It can't be.

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I looked at my Uncle in shock. I was paralyzed with fear.
"What are you talking about? How do you know that?" I asked. This is impossible, I can't be pregnant. I was terrified inside.
"I can smell it, it's my wolf that senses it, you're smell has changed. Your natural scent is vanilla, that's how I would describe it. Now you smell like lavender and vanilla. Same thing happened when I found out Dakota was pregnant." I swallowed hard in fear.
"I can't be. I probably looked crazy because my eyes were very wide in disbelief. How is this even possible?" I said nervously.
"I'm not sure, but all I know is that you are in fact pregnant." He stared angrily at Dravin. He looked a little concerned.
"Dravin? Are you ok?" I asked in almost a whisper. He was scared, I really hadn't seen this side of him before and it kind of scared me, he wouldn't even look at me.
"Yeah." He says playing with his ring, still not looking at me. I put my hand on his cheek and made him look at me. He faced me, but his eyes were closed.
"Open your eyes." I whispered. He did, and what I saw sent chills down my spine. His eyes weren't emerald green anymore, they were ice blue, from the shock of the news.
"It's ok, I'm not angry with you. I said reassuring him. It'll be ok" He gives me a weak smile and takes my hand in his.
"I didn't think it was possible, I had visions of us having children, but I had no idea how it would work because I'm technically not supposed to be able to have children biologically, and I certainly didn't think they would come so soon." He looked worried, which made me worry. Elu cleared his throat. Dravin and I were pulled back to reality, forgetting that we were sitting at the table with 3 other people.
"In all my years on this earth I never thought I'd see the day where a vampire human child would be conceived. It's unnatural." My uncle says shaking his head in disbelief. Surly this sort of thing has happened before. Right? I kept asking myself.
"I have no idea how I'm going to tell my parents. Where the hell do we even go to check this sort of thing out?" I was starting to loose my mind at this point.
Dravin cupped my face.
"Hey, it's going to be ok, I think the first thing we should do is tell my parents and then go from there. They'll know what to do."
"Ok." I said exhaling.
"I think you should go after breakfast, we can handle the plan, you have more important things to worry about now." Elu said kindly.
"Are you sure? I want to help but I'm not sure how much help I'd be at this point, I'm sorry." I said feeling a little guilty.
"It's ok Alissa, we can come up with a plan and tell you and Dravin when we figure things out, I know you want to help but i think it's best if Dravin stays with you and calls to check in when he can." I nodded my head in agreement. Eyota smiles reassuringly. I took a deep breath.

After breakfast we said our goodbyes and drove home. My mind was going 100 mph thinking of how this could be possible and why we weren't more careful. I mean it's possible right? I kept asking myself over and over. Why wouldn't it be?
"We need to tell your parents first and then we can tell everyone else, I don't want Ambrosia to be in a worse mood than she normally is." I said while looking out the window.
"Ok, but I honestly couldn't care less what Ambrosia thinks, she's been a bitch to you ever since you got here and I'm tired of her crap. Now that you're pregnant there's not much she can do about getting rid of you if that was her plan all along. He said focusing on the road.
"I don't think she would try and get rid of me, she knows how happy you are and even though she doesn't like me she wouldn't take away her brother's happiness. She still has a heart even if it's a cold one." I assume. I had a thought pop into my head.
"How are we going to find out if I truly am pregnant? Will it even read if I take a pregnancy test? Maybe my uncle was wrong?" A sudden shift in his seat and I knew he was upset with me.
"Do you want him to be wrong?" He said bitterly. Where did that come from? I frowned.
"I don't know Dravin, I'm still a teenager, not even married yet, I don't know if I'm ready to be a parent now." I didn't want to lie to him, I mean I'm scared and sorta happy and......I don't know.
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see then, won't we?" He said in a snobby way. He stared out the windshield with no expression. A minute ago he was scared as hell and now he's mad at me for not wanting to be pregnant this early in our relationship?
"Are you really mad at me right now?" I said getting upset.
"Well you obviously aren't happy about the thought of it being true." He clenched his jaw.
"I never said I wasn't happy, all I said was I'm not sure if I'm ready, and can you honestly say that you're ready? We haven't even been dating for very long, to bring a baby into the mix of everything might not be the best thing at the moment." I crossed my arms.
"I've been waiting my entire immortal life for you, do you know how long that was? If you are pregnant than I'm happier than you'll ever know. I'm ready to start living this part of my life. I mean sure, we could have waited but I'm not sorry this happened if it's true." I was getting more upset.
"You can't expect me to just catch up where you've left off, I haven't lived as long as you have. You've had longer to think about what you want." I rubbed my head in frustration.
"That's a perfect example of how I feel about changing you into a vampire." His words made my stomach drop. I didn't think about that. I understand how he feels now.
"If it's true, then I'm happy. Ok?" I snapped back.
"Fine, whatever you say." He rolled his eyes. He's such an ass. I got out of the car and slammed it hard in anger. We walked inside the the front door
searched for Maura and Augustine to tell them the news. We decided to act like we hadn't just had a big fight ten minutes ago. That would be another story I didn't want to talk about.
"Mom, Dad are you here?" Dravin yelled through the house. Both Maura and Augustine entered the living room.
"Hey what's going on? Everything ok?" Maura said with concern in her voice.
"We need to talk." Dravin gestured toward the black leather couch. I inhaled and exhaled trying to calm myself and mentally prepare for what they were about to say. He took my hand in his.
"Alissa is pregnant." They both furrowed their brows but not in an angry way, more of a confused state.
"That's not possible" Augustine said with a frown.
"I don't know how, but Adahy said she was at breakfast this morning." Dravin acted like my uncle was crazy. I can't understand him. He's happy, he's mad, he thinks everything about this is crazy?
"You need to take her to Liliana, she'll know what to do." Maura said looking at me.
"Who's Liliana?" I asked confused.
"She's a friend who's also a witch, she might know something about human/vampire conception." Maura said.
"Has this happened before? Why is everyone acting like it's impossible?" I was starting to feel helpless like no one could tell us anything. I just want some answers so I can put my mind at ease. Whatever the outcome.
"Because it hasn't happened before. That I know of. Augustine said. Vampires and humans don't normally have a relationship with each other. It's forbidden."
"Forbidden by who? There's got to be another human/vampire baby out there somewhere. You can't help who you fail in love with regardless of being a werewolf, vampire, human, witch, or whatever creature it is." I said.
"It's forbidden by the council members of the Crystal Rose." Said Augustine.

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