All hell breaks loose.

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Dravin POV.
Gray and I arrived at Elu's at noon. Like always Eyota greeted us outside.
"Hey. She says with a warm smile. Thanks for coming."
"No problem, are you guys ready?" I asked.
"Physically yes, mentally I'm scared out of my mind." Her heartbeat elevated. It pounded slightly in her chest.
"I can understand that, it's going to be a little scary facing your insane uncle and claiming your thrones as alpha." I put my hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her.
"Not helping Dravin." Eyota smacked my side.
"Sorry, but I'm a little nervous myself, I'm not gonna lie. It'll be ok" I half smiled. Adahy and Elu came out of the house.
"Hey Gray, what are you doing here?" Elu asks in a cheerful tone.
"I think it's better to have more than one vampire to help, and I know Dravin can't do this without me." He punched my arm. I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever." I walked up to Elu and grabbed his chin, inspecting his wounds. And to make sure he was ok.
"Well, don't you look shiny and new again." He looked as if nothing had happened the other night, except for the giant scar that traced down his neck.
"Yeah thanks to you. That wolf practically handed my ass to me. If you weren't here to help me I would have died." Hearing that made my heart break. I love Elu like a brother, and I don't know what I what have done if I couldn't save him.
"Don't think anything of it man, you're family and family means you always have their back. I'm sorry I wasn't here when the wolves came. I should have been." I shifted my gaze away from his eyes.
"Don't beat yourself up over it, it's ok. They came in the night so it's not like you could have prevented that." Just then it hit me. I should have been able to see this coming. Why didn't I?
"Yes I should have, I can see the future for gods sake, why the hell didn't I see that coming? It's like everything is crumbling down, and I don't know why." I rubbed my head in frustration.
"Hey it's ok, if you knew you would have said something. Don't beat yourself up over it Dravin." Elu patted my shoulder. I was so confused about why my visions were blocked. I had to think for a second.
"Dravin, are you ok?" Eyota looked at me with concerning eyes.
"What? Oh yeah, we should get going." I shook my head.
"Wait! Marlena came out of the house . I'm ready too." She had on a bright blue backpack and acted as if she were coming with us.
"Whoa! Where do you think you're going?" Elu put his hand in front of his sister from stepping any further.
"With you guys, you need a strong wolf to help protect you. I'm not a baby, I'm 16." She frowned.
"I appreciate it, but you're staying here, it's too dangerous for young pups like you. You remember what happened the other night don't you?" Marlena looked down at the ground not wanting to relive that horrible night.
"Yes." She said quietly.
"I don't want that to happen to you, ok? She nodded. Come here. Elu hugged his youngest sister. Be good and stay here. We'll be back as soon as we can."She nodded.
"That's a good girl, obeying your brother's orders." Adahy said brushing the hair away from Layna's blue eyes.
"Love you dad." She hugged him tightly.
"Love you too sweetheart." He kissed her forehead. Marlena waved goodbye as we all got in Elu's car.

Elu drove while his father sat next to him, I sat next to Eyota and Grayson was in the back

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Elu drove while his father sat next to him, I sat next to Eyota and Grayson was in the back. It took about 25 minutes to get to the pack house. We drove in silence. I looked out the window trying to figure out what was going on with me, I couldn't see anything anymore just bits and pieces and sometimes I'd go a whole day without having a vision and I have no idea why.
My thoughts were interrupted once again.
"We're here." Elu says. That was fast. I thought.
"It's been so long since I've seen this place." Adahy says in a raspy tone.
"We've got incoming. I said. To your left."  Two large men walked up to the car. Elu rolled down the window.
"We're here to see my uncle." Elu said in a cocky attitude. The taller of the two men had four claw marks on his right cheek down his neck and spoke.
"Don't you look better. I thought you were a goner after I had left you." The wolf smiled devilishly.
"I'm stronger than you think, looks like I got you pretty good." Elu smirked looking at the nice gash he'd left in the man's face.
"Now where's my uncle?" He said again.
"Follow us your majesty." He said sarcastically. We followed them until we were standing in front of a large two story log cabin. A loud voice boomed through the air.
"Hello Brother." A man who looked similar to Adahy spoke. He was on the balcony above.
"Analu, you look the same as when I left you all those years ago, how is that possible?" Adahy looked concerned.
"Oh don't worry about that, you changed I see. You look weak. He turned his head looking at Elu. I see my nephew is alive."
"Yeah thanks to my brother, you dick." Gray yelled.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Bringing two vampires to a wolfpack isn't very smart brother, you know better. And to bring Silvano's? I can smell their tainted blood from here." He smelled the air like it reeked a pungent odor. I just stared at him coldly. I know he hates my kind, but he hates my family even more.
"When you threaten my family I'll do whatever necessary to keep them safe." Adahy snapped back.
"If it makes you feel any better Elu was never meant to get hurt, I sent them after you." Analu paced the balcony back and forth.
"Why? What have I done?" Adahy asked.
"You left us, you knew what would happen if you returned to Romania, you're banned from the pack. Did you think you could hide from me? How is it that you found out anyway? That your children were still alive? No one has contact with you from the pack so I wonder who you've been talking with? Who told you?"
"That's none of your business." I yelled. He must never find out that Alissa is the one who made their meeting possible. Or that she's related to them.
"How dare you speak to me Silvano, you know I can't stand you or your family. I'll find out eventually, it's just a matter of time." He said with venom in his tone.
"I only came for one purpose, to see my children. You told me my children were dead when I came back all those years. Why?" Adahy raised his voice.
"Because I had plans for them and I knew you'd disapprove and ruin everything. Like you always do." Analu was getting on my nerves.
"What plans?" Elu asks. Analu's eyes shift over to his nephew.
"I tried to keep you from turning, tell you things like your father never cared about you or even bothered to look for you, hoping you wouldn't want to become like him and stay as a human. If you did turn, you would over power me and you'd become alpha. I can't have that. I'm the rightful alpha and you know it!" Analu's words stabbed the air like a knife.
"How would you have stopped us from turning? We have no control over our wolves once we turn 18." Eyota asks.
"There's always a way, I planned to persuade you into wanting to stay human, a witch would have given me the elixir for you to drink to suppress your wolf. But you two are so stubborn just like your father. He ground his teeth.
No wolf = No alpha. No alpha=No threat to me."
"My children are the rightful alphas of this pack, I was chief and therefore my children will become alphas and rule in my place. I gave you my rank, made you alpha, you knew I'd do so if I thought my children were dead!" Adahy was spiraling. He needed to be careful with his actions.
"You're right I did! Do you wish to challenge your alpha for dominance?" Analu raised a brow. He had a thirst for battle at any chance he got.
"I want you dead for all the pain you've caused me, making me think I'd lost my son and daughter, my own flesh and blood. Just so you could have my position as alpha. You've always been so jealous of me, everyone thought I was a kind and selfless ruler, except one person. YOU!" Adahy was getting angrier by the second.
"You were too kind, that makes you weak. They didn't fear you like they should have. An alpha is supposed to be feared, that shows authority." Analu growled loudly.
"An alpha is supposed to protect their pack, put others before themself. That's what makes you a strong leader. I should have killed you when I had the chance." Adahy's growl rumbled deep inside his chest.
"Then what's stopping you brother? Come and fight me like a real man!" Analu screamed.
"Dad. Elu says with concern in his voice. We didn't come here to fight."
"Elu this man ruined my life, my own brother betrayed me." Adahy's eyes were turning ice blue and a large snarl was let out.
"Dad calm down." Eyota says. The fear in her voice made me shudder.
It was too late. Analu had phased into a huge black wolf and leaped over the balcony landing on top of Adahy with a thud.

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