome us.
"Hey guys! She gave me a big hug and then she hugged Dravin. What brings you by?"
"You didn't tell her we were coming." I said confused.
"Nope I thought a surprise visit would be nice. Where's your brother?" Dravin asked.
"He's in the garage working on his bike." We walked to the garage and I saw a broad shouldered man with short spikey black hair, his back facing us.
"Elu look who came to see us." Eyota said happily. Elu turned around.

 "Hey Dravin what brings you by? He says looking happy to see him, his bright blue eyes looked like Eyota's

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"Hey Dravin what brings you by? He says looking happy to see him, his bright blue eyes looked like Eyota's. Wow he's gorgeous. Not saying he's my type but I have eyes and I can clearly tell when someone is attractive.
"I wanted to come introduce Alissa to you." He says gesturing towards me.
"Hey nice to finally meet you" I say shyly.
"Nice to meet you too." He says shaking my hand. He felt really warm, like he was sick. But he looked perfectly fine.
"Alissa knows about Dravin's family. Says Eyota. And she knows about us too. I asked her to be there when we change." Eyota sounded like she was unsure about Elu's thoughts on the situation.
"Oh. Elu says surprised. I'm guessing she's the one who you saw coming?" Elu said with a smirk. Dravin smiles. He knew about me too?"
"She's the one." Dravin said proudly.
"Well Alissa I'm so glad that Dravin has finally found someone who makes him happy and I look forward to getting to know you." Such a nice guy.
"Thank you"." I say with a smile.
"Let's go inside I just got done making lunch." Says Eyota.
"Sounds good I'm starving." Elu says.
"You're always starving." Eyota laughed. We walked into the house and sat at the wood dining room table. Eyota handed everyone their plates, we had bison burgers with French fries. I took a bite of my burger.
"Wow this is really good." Best burger ever.
"I'm glad you like it. Eyota smiles. We just got some fresh meat delivered from our reservation's farm."
"Reservation? I say confused. As in a Native American reservation?"
"Yes, Dravin didn't tell you that we're Native American?" She frowned.
"No he didn't mention that." I said looking at him. He was to busy eating to notice.
"That's very cool that you're Native American. I said.

(Just an FYI I am Native American and got inspiration from that. I am an Iroquois native. So please be nice.)

"My cousin is actually Native American, her name is Marlena, she lives in New York on a farm." I put a French fri in my mouth.
"Maybe she's a wolf too?" Dravin says sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.
"I don't think so. She's just an ordinary girl."
"It's possible. Elu says. What are her parents names?"
"Her mom is Rain and her dad is Adahy." I said thinking nothing of it. Eyota starts coughing like she was choking.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
"What did you say?" She says staring at me.
"Umm her dad's name is Adahy. I said looking confused. Why do you ask?" Elu and Eyota looked at each other wide eyed.
"Because our dad's name is Adahy" Eyota says. I had wondered why that name sounded familiar when Dravin told me the story about their parents.
"Alissa tell me what you know about him? Elu says. Have you ever met him?"
"Yes he's my uncle by marriage. We don't see them very often because my mom's half sister Rain is married to him. She is also native. Rain and my mom have the same father but different mothers. Rain met Adahy at least 15 years ago, and have been together ever since." I said. Could they be related?
"How old is Marlena?" Eyota asked curiously.
"She's 16." My eyebrows furrowed.
"Is it possible that Marlena could be our half sister?" Says Eyota.
"What?" I say. I can't believe this.
"Alissa, she could very well be our sister, her father is Adahy. What does she look like?" Elu says.
"She has chocolate brown hair and blue eyes, she looks like her mom, except for the eyes, she has her dads eyes." They're asking so many questions, could my uncle really be their father?
"When's her birthday?" Elu asks. I felt like I was being interrogated.
"September 17th. This is all way to crazy to be true." I say.
"Her mother is only half Native American?" Elu asks.
"Yes." I say confused.
"She can't rule as an alpha then." says Eyota.
"You know about that?" Dravin says wide eyed.
"Yeah our grandma accidentally spilled the beans and told us we're the rightful leaders of the pack." Eyota took a seat.
"But in Marlena's case she's only Native American, I can't see her as being a wolf." I say.
"If she is our sister than she's half wolf. Elu says. We have to make sure, can you call her?"
"And tell her what? That I found these twins in Romania and they're werewolves who think that you share the same father? She's gonna think I'm I'm insane." I think this is all crazy. How can this be possible?
"She's right Elu, that sounds crazy." Eyota looked at him.
"I can call her but I'll have to think of something to say so I don't freak her out. I'll call her when we get home and I'll call you when I find some answers ok?"
"Thank you, we appreciate it." Eyota says giving me a warm smile. Am I attracted to drama or something? One thing after another over here.

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