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Hey guys thank you for being patient with me. I hope you like this chapter.

Alissa POV.
Dravin came back home. He walked through the front door and looked like he was mentally drained. I was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. Which caught me off guard. It was nice to have him home but he looked off.
"Hey, are you ok?" I asked him while stroking his cheek.
"I'm fine, just tired." He smiled weakly. I didn't think much of it.
"Then let's go take a nap. You look like you could use one." I said. I was kinda worried about him. He looked different. Almost sickly looking. He nodded his head and I led him up the stairs. He wasn't looking so good. We entered his room and he sat down on his bed gently. I sat next to him.
"Are you sure you're ok? You're worrying me." I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. The color of his eyes turned red and he was pale.
"I'm fine." He said quietly. I had never seen his eyes like this and I didn't know what that meant. I'm guessing something bad. I cupped his cheek and made him look at me.
"Your eyes are red Dravin you're not ok." I stated.
"I haven't fed in awhile. My eyes do that when i need to feed." Why hasn't he eaten? He should have, but with everything going on I fear he didn't have time. Or he forgot somehow.
"Then go eat. I'll be fine." I said thinking nothing of it.
"I'll be ok, I just need to sleep for a bit, ya know clear my head." He tapped his temple. Maybe I should bring him some blood to tie him over. I'm sure they have some around here somewhere.
"What happened?" I asked quietly. Trying to understand exactly what went on over there. To help him feel better if I could. Put his mind at ease if he's thinking badly about a situation.
"Can we please not talk about this right now? My head is killing me." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Ok, I just thought maybe you'd want to talk about what happened." I looked at the floor. I didn't mean to upset him. I wanted to help him.
"Not really." He said bitterly. I've never seen him act this way before. His attitude was cold and harsh.
"Ok, we don't have to talk about it, but I don't know why you're being rude when all I'm trying to do is help you." I wanted him to talk to me. To tell me what was bothering him.
"Maybe it's because I just saw two of my closest friend's father get killed right in front of me. Your uncle. And there was nothing I could do. Elu and Eyota screamed in horror and I just stood there like an idiot. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me lately. I'm having almost no visions anymore and it's messing with my head." He said covering his eyes. I know he's under a lot of stress. It's taking a toll on him mentally and physically. I felt guilty that he had to carry all this by himself. He shouldn't have to.
"It's ok Dravin, I'm sure they don't blame you for what happened, it was that psycho Analu who can't let his precious royal throne be threatened." I said.
"It doesn't matter if they blame me or not, because I blame myself for doing nothing. I've been so distracted lately." He he grabbed his hair in frustration.
"Distracted? With what?" I asked confused. He stood up suddenly.
"With everything. You getting pregnant, the wedding. The whole Alec, Thorne problem. Which is somehow fine now. I shouldn't have to keep worrying about a fragile little human who needs me ever second of the damn day when I have other things to worry about. I can't handle everything." I felt like my heart was shattered into a million pieces. That broke me, that he'd even say that. Is that what he really thinks of me?
"Well I'm sorry you feel that way, maybe I should just leave with my parents when they get here and go back to Chicago and take our babies away from you and forget you ever existed if you can't handle everything." I made quotations with my fingers. I only said that to make him feel sorry for acting the way he was, I didn't actually think he'd agree with me.
"Maybe you should. Because I can't deal with this all right now. I mean I'm about to be a father, I'm scared out of my mind. I don't know the first thing about being a father is and frankly I don't know if I want to be one anymore." He looked directly in my eyes when he said that. I was shocked. I can't believe he's saying these things to me. I felt my throat begin to burn from holding back tears. I didn't want to show him my weak side in this situation. I wanted to feel strong and voice my side of the argument. But being pregnant makes that impossible to do.
"This isn't you talking, you're just upset and I understand that, but for you to say all these hurtful things to me isn't helping your current situation." I said trying my best to hold it together. He got in my face. I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks.
"This is me, you just haven't seen me pissed off before because I try and hide my anger from you. Because I know I'll get a damn lecture. And can you back up? I can hear your heart pounding in my ears." He covered his ears with his hands. Back up? He's the one who got in my face. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, this was a side of Dravin I've never seen before and I didn't like it at all. He's like a completely different person now. A mean and cruel one who I didn't want to know anymore.
"I can't believe you just said that. I had no idea you felt that way about us. I'm not leaving Romania if that's what you're trying to get me to do. And I'm not leaving you because I love you and I know you love me!" I raised my voice at him. He then lunges at me and slams me against the wall harshly. He had my arms pinned to my sides and I couldn't move.
"I want you to leave because I never want to see your face again. Understand?" He whispered.
"Dravin let go, you're hurting me." I screamed. His eyes were ruby red and he was scaring me. He inched closer to my neck licking his lips.
"Dravin stop, you're scaring me." He kept staring at my neck inching closer and closer.
"Let go of me." I screamed. I tried pushing him away with everything I had and still he didn't budge. I even tried kicking him. Still nothing worked. He pierced my skin with his sharp teeth and I screamed in horror. Within seconds Thorne entered the room and ripped Dravin away from me holding him roughly by the throat.
"Dravin! What the hell are you doing? She's pregnant for God's sakes." Thorne said angrily. He looked into Dravin's eyes and found his answer.
"You need to get ahold of yourself." He said grabbing his face. Thorne pushed him further away from me. Dravin seemed to come back from his weird episode. Dravin was shaking with fear and hyperventilating.
"Oh my god, Alissa I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of those things I said. It wasn't me talking." He inched closer to me and I took a step backwards. I closed my eyes in fear that he'd try again.
"Please don't be afraid of me, I'm so sorry." He said on the verge of tears. Tears gently rolled down my flushed cheeks from the hurtful words he'd said. And how rough he was with me.
"I can't, I see you differently now. I need some time away from you." I broke down crying.
"Alissa please don't do this, I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you. You know that." He cried harder now.
"But you did. I can't be around you right now. Thorne can you please take me to my room?" He nodded his head. He grabbed my arm and gently led me out into the hall.
"You need to control yourself, you need to feed. You've done enough for now." Thorne looked at Dravin and scolded him. I was shocked at how protective Thorne was being of me. As he led me to my room I could hear the faint cries of Dravin. I felt bad for leaving but my heart was broken. We got back to my room and Thorne shut the door quietly behind him. Gently sitting me on my bed and sat next to me making sure I was ok.
"Let me see." He brushed the hair away from my neck. I tilted my head to the right. He touched the marks Dravin had left. My neck was a bit sore.
"Just a nip, you'll be ok. I'll make sure he's under control."
"What the hell was that? I've never seen that side of him before." I said still in shock. Thorne continued to look me over. He grabbed my arms and inspected them. I'm sure they'll be bruised from Dravin's tight grip.
"He has a problem when he doesn't have enough blood in his system. It's like when a diabetic has too much insulin. It makes him do and say things he doesn't mean. It's gotten worse over the past couple years. He just needs to feed and he'll be good as new." I nodded.
"He sounded like he meant every word that was coming out if his mouth. He really hurt me." I rubbed my shoulder.
"You can't let him get to you, he's said things to me before, like how he wished he never came to get me and how he was better off without me in his life. How I was an inconvenience. He kept apologizing to me decades after it happened. The guilt really took a toll on him. He's not himself when he has an episode and you have to just brush it off. He doesn't mean it."
"Why were his eyes red?" I asked.
"When every new vampire is created, we have red eyes and then our natural color comes back after about two weeks. Also when we need to feed. It's like a clock. Even if we try and put it off as long as possible our eyes turn red and other people will know. So we try not to let it get that bad. Back then the humans would gather as many vampires as they could find and drain them of their blood so their eyes would stay red. And to torture them. To show the people there were monsters living amongst them, and to never trust a vampire. Dravin has been under a tremendous amount of stress and he tends to forget to feed, and ends up saying things he regrets." I guess I'll have to remember that for future reference.
"I'm just glad this happened now instead of when my parents were here. That would be a whole other story I don't feel like telling them. They'll be here tomorrow." I said sighing.
"I promise he'll be ok once he's fed. I'll make sure he does." He said. That made me feel better knowing Thorne would look out for him.
"Are you nervous about seeing your parents?" He asked. Trying to change the subject of Dravin.
"A little, they're probably going to think I'm crazy for being pregnant so young, but there's nothing I can really do about that now can I?" I laughed slightly.
"I'm sure they'll be shocked at first, but you're their daughter, they can't stay mad at you forever or judge you too harshly for your decisions. They love you." He said kindly. I smiled.
"Thanks Thorne, for making me feel better. And for getting me out of that situation. And for being so sweet to me." I grabbed his hand.
"You're welcome. Don't be too hard on Dravin. Even after all the hurtful things he's said. He truly doesn't mean it. He loves you more than anything." He reassured me.
"I won't, and I love him too, but I don't feel safe with him right now. I'm scared to even be alone in my room." I felt like crying again.
"Then I'll stay with you, if you want?" Why is he so wonderful? And why is he so much like Alec? It's like universe was playing a trick on me.
"You will?" I asked surprised.
"Of course, I'll protect you if you don't feel safe. And the babies. When are they going to be here anyway. I know you said sometime in the fall but I think maybe you'll deliver sooner." He's probably right about that.
"Yeah I'm like a house now. I can barely move anymore and it's only been 2 months I think. Honestly I've lost track. I thought I was supposed to be 5 months pregnant before I could give birth?" I rubbed my back.
"Liliana told you this?" He frowned. I nodded.
"Maybe she meant three instead of five months?"
"She seemed pretty confident in her answer so I don't know what to say." I said.
"That doesn't make any sense though, you're showing like you're 5 months as it is." He said. I sighed.
"I know and I don't know why. They'll be coming earlier than expected I guess. I was really hoping to fit in my wedding dress. I guess the wedding will have to wait. I still didn't tell Dravin about the other night. How I was in pain." I felt bad for not telling Dravin when I promised Thorne I would.
"You should have told him. He deserves to know. I think my mom can help you, she's had four kids of her own you know?" He made a good point.
"I think that's a good idea, but come with me, I don't want to even look at Dravin for at least a couple days.
"I'll come with you but by the looks of things it looks like you'll be going into labor anytime now. You can't avoid him forever."
"I know, and I'm so scared that I'll deliver early, I want him there with me but I don't know how I feel about it now."
"He'll want to be there for the birth if his children Alissa. That I know." He's right. And I can't take that away from him.
"I'm scared. I don't know what to expect." I rubbed my temple.
"You'll be fine, everything will be ok. Would is make you feel better if I was in the room?" He looked at me with those kind blue eyes and how could I say no to that?
"Would you? I'd feel more comfortable with you there, if you don't mind?" I'm so thankful for Thorne. He's honestly the best.
"I don't mind at all, I've never seen an actual birth take place before but I'm sure everything will be just fine. Don't worry." He tried to put my mind at ease.
"I've heard story's of people breaking the rules of the Crystal Rose. And it scares me because we technically did break the rules." I said trying not to cry again.
"The Crystal Rose council are horrible people, in my opinion they don't have a say in what people do or who they love. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or the babies. And neither is the rest of the family. They won't know unless someone tells them and no one knows except us and Elu and Eyota right?" He asked concerned.
"Right. And Liliana, but she said she wouldn't tell."
"I trust that she will keep her word. She's loyal." He said.
"Good. I feel a little better now." I felt safe and I wasn't anxious anymore.
"I'm glad. Let's change the subject to a happier note." He readjusted his sitting position and crossed his legs.
"Have you two picked names yet?"
"We discussed names but everything Dravin picked I hated. I have two names in mind and I want to surprise him on the day they're born." I hope he likes the names I chose.
"That sounds nice, he'll like that."
"I hope so because I love the names I chose. I think we're having two girls but I'm not sure." I can only hope.
"Dravin has always wanted a daughter, so I'm sure he'll be happy with two."  Thorne smiled widely.
"That's good to hear, I was scared that he wanted a son and that he wouldn't get what he wanted." I looked at the floor.
"He'll be happy with whatever, he didn't even think he'd ever have a family until he met you. He's a kind person, remember that next time you two have an argument." He's right again.
"Just think, pretty soon you'll be able to kick his ass and not think twice about it." He looked happy about that.
"I'm excited, I'll be strong like him and no more feeling like a helpless nothing." He frowned.
"You're not a helpless nothing, you're strong and brave and kind and that's what matters." He squeezed my hand. Thorne was like Alec in every way, always making me feel like I'm the best person ever and for always telling me how important I am when I doubt myself. I love them both so much.
"What are you going to do if you go into labor when your parents are around? They'll be able to figure out that the math doesn't add up." He pointed to my belly. That's something I'm not looking forward to.
"I know they'll think I lied to them and nothing is going to make sense to them. I don't know what to do."
"You could ask Gray to make them forget if you're nervous about them finding out that we're vampires. If they happen to find out." That's a good idea.
"Maybe I will, they wouldn't be able to handle everything and they'd think I'm crazy." I said. Am I crazy?
"It'll be a shock to them no doubt, and I think it'll be best if they never found out about us." I don't know what I'd do without Thorne.
"I agree, I don't want them to know. We'll just have to be extra careful." I said.
"I'll make sure they don't find out." He said reassuringly.
"Thanks, I think I want to go see Maura now before I change my mind and back out." I said. I wanted to get this over with.
"Ok. Sure." He nodded. He helped me stand. We walked out of my room and down the stairs. Looking for Maura. I prayed Dravin didn't come out of his room. I didn't want to see him.
"Mom, are you home?" Thorne shouted.
"In here honey." She sounded like she was in the kitchen. We entered the kitchen and saw Maura baking. I've never seen her cook before.
"Whatcha doing mom?" Thorne asked.
"I'm making a pie for Alissa's parents. Did you need something sweetie?" She spoke sweetly.
"Alissa wanted to ask you something." He said and looked at me. Maura's big Emerald eyes looked at me kindly.
"What is it sweetheart?"
"I umm, was wondering if I could talk to you about uh." I didn't exactly know how to ask her. Thorne starts to speak.
"She's nervous about when the babies come."
"Oh honey, why didn't you say so? You have nothing to worry about." She hugged me tightly. Her scent was very calming to me, her freshly shampooed hair tickled my nose and I inhaled deeply. Her hair smelled like fresh roses.
She cupped my cheek.
"I'm not going to lie to you, it'll hurt a lot, but it'll be so worth it to hold your baby in your arms. There are no words to describe how happy you feel, and how you want to love and protect your baby with everything you have. You and Dravin will be wonderful parents." I started to cry.
"I'm just so scared about everything. My parents finding out about you, the babies coming early, the wedding, Dravin and I aren't speaking at the moment, me giving birth." I felt overwhelmed.
"Babies?" Her eyes widened. I nodded. I wiped the tears from my eyes.
"We're having twins."
"That's wonderful. I'm so happy. Don't worry sweetheart, everything is going to be ok. We'll take care of the wedding plans and your parents. And Did I hear you correctly? You and Dravin aren't speaking? Why? What happened?" She looked at Thorne.
"He nearly bit her. He's low on blood again and he said some pretty awful things." He scratched the back of his neck.
"I'm so sorry honey. I know Dravin doesn't mean what he says, he's just going through a lot right now." She smiled her warm smile. She definitely made me feel a lot better.
"I know, but he showed me a side of him I never thought I'd see. He pinned me against the wall and made it so I couldn't move my arms and nearly fed on me." I wiped my tears.
"He did that? She asked shocked. She looked at Thorne.
"If he ever lays a hand on her again you let me know. He can't keep doing this to himself and to the people he loves." He nodded his head.
"I'll make sure he's in line." He said.
"Good. Now why don't we go to my office and let me examine you?" She said. What? Is happening? Dravin never said anything about his mom being a doctor.
"Office? Examine?" I asked confused. We walked into a small room that was set up like a doctor's office but it was more relaxed like a spiritual place.
"She's a Doctor. Thorne said.
"Really? I asked surprised. Dravin never told me."
"Well I'm not technically a real medical doctor by the country. I'm special." She winked at me.
"Special how?" I asked.
"She's like a medicine woman, helps heal people with her herbs and stuff. If the herbs don't work she uses our blood." Thorne spoke very proudly of his mother.
"The herbs are basically a coverup, so they don't suspect anything." Maura said. That makes sense.
"Wow I had no idea. That's pretty amazing . I wonder why Dravin didn't tell me?" I frowned. What else is he not telling me?
"He doesn't like my methods, that's why I didn't even mention it to you, he thinks people will start to talk about how they were magically healed and put us in danger if they find out what I'm really giving them." She said with a half smile
"But you're saving people. Surely he'd do the same thing if given the chance?" I tried to defend her.
"I'm glad you see it that way. And I can't speak for him, he's stubborn." She said shaking her head.
"Now, please lay down on the table and I'll take a look." She motioned to a table. It looked rather comfy to be honest. Pillows and blankets were everywhere. I laid on the table and she lifted my shirt, exposing my bare stomach.
"If you've been a doctor all this time, why haven't I been seeing you like every week to tell me how the babies are doing?" I asked confused.
"I don't have any experience with vampire/human children, so I don't know anything about a vampire pregnancy. I've only delivered two babies in my life and they were both human. And I don't give ultrasounds, I prefer doing it the old fashioned way." She said kindly.
"And what way is that?" I asked.
"By feeling your stomach, make sure everything is normal." She said.
"She was doubled over in pain the other day. It lasted for about 30 seconds." Thorne said.
"Have you had any pain since then?" Maura asked.
"No, just the other night when Dravin was gone." Maybe the babies didn't like him being away. She continued to examine my stomach, pushing on certain areas and asked if I was in pain.
"Here?" She pressed hard.
"Ouch! I winced in pain. Yeah right there."
"The babies are getting too big for your stomach, that's why you're showing more than you should. You'll need a Caesarean section if they grown any bigger. One of their feet is pushing on your spleen." That sounds bad.
"So what does that mean? I need a Caesarean section either way?" I asked scared.
"Your time of conception says about three months. But your body says the babies are already at almost 7 months. You won't be able to carry them much longer before something bad happens. It's not safe. So I suggest you either have a caesarian soon or I can give you something to make you go into labor now naturally. If you prefer to have a natural birth."
"Will the babies be ok if they're born early?" I asked scared.
"They'll be fine, they're practically ready now. It's amazing really I've never seen anything quite like it before. You're mind is telling you that you're only 3 months pregnant, but the babies are almost at full term, that's why you're so uncomfortable." She made is sound nicer than saying I'm huge and look like a house.
"I guess vampire pregnancies are much quicker than Liliana thinks. When should I decide my decision before it's too late?" I asked.
"I'd say you have about 3 days, then you need to make a decision. It's not safe for you if the babies get any bigger." She continued to examine me.
"Ok. Thank you." I smiled slightly. I was kinda nervous now to be honest. And I should probably discuss this with Dravin. When he's under control and of sane mind.
"Of course sweetheart. Don't be afraid I'll be right there with you when the babies come. Whatever you choose."
"Thank you. I appreciate your help. And I'm glad I'll have you there with me." I pulled my shirt down and got off the table.
"I have to call my parents and tell them not to come home early. Plans have changed. And it's not safe for them to be around me or know at all about my pregnancy." I said.
"You aren't going to tell them?" Maura asked.
"I'm not telling them anything. For their own safety. And for my sanity."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Dravin and Alissa are going through a lot right now. Hopefully things get better for them. Or not?☺️

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