Bad moon rising

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On our way home from Elu and Eyota's, I couldn't help but think about our conversation at lunch

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On our way home from Elu and Eyota's, I couldn't help but think about our conversation at lunch. Could Marlena really be their sister? It's way to big of a coincidence. Right?
I was going through in my head what I was going to say to her, I barely even talk to her as it is, she's probably going to think, why the hell is she calling me?
"You ok? Dravin asks looking at the road in front of us. You've been pretty quiet since we left."
"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking. I don't know what I'm gonna say when I talk to Marlena." I had a knot in my stomach. I was anxious.
"I'm sure everything will be fine." He says reassuringly. I smiled slightly. We got back home and I headed upstairs to my room and shut the door. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. It rang twice. Here goes nothing.
"Hello?" The voice was young sounding.
"Umm hi, Marlena?"
"Yes." She said confirming.
"It's Alissa." I didn't really know how to break into a weird conversation just like that.
"Oh hi." She said confused. I exhaled deeply.
"Ok I'm just going to ask you, has your dad ever talked about having kids with a previous woman?" I just have to be blunt if I'm to get some answers.
"Yes he has." She says calmly.
"Do you know her name?" I hoped this wasn't a total shot in the dark.
"Dakota. What's this about Alissa?" My heart sank.
"Ok, I moved to Romania and the family I'm staying with have friends who are twins, their father's name is Adahy, and their mothers name is Dakota, I didn't think anything about it until I remembered them saying their fathers name. We think that is possible that you have the same father." I was rambling like a crazy person.
"Is your dad home? I need to speak with him please." There was silence on the other end of the phone.
"Layna? Are you there?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm here." Great she's in shock.
"Can I please talk to your dad?" I asked again.
"Yeah sure hold on." She says passing the phone to her dad.
"Hello Alissa, how are you?" The voice was kind and gentle.
"I'm good, listen I have something important to tell you." I tried my best to piece everything together so he'd understand.
"Is everything ok? Why is Layna crying?" He said. Why is she crying? Does she know?
"Yes everything is fine, is it possible that you could have twins?" I heard him start to cry on the phone.
"Yes, I did almost 18 years ago, but I found out that they had passed away after I left. I couldn't go on without my wife Dakota, she died giving birth so I left them with their grandparents and moved to the U.S. I went back to get them, but my brother Analu had told me they had passed away shortly after I left so I made him chief of the tribe, I never forgave myself for leaving them and I vowed never to leave my family again after I met your Aunt Rain." Why would anyone say they were dead when clearly that's not true? That's doesn't make sense.
"Well I have some good news Uncle Adahy. I said hoping he'd be happy.
"They're alive, they're not dead."
"What? How could you possibly know that?" He sounded upset.
"Because I moved to Romania and the family we're staying with knows the twins. I'm positive it's them, they told me their parents names."It was quiet for a moment.
"If that's true, what are their names?" I could sense that he was testing me to make sure I was telling the truth.
"Elu and Eyota, I've met them." He broke down crying on the other end.
"Oh my god I thought they were dead all this time. I can't believe it. Thank you so much for telling me Alissa, I'm going to book the next flight out there ASAP. Please tell them that I love them so much and that I'm coming to see them." He sounded so relived and happy.
"I will, I promise."
"Thank you." He said in a whisper. He ended the call. I called Eyota as soon as I ended the call with my Uncle.
"Hey Alissa! Any news?" She sounded eager.
"That's why I'm calling, I talked to Marlena and everything you thought is true. I even talked to your dad, he said that he thought you were dead, he cried a lot.
"What? How could he think his children were dead?" She sounded shocked and angry.
"He told me that he came back for you and Elu, but his brother had told him that shortly after he left you both died, that's when your dad made him chief."
"Oh my god! He told our father we died so he could become chief, our grandmother didn't tell us that part, she was probably in on it, since she was mad at my father for turning our mother. I can't believe this." Eyota said.
"He said that he loves you both very much and that he's catching the next flight to Romania to see you." I hope my uncle was being true to his word.
"Oh my god thank you Alissa, thank you so much!" I was glad I could do this for them.
"What are friends for?" I said. I'll see you next week during the full moon."
"Ok see you then, thank you again Alissa, bye." I ended the call. I couldn't believe that my Uncle was their father. I stuck my head out my room and called Dravin.
"DRAVIN. He was upstairs faster than I could blink.
Did you hear?" I raised by brow.
"Yes I did, I honestly can't believe it, Elu and Eyota must be thrilled." He said happily.
"She seemed pretty happy. I'm glad I could help them. I wonder when my uncle will get here and what my parents are going to think when they see him. If they ever do. That should be fun. Yeah right.

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