A new start.

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"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts, flight 209 will land soon." a male voice said over the intercom. I stared out the window looking at the ocean below. The sun was shining on the water making it glisten like diamonds. I was a nervous flyer and seeing nothing but water made me sick to my stomach. I quickly turned away, trying not to think about it. I put in my earbuds and selected a song from my playlist. Home sweet home by Motley Crue started to play. I soon began to feel my anxiety lift, and slumped back into my chair. I loved classic rock music. I got that from my friend Alec. He was always playing music in the garage when he worked on his 1967 Chevy impala and i guess I liked it because it reminded me of him. I missed him terribly and I can't believe that I'm moving so far away from him. I miss Alec so much, I really didn't want to move. But we had to because of my dads job. I know how important this is for him. For all of us. I really hope Alec can come and visit sometime. Being away from him is probably the hardest thing I've ever done. He's like my brother and best friend all in one. We tell each other everything. I hadn't realized I was crying until a tear fell down my check.
"Huh" I was interrupted and felt a tap on my right shoulder. It was my mom saying something to me. Of course I couldn't hear or make out what she was saying because my music was too loud. I quickly took my earbuds out.
"What?" I asked.
"We're landing, get your stuff." She said. I quickly stuffed my phone into my pocket with my earbuds and stood up to grab my carry- on above me. There was a ding over the intercom.
"Welcome to Romania everyone, I hope you enjoyed your flight." The pilot said in a thick Romanian accent. I slung my cherry red JanSport backpack over one shoulder and shuffled out of my seat into the aisle following my parents. We had made it to Romania. Once we got off the plane we grabbed our luggage from baggage claim and headed out to find some sort of transportation. As we approached the transportation department the lady at the front desk looked like she'd never seen the light of day. She was beautiful. Young. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Ruby lips. And pale white skin.
"Hello, may I help you?" She said politely. Her name tag read Krystina. Everyone sounds like they're from an old scary Dracula movie.
"We would like to rent a car please. My mom said placing her black Birkin bag on the counter.
"Of course, what's the name under?" Krystina started typing on her computer that looked like it was from the Stone Age.
" Morgan." My mom said. She clicked on the ancient looking keys.
"Tyler?" She looked up from her screen.
"Yes." My dad said from behind me.
"There's a carriage waiting for you outside. Your transportation has already been paid for." She said. My dad frowned.
"By who may I ask?" She checked the screen again.
"A Mr. Augustine Silvano." Her eyes looked up at us.
"Oh, well that was very generous of him." My mom said grabbing her bag and putting her arm through the straps. That was really nice of him.
"Thank you for your help. My dad said nicely.
"No problem. Have a nice evening." She smiled. We then went through the automatic doors and we were outside. I heard big loud clunking sounds coming from my left. I couldn't believe my eyes. 6 black horses pulling a black carriage pulled in front of us. A mysterious looking man stopped right in front of us and got down from the drivers seat. He was tall, had broad shoulders and wore a grey suit with a top hat to match.
"May I take your luggage mistress." He said. His voice sounded like Count Dracula himself.
"Thank you." I said kindly and handed him my belongings. My dad tipped the driver $100, and thanked him.
"Oh you are too kind sir. Thank you." The driver tipped his hat. We all got into the carriage and waited as he put the rest of our things into the back. This is so cool. I thought. I've never been in something like this before. The inside was wrapped in crimson velvet, with black leather seats, it was modern but also medieval looking. Normally i would call it tacky but surprisingly i liked how it looked. My dad started to make small talk with me.
"Are you excited about decorating your new room? He said. I know it wont be like what you're used to since it'll be in a castle, but I'm sure it'll look amazing." He smiled widely. He knew how hard it was for me to move away from Alec, and I know he feels guilty for splitting us up. Which made me sad. It's not his fault. This opportunity is amazing. I would feel even more horrible if we stayed home just because of me.
"Yeah i actually am excited, starting over will be a good thing for me." I smiled slightly. And oh yeah how could I forget that I've had such a hard time in the past with school. People were always so judgmental towards me and always made fun of me for being the rich girl who got whatever she wanted. Which wasn't true at all. Yes we were rich as you could say. We had cars, money, and a big house. But we didn't act like we were better than everyone else. So that was another plus as to starting over. Nobody knows who I am here.
My dad is the owner and CEO of a huge wine company called Morgan Wineries. That's reason why we're here in the first place. My dad has business with a very large company that wants to partner with my dad's company. And mom is a lawyer. And a great one at that.
"You ok Al? My mom said. Her blue eyes looked at me with a smile. You have been staring into space for twenty minutes." Oops. Not again.
"Sorry i was just thinking. I smiled apologetically. When are we gonna get there?" I asked.
"Not too much longer I hope." My mom said rummaging through her bag. She was looking for her rouge lipstick. Her favorite one by Chanel. To match her perfect red nails.
"So dad, have you met the Silvano's yet?" He looked up from his phone screen.
"Yeah, i met the father back in Chicago. His name is Augustine, he's really nice and is married with five kids. They're around your age." A sense of relief washed over me.
"Good i feel better now knowing something about them." I exhaled.
"Don't worry honey, everything is going to work out just fine." He smiled slightly. We then stopped moving. The driver slid his head into the small window of the carriage.
"Were here sir." I looked out the window and what I was was quite a shock. A castle. A huge black and creepy castle with little bats swarming around the top. Ok there actually wasn't any bats but you get the picture. This has got to be Dracula's castle. I'm convinced. I shook my head.
"Well here goes nothing." I swallowed hard. As i opened the door, a wave of fresh pine filled the brisk cool air. Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo. An owl sat in the scraggly looking tree in front of me. This place gives me the creeps already.
"Welcome home." I said quietly to myself. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure. Alec will sure get a kick out of this place when I tell him.

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